View Full Version : Taps per tree on vacuum

01-20-2017, 06:03 PM
Just wondering what the guidelines are for taps when using vacuum, are the same guidelines followed for tapping or does the number of taps per tree decrease. Thanks for the input

01-20-2017, 06:31 PM
I believe it's 10"-20" one tap, 20"-30" two taps and 30"+ three taps and no more then 3 taps.

01-21-2017, 01:18 AM
There is not a lot of benefit to putting more than 1 tap per tree with vacuum.

01-21-2017, 03:34 PM
So if I am only putting one tap in each tree, how does vacuum produce more sap per tree than on gravity tubing, I would be putting two taps in my big maples(on gravity), so now if I am down to one tap, am I still getting more sap per tree than if I was using two taps with tubing??? Thanks for the input

01-21-2017, 05:28 PM
There is not a lot of benefit to putting more than 1 tap per tree with vacuum.

Huh? I don't known what else to say? You may not double your sap but its well worth it if a large tree. We double tap 18" and up trees, maybe 16" if it is a good healthy tree with a nice crown. But thats it.....we never do 3 taps just because it gets hard to find good wood. Think 30 years down the road not 1 season at a time.

Tap&sap...vacuum sucks sap out of the tree. All other things being equal vacuum will out do gravity 2-3x easily, maybe more.

01-21-2017, 05:40 PM

Tim Wilmont study on 2 taps vs 1 tap. With the appropriate size tree 2 taps is definitely worth it .

01-21-2017, 06:57 PM
Very good read. Thanks for posting

01-21-2017, 09:44 PM
I believe it's 10"-20" one tap, 20"-30" two taps and 30"+ three taps and no more then 3 taps.

I was at a seminar and the speaker conveyed that Center acre or whatever out of Canada has said 1 tap under 20" (up from 18" diameter a few years ago) and no more than 2 for any size tree.

Now of course in my area there is no problem finding tappers putting 3 taps in 10" trees. The "conservative" tappers are found to be putting 2 taps in 12" and 14" trees. There is alot of overtapping going on in my area. Noone seems to care and many think they are professionals.

maple flats
01-22-2017, 11:00 AM
I agree with markcasper, 10"-20" 1 tap, over 20" 2, never more than 2.
The guideline is to keep giving you fresh wood to tap year after year. A mature tree grows slower than a younger tree, just like teen agers vs. the over 30 crowd.

01-22-2017, 12:18 PM
10"-20" 1 tap, over 20" 2, never more than 2.
The guideline is to keep giving you fresh wood to tap year after year. A mature tree grows slower than a younger tree, just like teen agers vs. the over 30 crowd.

I don't get it mapleflats, as mentioned before, many around here WAY overtap, just take a ride. It is disgusting to see and even more when you bring it up with a landowner and then still nothing changes, really baffles me and all their doing is eventually slitting their throat and any future sugarmakers.