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01-19-2017, 09:32 AM
Hi all,
I'm just curious who else is tapping around the capitol region ? Ive seen reports that some out in western NY are tapping and sap is flowing already ! I always come here to see what others are doing before I pull the trigger and start our season. The temps do look favorable to tap , even though I'm no where near ready . We are out on the western edge of Rotterdam , up in the hills, and with that we have a little temp difference than those in the valley areas.

This will be our third year doing Maple syrup. We're up to about 50 taps this year , which is plenty for the wife and me. we do it on a homemade arch with 3 steam tray pans . It seems to work very well .

I'm excited for another Maple season , and hopefully it'll be a good one .

-John VanDenburgh

01-19-2017, 11:06 AM
I'm not sure what everyone is doing. I'm in northern Saratoga county similar to you in the foothills of the Adirondacks and the weather is strange to say the least. I went for a ride this morning to talk to a larger producer just north of me and didn't find anyone around. I also didn't see much sign of anything going on at his sugar shack so I'm sure he is waiting. I'm pretty sure it's going to get pretty cold around here again before it's all over. Last year was super warm here and then a Feb cold snap and still didn't start getting SAP until March 1. I'm small enough I can get everything in in a day or two so I'm not concerned.

01-19-2017, 12:40 PM
Hey! We are down in Schoharie County. I had my son pop a couple of test taps on pails today. He said its running good but there is no way I will tap my main trees this early.

01-19-2017, 07:14 PM
I just tapped 360 on 3/16 gravity. It was running good. I'm in southern Albany county.

01-20-2017, 07:02 AM
One of 4 test taps. less than 24hrs. Hope the picture works...


lakeview maple
01-20-2017, 07:22 AM
Kevin keep us posted on what you get, I'm anxious to see what the new 3/16th lines I ran do.

01-20-2017, 11:04 AM
I had 275 taps on the same system last year and I got 6000+ gallons of sap from them. I tapped January 26th last year and my last boil was April 10th.

01-20-2017, 09:30 PM
One of 4 test taps. less than 24hrs. Hope the picture works...

You sure that's a maple? Never seen grooves that deep on any of mine...decent production all the same.

01-20-2017, 09:32 PM
Seriously considering putting in a few taps with the forecast of high 30s and 40s with below freezing nights for at least the next 10 days. We kicked our last jug of syrup two weeks ago so even if I make enough for our purposes from a couple of my trees further out I'd be pretty happy.

01-21-2017, 03:37 PM
Can't we just have a "normal" winter. This is late January, We should be frozen solid for another good month at least. Hopefully it's not start and stop for another 2 months before the old fashioned normal thaw. Plus I still am procrastinating cleaning my stuff from last year.

01-21-2017, 07:53 PM
53 and sunny here today. No taps in but a few of the Reds were dripping from where I had to trim some branches back. Cool down is coming at the end of the week. Hopefully this is it for a while. As this is just a hobby I don't even think about tapping until Valentine's Day. Too much other stuff going on, not to mention cleaning up the shack before the first boil. Yes, I'd like a 'normal' winter as well.

01-21-2017, 09:12 PM
Im still holding on even though everything looks right. Today kind of put a pitt in my stomach as the ice and snow has turned to that granular variety that you usually get right as sugar season starts. Im just putting the evaporator back together after shortening for the new pans and addition of air over fire. I hope to get this done the next few mornings then have to add the second membrane to the RO. It looks like the paint in the boiling room is going to have to wait for next year i feel im running out of time.

01-21-2017, 09:43 PM
Heard an acquaintance across the border in VT with a much more sizable sugar bush has tapped and started boiling, that's my starting gun to give it a run. Think I'll haul out the bricks for an arch setup down by the house and see how much i can make before it shuts back off..by the way, anyone waiting for "normal winter" I think you might be waiting a bit.

Meanwhile the West Coast is buried in snow and single digits for the last month...if only they had a term for this strange weather inversion.

01-22-2017, 12:25 PM
Buckets are clean, tubing is rinsed, sanitizing the spiles as I type and tapping when my daughter wakes up to come along. Here we go!

01-22-2017, 03:46 PM
Well, my paltry two dozen or so taps are in for a test run - would say 2/3 were running strong, about what I'd expect in early March.

01-22-2017, 04:54 PM
Wait'en till presidents weekend in feb,still working on a new 600 tap installition,but other 2000 are ready to tap!

01-22-2017, 05:01 PM
Wait'en for presidents weekend,unless the weather pattern stays the same.then feb 1st,been work'in on a new 700 tap installation,other 2000 sre ready to be tapped as all repairs have been done

01-22-2017, 06:13 PM
Im with you sugarman3 I took three weeks vacation starting that week.

01-22-2017, 06:38 PM
Im with you sugarman3 I took three weeks vacation starting that week.
Wannabe, where are you tapping? I'm just down the hill from you.

01-22-2017, 07:16 PM
IN Corinth but im going to hold off. Im not ready. The sugarhouse is 80% the vacuum is 80% my line repairs are pretty much done other than replacing 150 drops. Im going to do the drops while tapping. My evaporator is in 100 pieces and im hoping to have that done by Friday. I have a wireless remote camera to monitor my Vacuum and tank and RO that needs to be installed. Everything is packed up in another shed and needs to come out and be cleaned and im waiting on a large order of supplies to finish everything. Im praying it gets cold again at least until the 3rd week of Feb. Wow im having chest pains!! Jeff

01-22-2017, 09:04 PM
IN Corinth but im going to hold off. Im not ready. The sugarhouse is 80% the vacuum is 80% my line repairs are pretty much done other than replacing 150 drops. Im going to do the drops while tapping. My evaporator is in 100 pieces and im hoping to have that done by Friday. I have a wireless remote camera to monitor my Vacuum and tank and RO that needs to be installed. Everything is packed up in another shed and needs to come out and be cleaned and im waiting on a large order of supplies to finish everything. Im praying it gets cold again at least until the 3rd week of Feb. Wow im having chest pains!! Jeff

Don't panic yet, long range forecast suggests you'll get plenty of opportunity - I was largely motivated by the fact we kicked our last jug of last year's syrup the week before last. If I can even make a gallon on this run I'll be feeling pretty good.

Remote wireless camera...note to self.

01-23-2017, 07:26 AM
ADK_XJ Its a Norway Maple.

01-23-2017, 09:45 AM
From Washington County---Cambridge area. Tapped a few days ago. Tweaked the lines. I have about 175 gallons and will boil after one more run.

01-23-2017, 10:13 AM
Holeinthetree my family is all from Cambridge . They live off turnpike road on Brownell corners. The old farm has a nice size sugar bush on the other side of turnpike that I think gets leased out. Jeff

01-23-2017, 10:17 AM
Adk xj what part of Saratoga are you in? I work at quad and pass quite a few buckets on the way in to work.

01-23-2017, 07:43 PM
Adk xj what part of Saratoga are you in? I work at quad and pass quite a few buckets on the way in to work.
I'm right down the hill (mountain, depending where you're from) from you in Corinth - we're down off Parkhurst. Lots of old farm fields with second growth maples along the stone walls around here.

01-23-2017, 07:44 PM
Ran just a tad overnight - think we were missing this freeze that just set in so expecting to see some action tomorrow if it warms up.

01-23-2017, 08:34 PM
I go over that way when i go to Saratoga usually Greene road and Strakos. Ive eyeballed a few plots of land in there cause its only 5 minutes from my house.

01-23-2017, 09:40 PM
I go over that way when i go to Saratoga usually Greene road and Strakos. Ive eyeballed a few plots of land in there cause its only 5 minutes from my house. Nice! I do the same thing - would love to work out a tap lease with someone around here some day. A construction company owns like 1,000 acres of prime land across the roadway behind us...I always wonder about hitting them up.

01-24-2017, 09:39 AM
There are a ton of fields over that way. Find a hedge row full of maples and stop and ask the owner. Most of the time they will let you run lines and leave them up from year to year. I have a friend that does this in Greenwich almost 400 taps all in hedge rows. Offer up a little syrup or offer them a little per tap. For years I've looked for places to tap and now people come to me. I have become more selective usually due to distance from me and access. My daughter just bought property a half mile from me and said I think there may be a few maples on it. Well if 45 to 50 mature sugars and reds are a few then by God she's got a few. Don't tell my wife but this is my summer project.

01-24-2017, 06:21 PM
There are a ton of fields over that way. Find a hedge row full of maples and stop and ask the owner. Most of the time they will let you run lines and leave them up from year to year. I have a friend that does this in Greenwich almost 400 taps all in hedge rows. Offer up a little syrup or offer them a little per tap. For years I've looked for places to tap and now people come to me. I have become more selective usually due to distance from me and access. My daughter just bought property a half mile from me and said I think there may be a few maples on it. Well if 45 to 50 mature sugars and reds are a few then by God she's got a few. Don't tell my wife but this is my summer project.

Nice! Yeah, the mature maple hedgerows are way more common out in Greenwich and washington county in general - my wife is from out that way and I always drool over all the collection tanks and releasers and even a few "road hops" as I call them (the overhead sap transfer lines) that we pass on the way to my inlaws. It's funny, though, I think it's catching on as a pastime out here in Saratoga County finally.

HIt me up if you ever need a hand setting lines up your way. I'm still learning and always interested in meeting folks who share the hobby in this area.

01-26-2017, 07:10 PM
Sugars are all running like champs, only the most sun exposed and mature reds are producing measurable sap so far this week. I've got enough collected to do my first boil on the new (to me) 2x3 flat pan on Saturday.

01-27-2017, 02:58 AM
Over in Washington County, Cambridge area. Boiled about 300 gallons yesterday. Friend 30 minutes south of me boiled a few hundred gallons and drew off two gallons of syrup at the end of the day. He still has a lot of sap remaining in his tanks,

01-27-2017, 05:38 AM
Was that you who sent a pict of your shack to channel 13 yesterday? Bob seemed to know what he was talking about. That doesn't happen often with weathermen.

01-28-2017, 06:56 PM
Assembled this year's block arch today - took advantage of some leftover Durock and beefed up the front panel (hole for a swinging loader door) and the back end with the flue. Set to boil tomorrow!



01-29-2017, 06:53 PM
What a day - fired up around 10:30 and was throwing clouds of steam by 11. Celebrated our neighbor's birthday around the fire and boiled down every drop of sap I had!


01-30-2017, 08:29 AM

Boiled just under 20 gallons on our fryer this weekend. Went through a 30lbs. tank of propane but worth it to get liquid gold.

01-30-2017, 07:30 PM

Boiled just under 20 gallons on our fryer this weekend. Went through a 30lbs. tank of propane but worth it to get liquid gold.

Yikes, thats a lot of propane — I'm finishing off my concentrate from yesterday on the stove as we speak, though. Worth it!

02-06-2017, 03:13 AM
Anyone else in Saratoga county tapping? I usually wait until the 21 of Feb but im on vacation starting the 14 and the weather looks about right. I have a bunch of work to do on the 100 tap woods but the new 50 on 3/16 and the other 65 on vacuum are ready to go. I will try to get the 100 tap bush ready mornings this week but if not ill fire up the vacuum and run the two mainlines while i fix the third. My tanks still need to be plumbed to the RO but im going to do that this morning after work. Head tank needs a good scrubing and hook the feed line to the floatbox. Im not where id like to be right now but alot of the work in the sugarhouse i can do while sweetening the pans. Good luck to all it looks like it is going to get started. Jeff

02-06-2017, 07:48 PM
Tapping in Saratoga hopefully this weekend. Put up new mainline just need to run laterals Saturday and tap Sunday.

02-08-2017, 05:02 PM
Went to bed last night thinking today would be the day to do some chainsaw work in the 100 tap woods. I had a tree fall across a mainline a few weeks back that pulled it to the ground. Well then the ice hit last night. While loading my wood furnace I heard branches breaking all around me. Went to work on the mainline today and found a complete mess. The whole western side of the bush is covered in tree tops and limbs. Luckily there really wasn't anymore damage to my lines. I spent a good part of the morning cleaning paths to my lines and taking branches off them. I'm hoping to finish the RO plumbing tonight and start replacing drops in the morning. Jeff

02-09-2017, 08:53 PM
Went to bed last night thinking today would be the day to do some chainsaw work in the 100 tap woods. I had a tree fall across a mainline a few weeks back that pulled it to the ground. Well then the ice hit last night. While loading my wood furnace I heard branches breaking all around me. Went to work on the mainline today and found a complete mess. The whole western side of the bush is covered in tree tops and limbs. Luckily there really wasn't anymore damage to my lines. I spent a good part of the morning cleaning paths to my lines and taking branches off them. I'm hoping to finish the RO plumbing tonight and start replacing drops in the morning. Jeff
Good number of limbs down in our back 9, too, but luckily no tubing up here yet and so no tubing down either.

That sounds like a mess but think the weather should cooperate before a real warm stretch.

02-15-2017, 08:30 PM
Still have taps in from my late January run and expect them to start flowing again here tomorrow or Saturday and then thinking this is likely the start of the season. Will be curious to see if the taps hold up until bud or if I have to switch some to new trees. The grand experiment!

02-16-2017, 08:46 AM
I put out four taps last night about 8pm, all four were wet. I don't think they flowed very long before the freeze set in, but I was glad to see that my trees are awake. I will put out all of my taps between now and Saturday morning as time permits.

02-19-2017, 04:48 PM
Trees were running today! Reds were slow except the very biggest but my sugars (tapped in January) were going strong:


02-20-2017, 07:38 PM
About half the output today over yesterday but a check on the refractometer is showing 3-3.5% on my sugars and a little less on the reds. I'll chalk the lower production today to the wind. Still, guessing we'll have enough sap to run a couple gallons of syrup by week's end between our trees and our neighbors.

02-21-2017, 08:12 AM
I collected I am guessing about 40 gallons from 23 taps yesterday, a decent day, but not the best day. Some trees definitely gave a lot more than others. Boiled about 40 gallons down to 10 gallons on Sunday, ran out of time to bring it down to syrup, so I have two five gallon pails of sweet buried in the snow until I can boil again this weekend.

02-21-2017, 09:13 PM
I collected I am guessing about 40 gallons from 23 taps yesterday, a decent day, but not the best day. Some trees definitely gave a lot more than others. Boiled about 40 gallons down to 10 gallons on Sunday, ran out of time to bring it down to syrup, so I have two five gallon pails of sweet buried in the snow until I can boil again this weekend.

I'd take 40g from 20 taps all day!

02-23-2017, 05:11 PM
Felt like May today! Think it was probably too warm for a good sap run and really didn't have one, although it was decently cool last night. Tonight it won't go below 38 so doubtful on any additional run tomorrow...luckily I have enough sap in cold storage to do a good boil Saturday or Sunday, whichever day it doesn't rain.

02-25-2017, 08:38 PM
I certainly don't remember a February in the 70s...taps are completely dry two days running but the temp is headed down tomorrow into the next week. Seeing a very ruddy coloring on the tops of the red maples already, may re-tap to focus on the big sugars if things don't kickstart this week.

Still, boiling tomorrow!

03-01-2017, 10:54 PM
In Rensselaer County just east of Troy. Put 70 taps in on February 22nd. All were flowing as soon as I hammered in the spiles. Collected about 130 gallons the following Friday through Sunday. Finished about 3 gallons.

Since I have collected another 100 gallons. Last night I got about 25 gallons. Been really warm hoping for some cold weather. to hold off the trees budding.

Collected about 550 gallons last year starting about the same time and going for about 4-5 weeks on 60 taps.

03-02-2017, 07:06 AM
We tapped on Feb. 20th (Monday). About 60 taps collected 160 (4.75 gallons of syrup) for a boil on that Thursday. Nothing flowing really from Friday to Sunday. Sunday to Tuesday collected 120 gallons (3 gallons of syrup). Wanted to get it processed before the "rain". And of course it didn't rain.

We tapped early last year and the trees ended up drying up early, so we waited a little longer this year.

Albany Tap
03-03-2017, 06:31 AM
I think we had too many warm days in a row for this last good freeze to pay out with anything worth keeping. I am clearly seeing buds on all the reds. I will do a test boil on the next thaw to see, but my guess is that it's not going to be good at all.

03-04-2017, 07:52 AM
Came home from travel to full but frozen solid buckets - 6 degrees today and hoping this is the recharge the trees need. In the meantime, since I boil outside im not planning on doing so till the buckets thaw and it's 30+ out.

03-04-2017, 06:48 PM
I must be the only fool outside boiling tonight. I have a full tank and want it gone for this coming week.going to break everything down tomorrow and clean. The next two weeks weather looks perfect.

03-04-2017, 07:33 PM
I boiled for 8 hours today to get rid of the remaining sap I collected this past week. Unfortunately I was fighting a frozen feed line all day with the cold and the wind. Kept a reserve in buckets to use when it froze. I finally gave up and shut everything down with 30 gallons left. I was just afraid of burning my pan as I was getting tired.

Needless to say I'll be moving my head tank indoors next season.

Here's hoping the season lasts at least another two weeks... or more!

03-04-2017, 07:39 PM
I feel better knowing I'm not the only one boiling tonight. I've been at it since 1:00 with the end in sight. The tank valve keeps freezing and I'm down to thirty in the head tank. When that's gone I'm done. At least I will have some ice in the tank to keep the sap cool this week.

03-11-2017, 05:33 PM
Cant wait to put sides on sugar house it is freezing out. Still have a ton of sap to boil but the valve on tank keeps freezing up. Is any one else still boiling this weekend.

03-12-2017, 01:48 PM
This pretty much sums up my season so far - yeah, that's sap:


03-12-2017, 06:39 PM
You making ice sculptures up there, ADK? Put a handle on that thing and you got yourself one heck of a beer mug!

03-12-2017, 08:31 PM
You making ice sculptures up there, ADK? Put a handle on that thing and you got yourself one heck of a beer mug! Ha! Sap left in there kind of smelled like beer...

03-18-2017, 09:25 PM
No sap In 10 days. My son said about 3 pm he checked the tank at the sugar house and there was a small trickle. As of 930 pm sap is running pretty decent. The sap at the house is clear and 2 percent on all reds. It tastes and smells good. Went to the farm and the releaser was tripping about every 7 minutes and the sap is clear and 2.3 smells and tastes fine but there was a lot of crap floating In the tank kind of like the first run of the year. I pumped it on the ground and rinsed the tank again and the new sap coming in was nice and clear. It is 34 degrees and ice was starting to glaze over the mud puddles so hopefully sap will get going this week.

03-19-2017, 10:58 PM
We have been making dark all season, but after this freeze its all fancy grade. Not sure what happened but glad it did. Saturday was a gusher and Sunday wasn't to bad, this week should be normal season weather so we will see.

03-20-2017, 10:15 AM
After being in Louisiana for a two week work trip, all of my buckets and totes were full and running over and mostly frozen... Dumped them all out Sunday morning and by evening had about 1.75 gallons per tap. This week looks like it should be a great week for sap to flow. Of course the weekend weather does not look great for boiling outside, I guess I will have to put up the pop up tent to keep the rain/snow out of the pans.

04-03-2017, 04:50 PM
Dried up here in the valley. Boiling for the last time. How's everyone else doing?

04-03-2017, 05:47 PM
Hung my hat yesterday. Finished what I had on the evaporator and called it a season. Let the cleanup (and next year's upgrades) begin!

04-03-2017, 07:48 PM
we shut the pump off tonight and have to boil down the remaining 350 gallons. It's been a long season of boiling everyday until 11:00 at night. clean up this week and then on to something else.

02-18-2018, 02:34 PM
Thought I would tap this weekend but then saw 60s and even 70s (!!!) for mid week temps - would be one thing if there was an overnight freeze associated but looks like it will be Thu/Fri for the good cycle.

Probably for the best, my equipment is all still packed away in the barn. What's everybody else in Saratoga County thinking for a tap date?

02-18-2018, 05:36 PM
I was going to tap today but those 60+ days talked me out of it. I'm going to tap Thursday morning rain or shine. I worked in the sugar House today and probably set my tanks and releaser tomorrow. We will see what happens. Jeff

02-19-2018, 10:41 AM
Changed my mind, I'm going to throw up some buckets today with the old 7/16 spouts and see how it goes.

02-20-2018, 09:43 AM
I've got 78 taps (w/buckets) I put in on the 16th and 17th here in Galway and not much has been happening so far. Maybe collected 5 gallons as of yesterday. A lot of my trees are in hemlock woods and shaded. The five reds I have tapped at my house in Ballston Spa did most of the work.


02-20-2018, 09:20 PM
Also in Galway, I tapped 24 trees last week, its been slow so far. I'm planning on tapping more in the next few days and finally finished my boiler today, So I guess I'm actually ready.

02-20-2018, 10:26 PM
Had a solid run here since tapping yesterday - buckets closest to the house (I.e. In the sun) were full when I got home from work and ones in the woods weren't far behind. Expecting a slow down tmrw and Thurs but that's okay. Won't boil until Sunday as it is but we drink the first run of sap anyway as a tonic of sorts for Spring or so my wife says.

02-22-2018, 07:04 AM
I tapped yesturday. The big sugars dripped a bit during tapping but nothing out of the reds. I will fire up the vacuum today and dump it on the ground. Hopefully tomorrow we will get some sap. It seems like it slow going for me this year even though I had stuff ready for some reason it seems like so much more work. Well good luck to all. Jeff

02-23-2018, 01:17 PM
I tapped Saturday and Sunday, over half of the holes were dry when I drilled them. Between Sunday through Wed. (24 taps I think) I collected 40-50 gallons. Dumped 10 gallons that looked to have been quite a bit of brown tree runoff from the rain. Trying to build my cinderblock arch Saturday morning and boil the afternoon away!


02-26-2018, 06:25 AM
We tapped the weekend before valentines day and have made 90 gallons so far. Had a few huge runs.

02-26-2018, 09:31 PM
Looks like a real nice run in our neck of the woods starting tomorrow. Has been sort of hit or miss over the last few days but hoping to do a big boil Sunday.

03-07-2018, 07:17 PM
My first week update. I boiled our first time on 2/26. I have collected to date 960 gallons off 217 taps. The sugar content has averaged 1.8 and I have concentrated to between 8 and 10 percent. So far I have made 10 gallons of dark and 5 gallons of amber. Last year was my biggest year with 33 gallons. Already half way to last year and on track for a 40 gallon goal. We will see what this snow does for us. Good luck to all. Jeff

04-02-2018, 10:19 PM
2018 Final numbers for me are 2300 gallons of sap
1.6 average sugar content raw sap
460 gallons of concentrated sap 8 to 10 percent
14 boils this year
21 hours on the evaperator boiling
42 gallons of syrup
217 taps all on natural or mechanical vacuum
.193 gallons per tap
2/3 cord of oak and maple pallet chunks.

Very good year for me and beat my goal by 2 gallons plus a little left in the evaporator. Only upgrades planned for 2019 reseal the floor in the sugar house and plumb the concentrate and permeate tanks with electric solenoids that can be opened and shut from the RO. I will also retube one bush as the main lines and laterals are 10 years old and showing thir age. Good luck to whoever is still going. Jeff

04-02-2018, 10:53 PM
Still going in duanesburg, 165 taps on buckets this year.

Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk

04-03-2018, 09:12 PM
I pulled my taps yesterday. It had slowed down enough and the sap in the buckets was rather poor in quality. I dumped it all. Probably a few more days left of runs, but I am content for the season. 10 gallons of syrup made, a huge improvement on last years 3 gallons. And plenty to share with friends. I had tapped 36 trees, all sugar maples.

Pete- just west of Saratoga Springs where it starts to get hilly.

04-05-2018, 09:55 AM
I pulled my 23 taps on March 26th, made 8.3 gallons of syrup, best season yet even though I think my sugar content was well below previous seasons. It was the most consistent season I have had in terms of sap flow. Was able to boil at least 100 gallons every weekend from Presidents day weekend on. Now everything sits waiting for me to stop procrastinating and clean up (hopefully all my buckets didn't blow out of the yard with last nights wind).

02-07-2019, 10:19 AM
Has anyone tapped yet or planning to tap this weekend. We usually wait till Valentine’s Day weekend but the weather is so screwed up not sure.

02-07-2019, 10:46 AM
I'm about an hour from you and plan on waiting till after Valentines day. Its tough though with the way the weather has been lately.

02-07-2019, 04:17 PM
I’ve been watching the long range on accuweather. Not looking like tapping weather after tomorrow. They show 2-3 good days next week, then temps drop off again. I may wait until Presidents week or possibly the week after.

Of course their forecast is just as reliable as the groundhog’s so who’s to say? I don’t think it’ll be V-day like I shoot for.

02-07-2019, 08:35 PM
Haven't tapped yet either but have been watching the weather forecast...it doesn't look like there's a good cycle in the next 10 days and I'm not organized enough yet to feel motivated to get out there so I'll wait till the second half of February at least.

02-07-2019, 09:21 PM
I live east of Saratoga Lake, and got excited and tapped one tree (3 taps, 3 trunk split tree) yesterday. It was dripping in the morning with the sun, but I probably jumped the gun - only about 2 gallons of sap from the 3 taps in it today. I might do the rest (about 30 more taps) on Monday depending on the weather. Can't wait.

2018 - 33 taps, block arch with 2 hotel pans, 9.25 gallons
2017 - 5 taps, big pot over the fire, 1.25 gallons

02-09-2019, 08:15 AM
Next week the temps look pretty good but from there on out they are only show 2 nights until 3/3 with lows above single digits. Even if there are a few high 30 days in there it's hard to get any decent runs with the lows that low. I'm sticking to presidents day week unless the forcast changes or a big snowstorm comes in. I'm pretty much ready to go I just need one good warm day to pressure wash my head tank and truck tank and collection barrels. I may even stretch out my seasonal lines today if the wind chill gets above 10 below. Jeff

02-09-2019, 03:33 PM
My son is going to start next weekend as I am recovering from open heart surgery 3 wks ago ,sill got 3-5 weeks of recovery of do nothing and it is killing me that I can't get out there

Slick Willy
02-13-2019, 12:01 PM
I'm in Charlton and was planning on putting in my taps this weekend (just 75) but the long range forecast seems to be telling me to wait another week. I guess there's no sense in rushing it but was looking forward to getting things going.

02-15-2019, 08:08 PM
I put in 25 more taps Wednesday. After work today my buckets (ten 5 gallon buckets) were about 1/2 full. Hoping to do our first cook Sunday!

02-16-2019, 07:10 PM
Thinking of tapping later this week. May even put together a simple RO system this year and expand to 30 taps, the most I've done yet...piecemeal for most on here.

Crossing my fingers.

02-17-2019, 08:59 PM
We got a couple hundred in today hopefully finish up tomorrow. Looks like the weather will be perfect from Thursday on. Still have to setup pump and tanks but hopefully we will be collecting by the weekend. Not sure if it went above freezing today but a lot of the trees with full sun exposure were dripping as soon as I pulled the drill out.

02-18-2019, 06:34 PM
Collected just shy of 40 gallons on Sunday and started boiling, got 3 quarts of syrup to start the season. Looks like awesome weather this week!

02-21-2019, 06:58 AM
Tapped 15 trees yesterday evening in Charlton. Holes were dry last night but hoping for a good run today!

02-21-2019, 06:43 PM
Based on the weather and what you guys are seeing I am going to tap my 40 trees out here in the Duanesburg/Delanson area in the morning. I am interested to see what the sugar levels are this early in the season. Last year my first boil was about 80:1 which was not really worth it to me.

02-21-2019, 07:40 PM
I tapped today. 24 taps (down from 36 last year, just too busy). I was a bit disappointed in the lack of sap today. The sun never came out and it was a bit colder than expected. Looking forward to a great season!


02-22-2019, 09:01 AM
Sap was running in my neck of the woods. I have about 75 taps out right now with about 25 left on a north face area that will get tapped next week maybe. Got my shurflo pump set up on about 45 of those 75 taps and was chasing leaks last night. I have one line with about 12 drops that was not pulling well. I think it was blocked but I couldn't find a smoking gun in the dark. We shall see what happens today. Good luck everyone!

02-22-2019, 11:05 AM
Just did a test tap of 2 buckets on a big maple in the sun...it's running but not much. Was my first try with "health" spouts and just could not get the hole tight enough with the bit I bought... switched to the old 7/16" metal taps and an old bit, they fit fine!

Anyone use 1/4" bit for the health spots for better fit?

02-22-2019, 02:26 PM
I use Canadian 5/16 for CV spouts. You gotta hold on the drill if you don't have a stop collar on it. It will suck that bit right in past your tape mark. Also don't "ream" in and out multiple times or the hole will not be true and most likely leak around the spout. I learned the hard way... ;)

02-22-2019, 04:06 PM
Thanks - can you clarify, a Canadian 5/16" bit is what you use or Canadian taps? Also, what is CV?

02-23-2019, 08:02 PM
Very little sap run since yesterday in my "test" buckets. Thinking it may be another week before I tap for real and get any significant yield.

02-23-2019, 11:07 PM
Wow what a weird start to the season. I usually tap on the 21st of Feb every year or close to it. I did not this year as the weather didnt look that good. Im on vacation for 14 days starting Wed of this week and the extened forecast only shows 2 days barely above freezing in the following 10 days. I hope it isnt a year that stays cold till the middle of march then goes to 50 and 60 and no freezes. This happened a few years back and it was hardly worth tapping. If it stays cold i may add another 100 taps to a couple of hedge rows down the road to make up for the possibility of a short season. Keep your fingers crossed. Jeff

02-24-2019, 11:59 AM
We finised tapping today,about 2200 in coule hundred left to do,weather not the nicest but looks like at least another week before anything will happen which is ok,more time to recovery from open heart surgery on jan 11th.Thank goodness for my son and all our friends who helped tap,looking like a season like a few years back when not a drop of sap till march 16th,happy surg'in

02-24-2019, 09:26 PM
Minimal flow these past 4 days, not what I expected from the weather. Last weeks little run seemed like every day exceeded the weather prediction, this week was the opposite, barely made the highs and not much sun. Not looking too promising for the immediate future.


02-25-2019, 08:10 AM
It has been a very weird start.. last week I got over 1200 gallons from just 750 taps and this week I was fully tapped with 1450 and I got 1600 gallons the last few days. The weather has been weird and the trees unpredictable.

02-25-2019, 08:12 AM
ADK_XJ The Canadian tapping bit is just a different bit from say the Leader Tree Saver bit. I got it from Bascoms because they were out of the Leader ones. Difference? Not exactly sure.
A "CV" spout is a check valve spout.

02-25-2019, 07:07 PM
I cooked about 20 gallons of sap into 2+ quarts of syrup Saturday, just as an excuse to be outside, but not as much flow as I'd hoped for. More in the buckets today but didn't go out in the wind to collect. Nature's RO will freeze them down for me the next couple of days...

Just under 1 1/2 gallons of syrup so far. Still hooked!

03-01-2019, 06:41 AM
Looks like well be frozen up for the next week at least. Hopefully mid March it will pick up again. Any insight. Snow coverage on the ground will be increasing. Does that slow down anything?

03-01-2019, 08:19 PM
The snow definitely slows some things down namely me. Took me 4 hours to set up 106 taps today. I can usually get all 225 taps in in one day but after 4 hours of wobbling through above my knees snow took it out of me. Back to your question I normally get my best runs when the snow has melted away from the base of the tree.

03-03-2019, 11:08 AM
Got 230 taps in on Friday and Saturday. Just have a few buckets to go when the sap starts to run. Will work on tanks and pumps today. Looks like we will still be froze up until next weekend.

03-03-2019, 08:26 PM
Finished our first 2019 syrup today - one gallon off our 15 taps. With some more cold on the way it looks like the tap holes will freeze up again for the next few days.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-09-2019, 09:14 PM
Finally tapped the rest of our trees, 20 in total. Sap was running on all but the largest trees in the shade. First time I had the kids out tapping with me, they had to "taste the syrup" on each tap before moving on.

Happy sapping!

03-14-2019, 03:05 PM
I finally tapped my trees Saturday, and so far (have not checked today) my trees have not produced. Between 24 taps I may have 10 gallons, I think everything is still frozen. Hopefully this heatwave of today and tomorrow help open things up.

03-18-2019, 12:55 PM
Boiled about 30 gallons yesterday, got 3 quarts. Checked today, 30 more gallons in the buckets. Looks like a busy week. Need to figure out my setup - last year we got 5-6 gph on block arch without grate; this year seems like 3-4/hour with high temp (for kiln use) bricks and a grate. AUF and all that as well. Always fun to play with configuration...

03-19-2019, 03:33 PM
It's been running like a faucet here in Northern Saratoga the last few days. I filled up my 35 gallon tank on the back of the ATV last night and imagine I'll have close to that again later tonight. Looks like I may do a boil tomorrow to get a good batch of the golden stuff while it's fresh. From there I'll probably batch boil for the strong Amber we like in our house.

Happy sapping!

03-19-2019, 09:40 PM
Wife boiled 30 more gallons today, 3 quarts finished. Buckets full when I got home from work, like 50 more gallons. Looks like another busy day tomorrow, hopefully boil 40+ gallons, starting before sunrise. "Hobby!"

03-23-2019, 09:10 PM
First boil of the year today, spent sun-up to sun-set out of doors and it felt great. Beautiful day to be around the ol' barrel stove.

Cranked through a good portion of 100 gallons of sap that I measured at 4% and will boil off the rest tomorrow, we'll see what we yield when finished.


04-03-2019, 05:49 PM
Officially done for the year. It was a short but intense season. Wish I'd been able to get an earlier start but mother nature just wasn't having it.

I introduced a small RO into my setup for the second half of this year's boiling and learned a lot by doing that...excited to work out some kinks and use it for all of next year.

Anyone else in the area still at it?

04-03-2019, 06:32 PM
We are in Albany county up in elevation a bit. Looks like Sunday will be it for us. Overall looks like and average syrup year with good sugar content. I agree, always looking to smooth out a few parts of the operation for next year.

04-03-2019, 10:01 PM
I'm planning one more batch (at least) It's been a good season so far despite my busy schedule with my work. I tapped 24 trees this year, (had tapped 36 last year) made 6 gallons so far this year and had to toss enough sap for close to another gallon as it went bad while I was away for a week. So with one more batch I'll be at 2/3 of last years production with 2/3's the taps and could have been past that with the spoiled sap. all in all a good year. Way fewer batches than last year, the run was an intense one rather than short bursts.

Also kinda disappointing is the very little amount of early light syrup. Literally one quart is light- oh well.


04-04-2019, 08:32 AM
Trees are still producing in Greenfield, not sure how much of it I will boil, only have tomorrow to boil. I will use some of it to thin down the 4ish gallons I made last weekend as it looks more like honey than syrup, it took too long to get it out of the pan once I hit the proper density. I think I will use just enough to thin it and maybe boil the rest separate in case it has gone buddy, some of my trees look like buds might be starting to pop.

It has been a very short season and unfortunately I was out of town for the two weeks that the sap monsoon happened. My wife collected all the sap for me but storing it for two weeks probably didn't do it any favors.


04-04-2019, 01:51 PM
Fort Plain.. Our front lawn trees are about done. Even in this cold wind buds are beginning. Bright sun today. Ron very dissapointed in such a short season. I'm encouraging him to let them go a few days more...

04-04-2019, 05:25 PM
Ive been working all day so im not sure if the sap is running but i made just under 9 gallons yesterday. I wasnt sure if i was going to make much this year but with the last couple of days im getting close to my goal. We may get a few days next week and then i think we are done.

04-05-2019, 06:29 AM
Going to boil one more time in southern Albany county. I have one cold woods that is still going.

04-05-2019, 09:28 AM
Hoping one last batch as well. Temps around 60 Sunday and after. Hopefully whats collected for everbody has not spoiled.

04-05-2019, 06:55 PM
holding out for hopefully 1 or 2 more runs,boiled wed and made 5 gals x-tra dk and 30 gals of dk,30 gals was one % pt on checkers meter of being amber,sittin on 495 gal

04-05-2019, 10:27 PM
It was a dark day here today and ended up with a couple inches of snow. I found nearly 200 gallons of sap to my surprise. Boiled and filtered another 5 gallons into the canner. So my last three boils I've made 19 gallons of syrup. I didn't think I would get close to my 40 gallon goal but if we get that freeze Sat night I should be real close with what is still in the evaporator.

04-07-2019, 05:26 PM
38 gallons today,535 total,still 200 below last year,o well it's mother nature

04-08-2019, 08:49 PM
My last boil today. Yielded one last gallon, bringing my total to 7 for the year. A decent haul considering I tapped fewer trees than last year and tossed what could have been another 3/4 gallon of sap due to being away during the warm week in March.

Time to pull the taps and plot evaporator improvements for next year


04-15-2019, 02:59 PM
Thinned all my syrup to the proper density on 4/5 and canned it all up, ended with 4.7 gallons, not terrible for the short season I had with the weather and work schedule and only 23 taps. Had enough sap on hand to make another gallon, but lacked the time to boil it, that went into the pans to sit for a while in hopes that cleaning the pans will be aided by the sap.

01-25-2020, 06:27 PM
Anyone start tapping weather looks good. I hate to start to early but looks like this might be the beginning.

01-30-2020, 10:36 PM
I was considering it for this Monday but, similarly, don't want to be premature and risk a short season.

01-31-2020, 03:49 PM
I'm seriously considering tapping. Maybe even tomorrow, but Today did not hit the forecast high and was pretty cold and gray. I'm at about 800 feet elevation, so that may affect things a bit.


01-31-2020, 07:40 PM
Yeah, it still looks like Monday and into next week look good for a run. I'm jumping up this year to 50-60 taps and may do them in two sets to have an early run and possibly a second, later one for all the sugar maples since they run longer.

02-01-2020, 08:04 PM
I put a test tap in today and did get some flow. If it flows again tomorrow, I'll probably tap in anticipation of Monday. Watching the forecast though as monday has already dropped to a high of 40.


02-04-2020, 10:08 PM
I tapped 4 trees on Sunday, 12 taps, to see if we could get anything from this weather. Between yesterday and today, we have maybe 7 gallons. I'll check tomorrow for more...maybe that nice light early syrup!

02-05-2020, 08:49 PM
Well I never added more taps, but I did get more flow than expected. Easily over a gallon in my bucket, maybe 1.5. Feeling like I should have tapped. I won't miss the next run.


02-21-2020, 08:07 PM
Looks like this is the weekend to to tap!

Big Cat
02-21-2020, 09:44 PM
Thinking of putting my taps out Sunday although, Steve Caparizzo just showed the weather and it looks like above freezing temps at night for the next week, 40s during the day.

02-22-2020, 05:39 AM
get'er done

02-22-2020, 06:13 AM
Good morning - new to the forum, fairly new to sugaring as well. This will be my third season of tapping in Charlton, NY. Have had the trees tapped for a few weeks so far and have boiled around 100 gallons of sap, hoping for a good run this weekend!

02-22-2020, 05:27 PM
stop in,we are in ephratah on Mud Road,got 50 yrs of surg'in

02-22-2020, 06:05 PM
Would love to!!

02-22-2020, 07:00 PM
I tapped the balance of my trees today, ended up with 27 taps in all this year. Looks like primo weather the next few days. Things were already running this morning as we tapped. I think this is actually the start for me, I dod not get much flow earlier in the month, while friends who are close by but lower elevations did well.


02-24-2020, 06:07 AM
Decent run Sunday, today should be fantastic. Anyone else seeing buds on some of their trees?

02-24-2020, 06:44 AM
Also a decent run Sunday, looking forward to more today, maybe an afternoon boil! No buds here that I've noticed (Schuylerville area).

02-24-2020, 09:28 AM
Tapped my trees last Sunday, still not too much in the way of flowing though. Couple of inches tops in each bucket after a week. Hopefully today really opens them up.

02-26-2020, 06:06 AM
Drew off a couple gallons last night, pretty sure it is delicate but will need to confirm in better lighting.

02-26-2020, 06:07 AM
give me a call to make sure we are there518-863-6313

02-26-2020, 07:53 AM
Ran heavy for three days straight here in Gansevoort area, collected everything last night in anticipation of rain and will start running a small batch through the RO today to make some early season golden/delicate.

03-02-2020, 04:22 PM
I finally got the bulk of my taps in yesterday and today. I have 40 yard taps to put in in the morning and will turn the vacuum on. I'm a little late but didnt make syrup till 3/11 last year so we will see what happens.

03-04-2020, 06:54 AM
Big day yesterday, collected 130 gallons and boiled a little more than half of it. Have roughly 7 gallons in the finishing tank ready for bottling. Puts me way ahead of last year and a little ahead of 2018

03-05-2020, 03:17 PM
Been at work all day wondering how it's running.

03-06-2020, 07:38 AM
Collected about 100 gallons Monday-Wednesday, boiled about 40 yesterday morning, and collected 40 more. Looking to have a full day boil tomorrow, hopefully get through a bunch. We got a lot of light syrup so far, yesterday's just starting to get darker...

03-06-2020, 11:31 AM
Taps are dripping pretty good today, was hoping the sun would stay out though. Looking at future temperatures, could be a relatively short season?

03-10-2020, 08:12 AM
Crazy couple of days! Trees were really flowing all weekend and even on Monday. Bottled 7 gallons on Sunday, still getting amber. Not sure what weather is going to bring, could be a short season but you never know

03-13-2020, 08:19 AM
What's everyone think, is this weekend the last run of the season? Will the trees even run after the very warm temperatures recently?

03-13-2020, 09:14 PM
Sure looks like the end after this weekend. I am pretty far below what I made last year. Only made 3 batches this year, but have some sap for a smaller fourth right now. 3.5 gallons in the bank so far.


03-14-2020, 08:04 AM
I'll end the season with around 15 gallons, maybe a little more depending on this weekend

03-14-2020, 08:54 PM
I made another 5 quarts today, brings me to 4.75 for the season. i'll be satisfied if we get one last run and I can bank just a bit more. Definitely a down season for me.

MRFNY, how many taps do you have?

03-14-2020, 10:11 PM
I have 95 taps out

03-16-2020, 11:12 PM
I pulled my taps Sunday but now it looks like a perfect stretch temp wise after some rain...I would have pulled the reds anyway because they were slowing and budding out. Maybe the sugars have another run in them?

Won't matter for me, though, I'm not retapping or placing anything new after spending half a day scrubbing and sanitizing buckets. Plus, we have plenty for our purposes...

Anybody else?

03-17-2020, 07:26 AM
I collected about 40 gallons of sap last night. I started pulling some taps yesterday, about 20 out of the 95 I have. I'm pulling the rest this week. I'll do one more boil with the 40 gallons I have and get one more draw off, then I'll have about another 8 gallons to bottle putting me at 15-16 gallons for the season.

03-17-2020, 08:51 AM
How does everyone clean their pan? I have been doing a mix of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, get it boiling and scrub the pan but it doesn't take off any buildup on the sides of the pan. would a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water do the trick?

03-17-2020, 09:08 AM
If I have sap left that I did not get to boil I fill the pans to the top with the sap. I let it sit for a month or so and then dump it out and they are shiny new!
The sap basically turns to vinegar after sitting so long.

It's not looking like I'll have any extra sap this year so I'll put a couple of gallons on white vinegar in the pans and then fill to the top with water an let sit for a month or so.

03-17-2020, 09:16 AM
thanks for that info, that is great!

03-18-2020, 09:27 AM
Well, I thought my season was over but the trees ran the other night and will most likely run today. I'm not going any further though even though it looks like they could potentially run during the weekend. Sap is still nice and clear.

03-20-2020, 08:21 AM
Last boil of 2020 last night with some Lawson's Sugarhouse IPAs!21267

03-28-2020, 08:53 PM
i thought I was pretty much done, but the sap keeps flowing on a handful of trees. I tapped a bit early on half of my 27 taps. The later ones are still producing. I made 3 more quarts today. Last boil of the season- probably, but some of those taps were still going at a good pace. One note, This batch had the least niter I've ever encountered. I was able to do all of my filtering with a single pre filter. Normally it is really clogged after each quart. up to 5.5 gallons for the year, feeling pretty good about that.

03-29-2020, 07:32 AM
Nice job crzypete! I was ready to be done, once the snow melted I went into yard work mode. Finished the season with 16 gallons

03-30-2020, 02:01 PM
I use a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water. Build a fire and let it boil hard for about an hour then let it cool.
When I can put my hand in it comfortably I wipe the pans with a sponge or lightly with a scotch brite.

Did this today. Now to drain and pressure wash both pans and I’m done for the season!

How does everyone clean their pan? I have been doing a mix of apple cider vinegar and lemon juice, get it boiling and scrub the pan but it doesn't take off any buildup on the sides of the pan. would a 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water do the trick?

03-30-2020, 06:20 PM
we've always used the last raw sap to fill the pans and let it sit until August. Pressure wash then the pans come out like brand new.

03-31-2020, 03:39 PM
I do the same, works great.

04-05-2020, 09:42 PM
I closed things out this past week. Pulled the rest of my buckets and made one last quart for giggles. A good distraction to get rid of the last little bit of sap. It was not a nice quart. lots of sediment. still settling out, for some reason my filter wouldn't catch it. I'm still counting it and bringing my season to 5.75 quarts, which is down from the last two years, but will be plenty to get us through and pass some along.


Michael Greer
04-07-2020, 05:41 AM
The only solution seems to be more buckets Pete.

04-07-2020, 08:46 AM
Last boil of 2020 last night with some Lawson's Sugarhouse IPAs!21267

Many years ago Sean Lawson did some research with me when he was an undergraduate at UVM. He brewed beer even back then for fun...made some great maple stout, won a few local contests...and the rest is history.

04-07-2020, 02:25 PM
That is awesome Dr. Tim! Back when I first got into IPAs, Sip of Sunshine was impossible to get in NY, so I would make the 3 hour drive to Burlington and stand in line to get my limit. Thankfully it is now fairly readily available in New York!

04-07-2020, 02:49 PM
That is awesome Dr. Tim! Back when I first got into IPAs, Sip of Sunshine was impossible to get in NY, so I would make the 3 hour drive to Burlington and stand in line to get my limit. Thankfully it is now fairly readily available in New York!

That was WAY back in the pre-maple days. I used to study red spruce, specifically winter injury due to acid rain/nutrition imbalances, before becoming Director at UVM PMRC, although I knew maple from working at my grandfather's sugarbush from WAY WAY back.


04-07-2020, 06:22 PM
That was WAY back in the pre-maple days. I used to study red spruce, specifically winter injury due to acid rain/nutrition imbalances, before becoming Director at UVM PMRC, although I knew maple from working at my grandfather's sugarbush from WAY WAY back.


Very cool!

While I have your ear, can you take a look at a photo below of the inside of my pan after this season? I posted this in the the evaporator thread, and mentioned that my pan is a 2004 Leader pan which has always had a little bit of scaling on the sides. This year seems a little worse though. I could chip the scaling away but that would take forever. This year I tried a 50/50 solution of white vinegar and water, the previous two seasons i did apple cider vinegar with lemon juice and heated it up. The bottom of the pan it nice and shiny like new, it's just the sides that look terrible. Not sure it matters when making syrup but would appreciate any insight. Thanks! 21387

04-07-2020, 09:23 PM
The only solution seems to be more buckets Pete.

Hahaha, yeah, I could tap more trees. And I did still have a stack of buckets in reserve from the ones you sold me. Unfortunately sugar season coincides with my major show of the year. i try to set modest goals. Show got canceled this year. I should have tapped more trees when that happened. Wasn't thinking clearly. Are you closed out for the season?


04-08-2020, 08:41 AM
...can you take a look at a photo below of the inside of my pan after this season?

It isn't terrible and you could probably just leave it without any real problem in my opinion. The heating surface is clean and shiny, which is the most important part. If you're still getting sap and want to try to clear it a bit more you might try the sour sap method (fill with sap, let it sit for 3-4 months..beware the smell) -- this is essentially the same as the vinegar method, but longer. Or try a mild pan acid (phosphoric or citric) soak...just don't let it sit more than a few days and rinse it extremely well since it's a soldered pan.

04-08-2020, 02:59 PM
It isn't terrible and you could probably just leave it without any real problem in my opinion. The heating surface is clean and shiny, which is the most important part. If you're still getting sap and want to try to clear it a bit more you might try the sour sap method (fill with sap, let it sit for 3-4 months..beware the smell) -- this is essentially the same as the vinegar method, but longer. Or try a mild pan acid (phosphoric or citric) soak...just don't let it sit more than a few days and rinse it extremely well since it's a soldered pan.

Thanks so much for the advice. Since we are done with sap in our area, I'll have to try the other alternatives. I kinda want to get the side cleaned up but if it isn't all that bad maybe I wont put a lot of time into it. Like you said, the bottom of the pan is clean and shiny. Thanks again!

02-20-2021, 08:41 PM
Anybody starting to tap in Saratoga county? I've heard a few folks locally have started this weekend...I'm planning to put up 50 buckets and my first run of tubing next weekend.

02-21-2021, 07:05 AM
Anybody starting to tap in Saratoga county? I've heard a few folks locally have started this weekend...I'm planning to put up 50 buckets and my first run of tubing next weekend.

I'm going to put in around 20-30 taps today on some of my bigger producers and early runners. Will try to catch some during the warm up midweek, but not all that confident.

02-21-2021, 03:49 PM
I tapped 15 trees today with my kids, Planning on doing more maybe Tuesday. A few were already dripping, which was a bit surprising because it doesn't look ideal until Tuesday.

I still haven't figured out how many I will tap this year. I'm thinking 40-50. I need a good distraction this year!


02-21-2021, 04:06 PM
I decided to hold off. I don't think the one day in the low 40's would yield much if anything so I am just going to put all taps in this upcoming weekend. If I miss a little sap, I miss a little!

02-21-2021, 05:28 PM
Gotta get trees thawed out,gonna start this week,snowshoes are needed,snow to kness with about 1/2 in of grust,gonna be slow going

02-24-2021, 11:08 AM
Ok, looks like the fix is in - Sunday is tap day for us. We'll do 50 buckets with the kids (slow going) and then I may run a set of 3/16 lines with 25 on each later on next week.

Weather looks great over here near the Hudson River.

02-24-2021, 11:34 AM
Tapping Saturday. Will do the usual 75-90 taps. I have a fairly steep ridge that I tap roughly 20 trees on, so that'll be interesting walking down and back up!

02-24-2021, 04:46 PM
My 15 taps ran a bit today, but I definitely jumped the gun with them. Will put more in this weekend, feeling good about the season!


02-25-2021, 06:12 AM
Hi crzypete,

I have pretty much the same experience on 2/24/2021 as you described, though I only have 10 taps in ( which will be my max this season ). I'm in Dutchess County , south of you. I tapped on the 21rst and was nervous since last 2 seasons I had sap flowing nicely , but this year there was a lag. Yesterday seeing tap running calmed me down. Goog luck to you with this season's output!

02-26-2021, 09:39 AM
Put 70 out on Tuesday afternoon then 80 on Wed. Will ad another 50 when it warms up again.

02-26-2021, 07:13 PM
Got home from work tonight and for the heck of it put in 4 taps. All 4 were dripping at a decent rate, hoping it's good sign. Will put in the other 80 or so taps Saturday morning. Temps look good!

02-27-2021, 04:34 AM
Im going to tap them all today. Hopefully the snow will be easier to walk in than last weekend.

02-27-2021, 07:16 PM
30 taps in, 40 gallons collected - ready for first boil tomorrow!!

02-28-2021, 06:12 PM
Put 50 buckets up today with the kids and the neighbor's kids - had a great time even if it took twice as long as it should have.

Every tree was running full blast by mid-day, I bet the buckets are already overflowing.

02-28-2021, 07:17 PM
Collected 80 gallons this morning and boiled it, trees were dripping pretty early but slow. Hopefully we get a freeze tonight

03-02-2021, 07:46 AM
Frigid temps and crazy winds overnight here in the Saratoga region, gusts over 60 mph. As soon as it's in the double digits again, I will head into the bush to make sure I still have buckets on the trees.

They were all full last night when I checked them but decided to leave the sap to help weigh them down.

03-02-2021, 05:27 PM
Did some bucket collection tonight and had some taps come out of the trees, but no nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Low 40's tomorrow but not sure how much it will run, hoping for the best though as the temps into the weekend after Wednesday don't look ideal.

03-02-2021, 07:34 PM
I made a batch yesterday before the temps plummeted. Made 2.5 quarts from 34 taps. I will probably tap a few more trees as the snow begins to recede and I have more access to my property. Conditions are still pretty rugged here.

I also had a chance to visit Kevbo17 and his family and boil with them on Sunday. It's amazing how much less snow and more sap they have. They are east of Saratoga and I am in the foothills west.

Looks like another lull now though, and that wind was crazy. In fact, I managed to leave the house door not fully pulled shut while I was boiling and came back and found it had blown open. The furnace ran for the first tine this year. I was trying to make it through the winter solely heating the house with wood, but my streak was broken. Thermostat was set to 55º too, so that was quite a rude awakening.


03-02-2021, 08:00 PM
Collected 325 gal of sap on Sunday. There was 220+ before the freeze yesterday. Hoping the freeze recharges the trees.

03-04-2021, 09:43 AM
Nothing going over this way...after the hard freeze, there's been no sap run at all for going on 3 days. Looks to stay cold through the weekend and then warm up rapidly...hoping we can ride this out through end of March but we'll see!

03-04-2021, 03:36 PM
Today - One of the buckets on my best tree that faces south


03-05-2021, 10:18 AM
Ended up with 40 gallons yesterday, the sun got some of the trees running. Boiled 60 gallons last night, next boil I'll be drawing off!

03-06-2021, 09:13 PM
First boil last Sunday with crzypete, got about 3.5 quarts. Lots of ash without a grate! 2nd boil Friday, used last year's melted grate upside down for airflow - much improved efficiency and less coals, 3 quarts. Glad to have a stash again!

Looking like an interesting week weatherwise...hope for big flow Mon/Tuesday and big boil Wednesday??

03-07-2021, 06:39 AM
Last biol was last mon,17 gal of light and ready for next run,hoping it will break on mon but thinking it will be more like later in the day tues,been 0 for 3 nights in a row

03-07-2021, 06:40 AM
good luck this season,we still have 2 ft of snow in sugarbushes

03-07-2021, 08:22 AM
Expecting a huge run the start of the week - I only put up my buckets last weekend so may get out there to tap the tubing lines as well and try to make "make hay while the sun shining" as they say.

03-07-2021, 07:18 PM
ADK, did you end up making an oil tank evaporator? Pics?

We did a small batch today, mainly for entertainment of the kids. Hoping the weather this week gets things moving. I'm going to tap a few more tomorrow to get past 40 taps.


03-09-2021, 06:53 PM
Not that great of a run today, a little surprised. Tomorrow should be much better hopefully!

03-09-2021, 06:58 PM
not so good here

03-10-2021, 09:11 PM
ADK, did you end up making an oil tank evaporator? Pics?

We did a small batch today, mainly for entertainment of the kids. Hoping the weather this week gets things moving. I'm going to tap a few more tomorrow to get past 40 taps.


I didn't, I found someone selling their entire setup (275g arch, really nice 2x4 divided pan, bunch of extras for tubing and stainless steel finishing pans) close enough that it was worth the drive. I'll take some pics of it setup this weekend!

03-10-2021, 09:13 PM
Sub-par runs yesterday and again today...last night's yield didn't surprise me since it had been so cold the night before (10-11F here) but today I expected it to just totally bust loose and it didn't. It's running but I only emptied partially full buckets on even the biggest trees earlier this evening.

Thinking it may just run all night into tomorrow given the temps...? Weird.

03-10-2021, 09:52 PM
I'm up to 42 taps (a new personal best) and I think that's my number for the season. Modest runs here the last two days. We emptied buckets around 3pm and have 35 gallons of sap packed in a snow bank. I'll boil tomorrow and hope for another boil this weekend. The one tap I checked tonight was not dripping, but I have some altitude- 800 ft, so maybe I'm a bit colder than others.

ADK, def post pics! That sounds like an easy solution.


03-11-2021, 08:25 AM
Collected 75 gallons last night and boiled it. Drew off roughly 4 gallons and put it into the finishing tank. Didn't really run like I thought it would, but still got a decent amount.

03-11-2021, 03:04 PM
Little pic of the sugarhouse


03-11-2021, 07:41 PM
Another slow-day given it didn't freeze overnight, still had some yield from a few tress but really hoping things start back up after the freeze / thaw cycle comes back next week.

03-12-2021, 07:55 AM
I am in Grafton NY. I have been doing this about 7 years. I have about 75 taps out this year. Based on the weather each run should be at least 50-80 gallons. Past years I work with about 100+ gallons at a time.
I am lucky if I am getting 25 gallons. The first run was .9% sugar. The last one was 1.7%.
I have heard this from other people.
Anyone know why it is like this?
I don't have an enough sap to boil at 25 - 30 gallons. I am not even going to RO filter it. I have a 2X4 drop flue that take 10 gallons to start.

03-12-2021, 07:56 AM
Collected 75 gallons last night and boiled it. Drew off roughly 4 gallons and put it into the finishing tank. Didn't really run like I thought it would, but still got a decent amount. You got 4 gallons from 75 gallons of sap? Whaaaaa?

03-12-2021, 07:58 AM
You got 4 gallons from 75 gallons of sap? Whaaaaa?

Wasn't our first boil.

03-14-2021, 01:08 AM
Long day of setting up the new (to me) oil tank arch and pan but had a great time doing it and got a great start on boiling down over 150 gallons of sap.22226

03-14-2021, 08:38 PM
Not a bad run today, collected 80 gallons. Sugars were dripping nicely then it got real cold fast and they shut right off.

03-15-2021, 10:13 PM
Everything is frozen up solid again...what a weird season, so far. Later this week looks decent, though.

03-16-2021, 11:20 AM
Everything is frozen up solid again...what a weird season, so far. Later this week looks decent, though.

Yup, FROZE! Couldn't boil last night. Maybe tonight if I can thaw out my tank. Had 200 gallons Sunday but only had time to boil 90. The rest is frozen.

03-17-2021, 06:35 AM
Took today off of work to boil down a big collection of concentrate I have stacked up in 5 gallon pails, it's just been too **** cold and windy to go out there before now.

Hoping for a big run into the weekend so I can do another boil.

03-17-2021, 05:21 PM
Disappointing day, trees took forever to wake up. Dripping at 6:30 but overall a weak day. Big question is if we will get a freeze tonight. Weekend looks solid but after that there is a stretch where we may not get the nighttime freeze at night. Could be a very short disappointing season!

03-17-2021, 08:00 PM
Disappointing day, trees took forever to wake up. Dripping at 6:30 but overall a weak day. Big question is if we will get a freeze tonight. Weekend looks solid but after that there is a stretch where we may not get the nighttime freeze at night. Could be a very short disappointing season!

I'm simultaneously bummed and relieved to hear it was slow out your way, too. It was a pretty nice day and I sort of thought I'd see things half full or more out on my buckets but there were only drips and drabs for most trees.

Hoping for some change in the weather for the better....

03-17-2021, 08:28 PM
I'm simultaneously bummed and relieved to hear it was slow out your way, too. It was a pretty nice day and I sort of thought I'd see things half full or more out on my buckets but there were only drips and drabs for most trees.

Hoping for some change in the weather for the better....

I was sitting at work thinking it was going to be a good day, but I got a report from my better half around 3:30 and a photo of one of the buckets on our best tree that barely had anything in it, and was immediately thinking WTF? lol

03-18-2021, 09:09 AM
I have been doing this since 2014. I have around 80 Taps. Previous years when it ran I would get 50+ gallons at a time. This year I am lucky if I have gotten 20-30 gallons. Temperatures have seemed ideal but it is not flowing. I am wondering why this is happening.

03-18-2021, 12:08 PM
Getting a decent amount of sap today. Not sure if the trees ran all night or if they woke up early this morning. Weekend and Monday look good, but long range forecast is not looking good.

03-18-2021, 10:12 PM
got 90 gallons tonight around 5:30 PM and trees were still dripping. Tomorrow could be a decent run if we get some sun. Weekend is looking awesome

03-19-2021, 06:41 PM
FINALLY...things have really busted loose here, which I'm going to attribute to the rain and the resulting hydrostatic pressure but, yeah, it was running like a jet engine on all of our taps up on the hill this evening. The weekend through Monday/Tuesday look awesome and I'm off work.

Put up my other 50 drop-line taps into 5 gallon pails to do some catch-up. Here we go!

03-19-2021, 09:40 PM
FINALLY...things have really busted loose here, which I'm going to attribute to the rain and the resulting hydrostatic pressure but, yeah, it was running like a jet engine on all of our taps up on the hill this evening. The weekend through Monday/Tuesday look awesome and I'm off work.

Put up my other 50 drop-line taps into 5 gallon pails to do some catch-up. Here we go!

Hey ADK! What elevation are you at? I'm at 600', only got about 30 gallons tonight but I think it's a great sign considering the colder temps. This weekend and Monday are going to be gushers!

03-19-2021, 10:22 PM
Hey ADK! What elevation are you at? I'm at 600', only got about 30 gallons tonight but I think it's a great sign considering the colder temps. This weekend and Monday are going to be gushers!

More like 250-300 here. Yes, I was surprised how well it was running given the temps...bodes very well for tomorrow.

03-19-2021, 10:28 PM
More like 250-300 here. Yes, I was surprised how well it was running given the temps...bodes very well for tomorrow.

Nice! Good luck this weekend!

03-21-2021, 10:48 PM
Shew, today was the day...it ran HARD from sun-up to sun-down and I emptied buckets 3 times. It was more sap than my ATV could haul in one run so I spent a good long while out in the woods today but I'm not complaining one bit.

The RO is going to run all night and I'll likely do my final boil of the year tomorrow.

03-22-2021, 06:31 PM
About 300-350 gallons of sap Friday - Sunday. Thought we would get more today (Monday) but just didn't get long enough of a freeze to reset the trees. Season is over, temps for the next week are not good and I'm tired! Will end up with around 17 gallons of syrup, same as last year. Crazy, today our syrup got lighter and ended up delicate!

03-23-2021, 10:00 PM
An intense weekend plus for me. I boiled Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Made 4.25 gallons in that time. And we collected another 30 gallons of sap this evening. This has helped my underwhelming totals. Hoping our altitude gives us a bit more season, but it's 37 right now and I don't see freezing temps for another few days. I'll see what runs tomorrow in the rain and boil again Thursday. Maybe the last batch?


03-24-2021, 08:26 AM
A little south of ya'll, the sap quality took a dive for me. We had a good run over the weekend and into Monday (3 gallons/tap) but the last 2 days have been so warm the sap is really clouding up. My wood supply is telling me the season is over as well. We will be around 20+/- gallons of syrup this season. Upwards of 2000 gallons of sap. Boiled some and sold some to my buddy.

03-24-2021, 07:39 PM
What a run! We got enough of a freeze here to get nearly non-stop sap production right through to yesterday afternoon, which was just long enough to afford a visit from my Dad so the kids could collect some buckets with him.

All and all I've batch boiled down to nearly 15 gallons of syrup in 3 different batches, which needs to be filtered and tested but that is a huge jump in yield for us compared to past years. I also have another 40 gallons of super concentrate I need to decide how to handle, I may just take it as far as I can on the RO and then do one "kettle" batch over propane.

I think the season is done for us more than likely, checking taps today showed some cloudy sap and little yield. It then rained most of the afternoon and does not appear to be freezing anytime in the coming days. Much like the rest of this crazy last year or so, this was sort of a strange season but still enjoyable and exciting to be doing syrup at our new place.

View of my last boil, it was an incredible time to be outside and enjoying this great hobby:


03-24-2021, 07:48 PM
What a run! We got enough of a freeze here to get nearly non-stop sap production right through to yesterday afternoon, which was just long enough to afford a visit from my Dad so the kids could collect some buckets with him.

All and all I've batch boiled down to nearly 15 gallons of syrup in 3 different batches, which needs to be filtered and tested but that is a huge jump in yield for us compared to past years. I also have another 40 gallons of super concentrate I need to decide how to handle, I may just take it as far as I can on the RO and then do one "kettle" batch over propane.

I think the season is done for us more than likely, checking taps today showed some cloudy sap and little yield. It then rained most of the afternoon and does not appear to be freezing anytime in the coming days. Much like the rest of this crazy last year or so, this was sort of a strange season but still enjoyable and exciting to be doing syrup at our new place.

View of my last boil, it was an incredible time to be outside and enjoying this great hobby:


Great Pics!

03-26-2021, 11:06 AM
I just checked the trees for the first time in a couple days...nothing going, not even rain water in there. I fear we're probably done given it's been nearly 70 three days in a row now.

03-26-2021, 06:42 PM
I pulled 50 taps and just finished giving my collection tanks a good cleaning. I’ll set them out again if the remaining trees I have tapped hold on longer and the sap flows. It looks like a week from now we’ll return to decent sap weather.
I’m not giving up hope yet. Too short of a season this year if I quit now!

03-26-2021, 06:56 PM
Stoweski, I am just up the hill from you and have no plans of throwing in the towel either.

03-26-2021, 07:56 PM
You guys are dedicated! Pulling the rest of my buckets and taps tomorrow and starting the cleaning process. Still have 8-9 gallons to bottle as well. When it gets this warm, I am ready to move onto other chores!

03-27-2021, 05:19 AM
My FIL in Ballston Lake pulled the few taps he has earlier this week (just 10). I like the “ultra dark” stuff so I go as long as possible. Next week it’s supposed to drop down below freezing for a bit so we’ll see what happens. If I don’t see a good run I’ll grow the skis on the roof and head north for the week! I don’t quit on skiing either! ��

03-29-2021, 06:08 AM
Finished the season with 15 gallons. Not bad considering for a while it was looking like I'd be lucky to hit double digits. Only thing left to clean is the evaporator and that'll be it for the season!

03-29-2021, 12:00 PM
I made 7 gallons and have used my wood resources for the year. I could dig into the firewood for the house or get some pallets to bust up, but right now I'm sitting idle waiting to see what happens. I dumped the ugly stuff out of all my buckets this morning but didn't pull them. Mostly out of curiosity. I think I'm done......BUT...... Maybe not?

I made labels this year. I'm having trouble uploading decent sized pictures though. the tagline is "An inch too short never tasted so sweet!" (burning lots of wood from my furniture making)





03-29-2021, 04:54 PM
Great looking bottles!