01-21-2017, 05:43 AM
Thought I would plass along details about a compact, low-cost float switch that I built to support an elevated feed and wash tank, gravity-feed RO design. This item eliminates a) having to run electronics to and drilling holes in a remote feed tank, and b) permits me to insure incoming sap at input to RO unit is sufficient for safe operation. Pictures are attached. 1510515106 Float switch is used to sense when input sap level is too low triggering the RO unit to shut down. Made from sched-40 parts and a Uxcell float switch purchased on amazon for under $2. 2" dia sched 40 PVC parts cost ~$13 at a local Menards including threaded cap permitting future maintenance. Float switch is mounted to engage when resevior floods and is disengaged otherwise. Float switch is mounted in a 13/32 drilled hole and sealed with silicone. Also note, PVC tee and float switch cavity needs to be full bore and horizontally level so that air will not get trapped inside float switch cavity.
Over time I have picked up some wonderfull ideas from other forum members. Hopefully, this does same for others. If anyone has ways to improve/modify, please add.
Over time I have picked up some wonderfull ideas from other forum members. Hopefully, this does same for others. If anyone has ways to improve/modify, please add.