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View Full Version : Newbie - please help with a few questions (with picts)..Part 1

01-24-2017, 12:57 PM
Thank you for reading!

Background; I'm in the western New York area. I did some reading and built the courage to tap about 20 sugar maples last year (end of February). I bought some "L" shaped tubing connectors from the hardware store to use as taps...collected sap in 1 gallon milk jugs and boiled in two 4-gallon stainless steel containers from the dairy industry. On my first try I collected an even 40 gallons of sap and boiled it down on a make-shift cement block fire pit to just over a gallon...brought it inside and heated it to 219 degrees and ended up with exactly 1 gallon of great tasting syrup! This was a great experience for me and my family (picts from February 2016 below)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s66/dlzack825/IMG_8462_zpsykftj3p6.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/dlzack825/media/IMG_8462_zpsykftj3p6.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s66/dlzack825/IMG_8479_zpsczmaqjf7.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/dlzack825/media/IMG_8479_zpsczmaqjf7.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s66/dlzack825/IMG_8506_zpsji85tp8r.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/dlzack825/media/IMG_8506_zpsji85tp8r.jpg.html)

http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s66/dlzack825/IMG_8537_zps2mssgi8n.jpg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/dlzack825/media/IMG_8537_zps2mssgi8n.jpg.html)

We had a great experience and learned lots!!!

Please see next post for questions (needed to break it up due to photos...sorry, new at this too).



01-24-2017, 06:05 PM
Maple syrup is a fun hobby to do with family and friends. I got into it 2 years ago and keep expanding, I'm you neighbor over here near Akron.