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View Full Version : Has anyone connected a Shurflo to a cigarette lighter plug?

01-17-2017, 11:24 AM
We are getting a Shurflo 4008 for a vacuum on about 35 taps. We also have a battery jump starter item with a cigarette lighter adapter that claims it can run a small pump for 8 hours. Question is how to connect, through the cigarette lighter plug or by using that actual jumper cables...or perhaps neither of these are good ideas. Any thought or suggestions would be appreciated. Thought we could use this while we charged the main battery, if needed.

01-17-2017, 12:14 PM
A cigarette lighter adaptor should have plenty of power for this, it usually has a 10 amp fuse, and the pump will only draw 1-2 amps. The 4008 pump draws about the same power as a standard type 1157 taillight bulb, 2 amps. I have even used a small 12A-hr motorcycle battery for transfers and it will run about an hour from that too.


01-17-2017, 12:23 PM
Dave, what was the elevation change for your transfer? We had thought about using the pump in this manner also.

01-17-2017, 01:43 PM
Didn't have any real elevation, just pumping collection tanks into the truck gathering tank. But ask me later in the season. I am going to try pumping up about 20' of elevation through 500' of 5/16" tubing with one of these pumps. It won't be fast but it's just going to pump 20-30 gallons at a time, and if it takes a half hour that's fine. I will use the same pump that is creating vacuum, just swap hoses for a few minutes. This is the only way I can justify tapping some red maples that are at the bottom of a hill and don't have good access in the snow or mud season.


01-17-2017, 08:54 PM
How long of a battery life you think you'll get?

01-18-2017, 05:33 AM
First time working with vacuum, but based on what I have picked up on here I expect about 24 hours with a battery.

01-18-2017, 06:56 AM
Yup, I have run over 30 hrs continuously with my 4008 pump, using a deep cycle marine battery.

01-18-2017, 07:41 AM
First time working with vacuum, but based on what I have picked up on here I expect about 24 hours with a battery.
You can, but it depends a little bit on what you use for a battery. A small regular battery might not make that long, but a good deep cycle marine battery will.

01-18-2017, 08:48 AM
Out of curiosity, how do you all connect your pump to the battery? I assume there must be some type of quick connection so the battery can be removed for charging?

01-18-2017, 08:58 AM
I use some alligator clips I got at the auto parts store.

01-18-2017, 09:34 AM
I use one of two different ways. Whatever way you use, you should use an inline fuse to be safe, and prevent melted wires in the event of an "oops" :)

I use a NAPA deep cycle marine battery #8270 which has standard battery terminals plus a set of smaller threaded lugs. Then I bought a Battery Tender fused ring terminal harness on Amazon for about $7, this will bolt to the battery, has a fuse holder, and uses a standard 12V SAE automotive connector. Nice clean installation.

Or if your battery doesn't have the smaller studs, you can buy a similar Battery Tender cable with battery charger clamps, also fused and with the 12V automotive connector, for about a buck more. Just do a search on Amazon for Battery Tender, or maybe an auto parts store has something similar. But make sure you get one with a fuse. If the pump jams or tries to start when frozen, you will be glad you have the fuse.


Super Sapper
01-18-2017, 11:05 AM
I use alligator clips also. On my 2088's I can get 3 days on a deep cycle battery. I swap batteries every other day in the woods that I have 2 pumps so I only need 3 batteries for it.

01-18-2017, 12:40 PM
Has anyone tried a solar battery charger to maintain a deep cycle battery hooked to a shurflo?

01-18-2017, 12:58 PM
Has anyone tried a solar battery charger to maintain a deep cycle battery hooked to a shurflo?

I ran a 40w panel on a pump last year. It definitely helped extend battery life but I had difficulty getting good full sun all day in the woods.

01-18-2017, 01:02 PM
I have two solar charger, one with a 40 watt solar panel and one with an 80 watt solar panel. They help extend the time between recharges but they are not 100% effective. Problem is getting enough sunshine. My pumps are in the woods so it is a bit shady, and shadows will move through the day - panels might get sun during the AM and be shaded during the PM. It is also difficult to point them at the sun at a good angle since the sun angle changes a lot between AM and PM. Also if sap runs overnight, when you need the extra power the most, it is often cloudy during the days and you do not get enough sunlight to keep the battery charged. If anybody has a good solution I'd like to hear it, but I'm guessing it will be expensive. I'm going to continue to use them but also have a spare battery to swap out.
