View Full Version : Acids and alkaline wash water and pumps

01-16-2017, 03:44 AM
I got looking through my pump specs and noticed that my pump is all stainless except for the impeller is thermoplastic. Probley not a big deal but wanted to ask the question. Is it ok for a wash solution to sit overnight in the pump.
I looked on grundfos, goulds website also and they have the same construction on their pumps. Thermoplastic impeller and stainless housings and shafts. And it states that pumping acids and alkylis is not recommended with the pumps.
I'm assuming that the wash solutions we use aren't that strong but will the pump be ok sitting in the solution for say 24 hrs or more.

Sterling Maple
01-16-2017, 06:39 PM
If you are washing it, you will be using a detergent. That is the opposite of acidic, it is basic. I leave my wash in overnight and rinse the next day. The only time I use acid is at the end of the season, then raise the pH by washing it. Hope that helps.

01-17-2017, 12:00 PM
MFG is referring to using the pump to transfer concentrated acids and alkaline as its sole duty. The pumps are fine with the limited time of contact and the low %of chemicals used to wash.

01-17-2017, 05:30 PM
Thanks guys, just wanted to make sure.