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01-23-2017, 03:36 PM
Anybody use leader check valve adapters with other manufacturers stubbys? If so do they fit right and seal good. Thanks, Jon

01-23-2017, 04:55 PM
I believe over the years I have used Lapierre and CDL . Never had any issues.

Moser's Maple
01-23-2017, 06:09 PM
I used Lapierre zml Stubbys 1 year and had nothing but problems with vacuum leaks. On the flip side I used Lapierre seasonal polycarbonate adapters with leader Stubbys and had the best leak free system I've had in a long time

01-23-2017, 07:22 PM
This is my situation. For the past 3 years we used leader check valve taps and last year on a new section of lines we installed we used Lapierre stubbys with there clear adapters. They worked awesome not one issue, so this year our other section of woods we are putting new drop lines on and the Lapierre stubbys. I talked to leader dealer today about getting the clear check valve adapters for the section of woods we put Lapierre stubbys on last year. He told me they don't fit very tight using Lapierre stubbys and might leak. That's my reason for the original question if anybody has used check valve adapters with other manufacturers stubbys. If they don't work I have 2 options, don't use check valve adapters or take off all the Lapierre stubbys off and install leader stubbys. Thank you for any info