View Full Version : Can Stress cause Dementia?

01-23-2017, 12:44 AM
This is totally off topic and about mental health. We all know that dementia is being widespread now and a recent article online said that chronic stress can lead to dementia. I don't know how far this could be true but a recent study showed that a continual endurance of stressful events can trigger the stress hormones ( glucocortricoids ) which in turn will lead to an atrophy in the brain's hippocampus, the area responsible for memories. This can be true in the case of my grandmother who was diagnosed with dementia a year back. She had a hard life and had to undergo a lot of stress. She is now in an assisted living home in Bridgewood (http://www.prestigecare.com/news.php?story=79) where she is getting proper medical attention. Do you think that stress can cause dementia.I would love to hear everybody's thoughts on this.

01-23-2017, 04:57 AM
My mother-in-law keeps bringing up articles she reads about stress contributing to the onset of dementia/Alzheimer's. Her mother had Alzheimer's when she died (my mother-in-law had her brain sent to a local university for confirmation) and she is stressing herself out now over the fear of developing dementia/Alzheimer's. According to my mother-in-law, keeping a person's brain active can lessen the onset of dementia/Alzheimer's, so she is always taking on activities to "exercise" her brain. My wife and I laugh at her though because her involvement in these activities to "exercise" her brain are stressing her out.

I am no doctor and don't claim to be, but if stress does bring on dementia/Alzheimer's, most members of this forum would have it over the stress they undergo in regards to making syrup each year. Such as worrying about when to tap, was their tapping decision right, is all the equipment ready, etc.


Haynes Forest Products
01-23-2017, 08:20 AM
I can say from personal experience that all the stress leading up to packing up a truck and trailer driving 1300 miles to play in the sport of maple sugaring turns me into a raving lunatic. Now the symptoms tend to subside as the sap starts to flow into the tanks BUT they can reoccur at a moments notice without warning and effect everyone in ear shot. The effects can last for hours or days depending who's fault it is. There are medications for it but that is another story.

Bucket Head
01-23-2017, 04:53 PM
I'd try one of those medications,...if I hadn't spent so much money on sugaring equipment and supplies. Maybe next year.

Seriously, I wouldn't doubt that the stress that we all endure throughout our lives somehow effects our mental state at some point later in life.

Robert K
01-23-2017, 07:24 PM
Well I guess I'm screwed😲😲. If things go south chain me to the evaporator every spring. Keep feeding me wood and sap until I remember or drown.
Gotta check into that med thing,heard they fix other issues too 😳

I would like to see a study on that though.