View Full Version : So when are people tapping in CT this year?

01-10-2017, 03:16 PM
Just curious the consensus on when to start tapping in CT this year. Seemed I was a little late going last year.

01-10-2017, 04:53 PM
I tapped some trees today in Rhode Island, about when I tapped last year and weather seems good for it. Where in CT?

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01-10-2017, 07:28 PM
In Stamford.

01-11-2017, 10:56 AM
I tapped February 4th last year and had my first boil February 5th. That sap ran well those first days!
I'm hoping the weather gets cold again and stays that way until at least the same date this year....

01-11-2017, 11:22 AM
Have not tapped yet. Last year tapped at the end January and first boil was February 2nd. I am hoping that it gets cold again and stays cold till I can finish up on the new sugar shack. No more cooking out in the field under the elements this year. Also still waiting on a new tank to get here. We are located in Redding Ct.

Mike Van
01-11-2017, 12:04 PM
I started today, 2 weeks ahead of last year, look at the 10 day weather & go for it -

01-11-2017, 12:21 PM
I started today, 2 weeks ahead of last year, look at the 10 day weather & go for it -

Jeeze I hope you're wrong! I'm just ten miles north of you and was hoping to hold off for a couple of weeks. Let me know what happens and I might follow you're lead. Should have the rest of my tubing run this Saturday and I'll be ready to go.

01-11-2017, 12:33 PM
Had about 5 gallons so far from tress I tapped yesterday. Didnt do too many tress but not bad, weather is beautiful today

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01-11-2017, 01:40 PM
i too am keeping a watch on the weather and have downloaded several weather apps, and the maple tapping app to keep a close watch in my area (Oxford). I am finishing my PVC bag holders this weekend, storing up the propane for finishing, and fixing the door to my shack, gathering the last bit of kindling. Last year i tapped on Jan 28th and the runs started a few days after (beginners luck), this year i can't wait to start, and know the weather for the next few days would yield something, but probably not the start. Im going to stay firm with tapping at the end of the month, or when signals tell me to go. Its a tough call, because i can't wait to get started. Monitoring the activities of others on MT is a bonus as well. If anyone want to text or chat during the season, please reach out 203-217-1030

Mike Van
01-11-2017, 05:59 PM
weather.com for me is showing 15 days of some pretty good weather for syrup https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/06757 some showers next week, but overall not bad. I got 75 in today, should get the other 75 tomorrow, and be boiling Fri or Sat. I'll do a few refract. tests tomorrow, too tired tonight. 3 years ago, tapped late Feb with snowshoes on, what a difference.

01-11-2017, 08:33 PM
Hey Mike, please keep us posted on your results...based on the weather (thanks for the link), i'm going to target the 21st or 22nd to tap. I have been debating when, but this was a good clear picture for me in Oxford. Man, i can't wait to start this season. I'm targeting 55-70 taps, not quite sure yet, still trying to gather a few more trees.

01-12-2017, 12:34 PM
After looking at the 15 day forecast I think I am going to tap this Sunday after I finish setting up the cooker. It is hard looking out the window today at work knowing I could be getting that much closer to my first boil with my new Smokey Lake Hybrid pan.

Mike Van
01-12-2017, 04:45 PM
15006 Got my other 75 tapped this AM, Went around after lunch & picked up almost 90 gal. from yesterdays trees. Got about half of it boiled off, i'll finish the rest in the morning, and what else comes too. Checked a bunch for sugar, the lowest was 2%, best was 3, most at 2.5 - I guess my age is starting to show, back hurts. 15007

01-12-2017, 06:25 PM
I still have 100 taps and tubing to put up on Saturday. I think I'll start early and perhaps set taps Saturday afternoon. Might hold off on buckets for a week or two.

Didn't want to tap for another 10 days but what can you do? Make hay when the sun shines.....

01-12-2017, 07:10 PM
MIKEEEEEEE!!!!! you are not helping my anxiousness! hhahahaahhaahahahah....doing last minute stuff this weekend, then will see where i am, trying to hold off till the 22nd. temps just don't mae sense to me until at least then, but 90Gallons, is 90 gallons...and you will probably do well again throughout this weekend. Where about in Kent are ya? want a visitor? PM or text me.

Mike Van
01-12-2017, 08:16 PM
Mikey don't text Scott - 130 Kent Cornwall Rd - Thats 2 miles north of Kent, right on Rt 7. I('ll be around there all afternoon tomorrow, probably finish up on Sat. Supposed to be in the teens Fri night, but i'll have a bunch from tomorrows run.

01-13-2017, 05:12 AM
Mike, I'm 6.2 miles north of you on Rt.7 too. 104 Kent Rd. S. (https://www.google.com/maps/dir//130+Kent+Cornwall+Rd,+Kent,+CT+06757/@41.8098357,-73.3807402,164m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x89e789f08d93 5807:0xade2800e041f301a!2m2!1d-73.452178!2d41.741935?hl=en) I'm on the west side down by the river.

Mike Van
01-13-2017, 10:48 AM
You must be near Gun Brook Farm?

01-13-2017, 11:42 AM
So would it be a bad thing to tap now and then have a temps get cold again for few weeks?? Wondering if there's no harm in tapping early...

01-13-2017, 12:19 PM
So would it be a bad thing to tap now and then have a temps get cold again for few weeks?? Wondering if there's no harm in tapping early...

Here's a good read for ya.


01-13-2017, 12:34 PM
You must be near Gun Brook Farm?

'bout a mile north. Next driveway past the "Frog Rock".

Mike Van
01-13-2017, 04:23 PM
I don't believe a big cold spell will hurt, everything just goes dormant. The data in that UV bulletin was from 16+ years ago, things are changing in the world, some will still deny it though. A long warm spell killed my season last year, and it was in early March. Was still my best ever, despite tapping Jan 25 or so. Freeze - thaw, freeze thaw, makes it all work. Anyway, picked up another 85 gal today, boiled some off but will do the rest tomorrow. It's in a barrel in the barn so it doesn't freeze up solid tonight. The weekend looks cold [here] but by Mon it's back to 40's.

01-14-2017, 02:08 PM
Ran the rest of my lines and tapped everything. 170 or so taps all on 3/16. Will hang about 40 buckets but I'll wait a couple weeks to do that. Looks like good sap weather coming this week.....

01-14-2017, 03:09 PM
Ok, after the run in Kent, and looking more closely at the 15 day, i put out my first 22 taps today using bags for the first time. I may do another 25 tomorrow, not sure if i want to get overwhelmed all at once next Wednesday, or gradually ease into it. Who am I kidding? Been waiting almost 365 for this! I'm all in. By the way, how great is that property bordering a lighted parking lot? so lucky!


01-14-2017, 03:53 PM
Ok, after the run in Kent, and looking more closely at the 15 day, i put out my first 22 taps today using bags for the first time. I may do another 25 tomorrow, not sure if i want to get overwhelmed all at once next Wednesday, or gradually ease into it. Who am I kidding? Been waiting almost 365 for this! I'm all in. By the way, how great is that property bordering a lighted parking lot? so lucky!


Drive-in sap collection!

Mike Van
01-14-2017, 04:22 PM
Hey Scott - the sap from the one near that padmount transformer might have a few extra ions in it - - Just for flavor you know - I'm all cleaned up right now, waiting the next warm spell. Not far off from what I see. Last year I had every bucket, tap, piece of tubing, etc. out in the woods. I almost paid the ridiculous price Tractor Supply was asking for some new pails, but soon came to my senses. This past summer at Bascombs I stocked up on some used aluminum pails, covers, and even bought some 'health' spouts. What a small hole 5/16 is, I can see them healing faster this summer. I've been out of syrup since Christmas, so theres 4 gal. now I can finish & bottle in the next few days. One of these days, I see a filter press in my equipment inventory.

01-15-2017, 04:54 PM
I set another 23 taps today bringing season total to 45. I have about another 30 to do, but ran out of the PVC caps. Saw my first drops of 2017 sap, so that was very cool. I like the PVC collection idea/theory, curious to see how the bags hold up. I have buckets and tubes at the ready. Great to be outside again, bring on the 1st boil!


01-16-2017, 03:48 PM
Last year I had 10 taps (and probably got started too late). Today I put in 30. That's probably as big as I'll get (until next year, I'm sure!). If anyone is looking to purchase 5 gallon food grade buckets, both Lowe's and Home Depot have them for $5. Lowe's in Derby has them for $2.39, and 2 Home Depot's and a Lowe's were willing to match that price. (The Costco by me was picked dry!) Here's hoping I'm not too early this year, a few of the taps are dry so far, but a couple others have put out a cup or so of sap already. I'll check them in the morning.

Mike Van
01-16-2017, 04:18 PM
You probably won't get any overnight Mark, just too cold. There is a good thaw coming in the next few days though. Despite being 12 F this morning, I had several running by 1 PM. No frost in the ground, no snow pack, days above freezing are going to make sap run.

01-16-2017, 05:14 PM
My in-laws live at Oxford Greens. Are you the guy on the way there? Would love to stop in some time.

01-16-2017, 06:27 PM
hey Tanta, there are a few sugar operations in oxford, woodbury ansonia, etc perhaps you are coming from woodbury into southbury, then into oxford? there is a big sugar bush right on rte 6 heading towards southbury. I am just a small time hobbiest deep in the hills. you can definitely stop over once the boils are more constant. i live on 2+ acres, but 3 maples, so i am collecting from around neighborhoods (some as far as 20 min drive).

Mike Van
01-18-2017, 04:16 PM
Despite not quite making it to 40 degrees today, I picked up 65 gals of sap - early pickup too as I had a 4PM meeting - Boiling in the morning, sure theres more coming according to the weatherman. I had ants in two buckets, January & I had ants. probably be flies by the weekend.

01-18-2017, 05:43 PM
I got about ~11 gallons today from 30 taps. I noticed a few (as snow fleas go) snow fleas on a couple of the buckets. The forecast does look promising.

01-18-2017, 07:39 PM
I collected about 125 gallons between yesterday and this afternoon. Just check a few minutes ago and my gravity lines are still pulling 28" of vacuum and sap is still flowing well. Hope to have 300-400 gallons to boil by Friday night/Saturday. Glad I tapped early.

Mike Van
01-18-2017, 07:57 PM
how long to boil off 3 to 400 gals?

01-19-2017, 04:28 AM
how long to boil off 3 to 400 gals?

Depends on how many times I run it through the RO! Its a delicate balance between squeezing my sap down to a manageable volume, but still leave enough water in it to spend the whole weekend in the sugar shack! :D

01-19-2017, 07:42 AM
I tapped on the 14th of January, (got 45 of my 75 out) and am just finishing my first batch of 90+ gallons. Im hoping the momentum continues! Im in Oxford, and will have samples for all that attend the CT Maple Meeting Saturday the 21st. Hope to meet some of you up there. See the posting in the CT Thread of MT. I will be wearing a black bandana, please come over and introduce yourself!

01-19-2017, 11:41 AM
you crack me up bro! Looking forward to hanging with a celebrity at the meeting!

Mike Van
01-19-2017, 03:43 PM
picked up 55 gal this afternoon, it did test 2.5% though - In one bucket was a mosquito that got the true death. Good frost coming tonight, should be a good run into the weekend.

01-21-2017, 04:14 AM
We had 300+ gallons last night and I'm assuming we'll have another 100 today. Boiled last night and will again most of the day today. Sugar was about 1.5%.

01-21-2017, 01:52 PM
6.25 gallons (1.9 Brix) today, 43 gallons since 1/17 from 30 taps. Got about a gallon of syrup so far. I'm guessing this is about it until towards the end of next week; it doesn't look like it's supposed to get below freezing here until then.

Mike Van
01-21-2017, 03:21 PM
I had a little over 50 gal yesterday & another 40 today - We need a freeze to get going again. Can't believe in January, can't get a night of frost.

01-21-2017, 04:05 PM
Never thought I'd be hoping for freezing temperatures in January......


Sugar Bear
01-21-2017, 06:11 PM
I wonder if Donald Trump can fix this!

Mike Van
01-21-2017, 07:56 PM
At 9 PM it's down to 36.5 with clear skies - Fingers crossed here in Kent for frost tonight -

01-22-2017, 10:39 AM
Hi Guys, just wanted to check in from danbury. this is my third year doing it. first year was about 10 taps, last year about 2 dozen. This year... not sure yet. hopefully around 3 dz. I'm in the middle of finishing my evaporator. Waiting on the pan to be bent and welded up next week nothing as fancy as some of the setups, but should work for my little hobby.

Still need to cut in the door, blower hole and decide if i want to do do a single stack or two 6"s just for fun? any idea if that would even work?

01-22-2017, 04:59 PM
Made 4.5 gallons Friday night and Saturday. Bottled it today.



Pauly V
01-22-2017, 07:57 PM

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Pauly V
01-22-2017, 07:58 PM
started today. 1/3 of my taps.in. 30. 60 gallons from yesterday morning. sweet.

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Mike Van
01-23-2017, 06:36 AM
Hi Guys, just wanted to check in from danbury. this is my third year doing it. first year was about 10 taps, last year about 2 dozen. This year... not sure yet. hopefully around 3 dz. I'm in the middle of finishing my evaporator. Waiting on the pan to be bent and welded up next week nothing as fancy as some of the setups, but should work for my little hobby.

Still need to cut in the door, blower hole and decide if i want to do do a single stack or two 6"s just for fun? any idea if that would even work?
I've never seen any kind of woodburner with other than a single stack - Probably a waste of your time to try to re-invent the wheel -

01-23-2017, 05:21 PM
I am planning on tapping Wednesday, the weather on the 10 day looks perfect starting Thursday, I am in southeastern CT, Ledyard.

01-23-2017, 08:11 PM
I've never seen any kind of woodburner with other than a single stack - Probably a waste of your time to try to re-invent the wheel -yea. apparently i suffered from too many fumes in the garage. i decided on going with a single 8" stack. I figured 2 stacks would be problematic to balance or do funny things to the burn rate. I got the 8" installed today and did a clean-out burn. need to pick up some firebrick tomorrow from O&G and get it lined next.

BTW, this is Matt B, friends with Matt L. how are things in kent this season?

01-23-2017, 10:05 PM
I'm thinking about tapping this weekend, but trying to delay into February if possible. I want to get to March weather dependent and don't want the taps to close up early. Are you early tappers on buckets?

Mike Van
01-24-2017, 04:23 AM
yea. apparently i suffered from too many fumes in the garage. i decided on going with a single 8" stack. I figured 2 stacks would be problematic to balance or do funny things to the burn rate. I got the 8" installed today and did a clean-out burn. need to pick up some firebrick tomorrow from O&G and get it lined next.

BTW, this is Matt B, friends with Matt L. how are things in kent this season? Hey Matt - Going fine in Kent, 400 gal/sap boiled so far. Good sugar too, 2.5 in the tank last time I tested. I got firebrick for my Garn this past fall at B&B mason supply in New Milford - About 1/2 price of what H.D. wanted.

01-24-2017, 08:40 AM
I am planning on tapping Wednesday, the weather on the 10 day looks perfect starting Thursday, I am in southeastern CT, Ledyard.

Hey James and Pryo, I'm using sap sacks. I have some trees in Norwalk and Ansonia. I'm thinking the same, tapping this Wednesday or Thursday. Other than trending colder in the 10 day, looks OK. Just a gut feeling, but I think 2nd week of February through March is going to be solid.

01-24-2017, 10:29 AM
....Going fine in Kent, 400 gal/sap boiled so far....

Hey Mike, you're just a few miles down the road...If you have some portable tanks and want to run some sap through my RO, feel free. I should be boiling Friday night, Saturday morning and most of Sunday.

Pauly V
01-24-2017, 11:45 AM
using my phone app. these threads are all out of sync. cant follow them in order and cant see my post and pics. anyone know why.

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01-24-2017, 02:26 PM
Been a busy week for me as well. 250 gallons collected in Oxford, (off mainly 45 taps) i have set out another 8 to get me to 53 for now. Holding off on the next 25-30 for 2 more weeks. Have made 5 1/2 gallons thus far. Burned through a lot of wood. Playing with infusing with cinnamon stick, and madagascar vanilla bean as well. I will be tasting those later in the week with another MT member. Had a really great time at the CT maple meeting in Hebron on the 21st. Always good meeting local sugar makers, and putting faces to MT names! I think they will be running again tomorrow through the weekend, lets see what happens. It's good to be back boiling!

01-24-2017, 02:27 PM
I got firebrick for my Garn this past fall at B&B mason supply in New Milford - About 1/2 price of what H.D. wanted.
Good to know for next year. Thanks for the tip.

01-24-2017, 03:15 PM
Good to know for next year. Thanks for the tip.

O&G is another source with a very good price. I think $1.50 for full $1.25 for splits

Mike Van
01-24-2017, 03:36 PM
Thanks for the offer woodsrover - All caught up now, waiting on the next run - The woods were nice & dry, wet slippery mess now. O well, welcome to New England....................

Mike Van
01-24-2017, 03:40 PM
I'm thinking about tapping this weekend, but trying to delay into February if possible. I want to get to March weather dependent and don't want the taps to close up early. Are you early tappers on buckets? There is colder more normal weather coming back for Feb from the look of it. None of the wacky 55 degree crap showing. Most of my taps on buckets, only 15 on gravity tubing. I'd rather the early sap, as when it gets into March those days of 60 degrees show up, flies, buds on trees, etc. I've had it 95 to 100 in my SH boiling, and that sucks, no nice way to say it.

Pauly V
01-24-2017, 04:59 PM
Been a busy week for me as well. 250 gallons collected in Oxford, (off mainly 45 taps) i have set out another 8 to get me to 53 for now. Holding off on the next 25-30 for 2 more weeks. Have made 5 1/2 gallons thus far. Burned through a lot of wood. Playing with infusing with cinnamon stick, and madagascar vanilla bean as well. I will be tasting those later in the week with another MT member. Had a really great time at the CT maple meeting in Hebron on the 21st. Always good meeting local sugar makers, and putting faces to MT names! I think they will be running again tomorrow through the weekend, lets see what happens. It's good to be back boiling!
labels.look great. did you have them printed or do you have a program? nice.

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01-24-2017, 06:42 PM
O&G is another source with a very good price. I think $1.50 for full $1.25 for splitsI called them yesterday, $1.88 fulls and $1.44? splits i think were the numbers. going to try to run over there tomorrow if work permits. wacky weather is keeping me busy (good thing).

01-24-2017, 06:46 PM
Thanks for the offer woodsrover - All caught up now, waiting on the next run - The woods were nice & dry, wet slippery mess now. O well, welcome to New England....................

I know. What a mess. Supposed to get cold and snowy until midnight and cold after that. Going to be an icy mess on the roads tomorrow morning. On the bright side, the sap should flow tomorrow!

01-24-2017, 10:32 PM
Someone last year told me about fire brick at Route 7 Mason Supply for $1.25 for full and $1.20 for splits. Check them out in Redding or Ridgefield on Rt 7. I'm going to pick some up this weekend.

01-25-2017, 11:21 AM
"O&G is another source with a very good price. I think $1.50 for full $1.25 for splits"

Sorry I was low-balling the prices. -Typical estimate, right? Never come in under budget!
Good luck this season!

01-25-2017, 06:11 PM
Someone last year told me about fire brick at Route 7 Mason Supply for $1.25 for full and $1.20 for splits. Check them out in Redding or Ridgefield on Rt 7. I'm going to pick some up this weekend. they're right in the little tiny sliver of Redding on RT 7. basically ridgefield though.

let me know how they are, i prefer to deal with smaller shops and try to avoid O&G unless i have.

01-26-2017, 06:11 AM
Tapped.14 sugars yesterday evening, two of them were already dripping, let's see how they go.

01-26-2017, 10:04 AM
Someone last year told me about fire brick at Route 7 Mason Supply for $1.25 for full and $1.20 for splits. Check them out in Redding or Ridgefield on Rt 7. I'm going to pick some up this weekend.

Pryo, where are you located? We are in Redding on Rt.53 at the bottom of Gallows Hill. Stop by of you are in the area.

01-26-2017, 03:07 PM
steits, I'm up the hill from you, top of umpawaug. I've seen you boiling in the open the last couple of years, noticed a while back you had upgraded. tapped a few this week. Still think I'm early, but then again, if I finish early, there's more time to transition to spring, right?

01-26-2017, 09:51 PM
Boiled another 30 gallons tonight, this batch might be a maple cream batch if they don't run friday or saturday. Cold days coming for a good stretch. Lets see what Valentines looks like this year. If the 10-15 day is accurate, and it warms up after...holy hell will it be busy! So cool you guys are right near each other.

01-26-2017, 09:52 PM
Stiets: I'm also in Redding, will pm you. Would love to stop by when your boiling and see your setup. I'm welding together a new 2x3 arch. Just finishing skinning it now and will be doing the insulation/firebrick this weekend.

Do you have all your taps in? I'm likely delaying one more week.

01-27-2017, 07:19 AM
steits, I'm up the hill from you, top of umpawaug. I've seen you boiling in the open the last couple of years, noticed a while back you had upgraded. tapped a few this week. Still think I'm early, but then again, if I finish early, there's more time to transition to spring, right?
I am looking forward to the upgrade this year. Will be different from boiling in the field. Just waiting for enough sap to do my first boil on the new pan. Good to see other Redding syrup makers on the MT site. Would love to meet up at some point. I put out 20 taps on buckets so far but holding off putting out the remaining 40 taps I still have. I will PM you.

01-27-2017, 05:41 PM
I just got permission from 5 land owners close to my house (2 of them are my clients) to tap their trees. Just goes to show you nothing ventured, nothing gained. Together between the 5 properties i should be able to do about 50-60 trees i'm hoping. I need to get a plan of attack to tube them all up on 3/16 as it's a mountain side basically. hopefully i can do it all in 3 collection locations to pump out. I'm stoked!

01-29-2017, 07:08 AM
Anyone else having a slow week? I'm in ri border of CT, was flowing Great and last week or so nothing. Just checking if anyone else is seeing this too? Weather seemed unseasonably warm so guessing thats why?

Mike Van
01-29-2017, 07:57 AM
we've been stuck in the 'doldrums' for a while too - Wouldn't quite freeze at night, now it looks like we're in for some colder [more normal] for Feb weather. It'll come, but how much & for how long is always a guessing game.

01-29-2017, 09:16 AM
I threw in one tap last week to keep an eye on things. nothing in Danbury this am. which is good for me, still waiting on evaporator and need to get lines in next week hopefully.

Mike Van
01-29-2017, 10:56 AM
It is actually running here a little today, 36 degrees & a breeze blowing - I might go dump buckets later -

Mike Van
01-29-2017, 02:57 PM
So, it's later & I picked up 45 gal of sap on a pretty lousy day. Cold, it got to 37 and a good breeze blowing. Some trees dripping pretty good, some hardly at all I'll boil in the early AM, I like that shift watching it get light.

01-29-2017, 06:51 PM
Got 14 gallons sap off 14 taps today. Hopefully it will start flowing real good with the weather forecast. Located in Ledyard ct south eastern ct.

01-29-2017, 07:00 PM
Very little to nothing in Oxford. Planning on a collection run Tuesday night, in preparation of a 41 degree day Wednesday? lets see if the weather predications are realized. Looking to put out 35-40 more taps right around Valentines day (based on 15 day). We'll see, was full steam ahead there for a while. This break allowed me to replenish the wood pile, and clean up the shack. Also started gathering wood for 2018 hope to have it all split by end of May. Looking forward to getting started again, really enjoyed the early run of January.

01-29-2017, 08:24 PM
Boiled Friday night, a bit Saturday morning and then again this afternoon. I'm up to 14 gallons of finished syrup so far this year. Almost surpassed last years production before the date I even tapped last year! Crazy weather, but make hay when the sun shines!

01-30-2017, 08:27 AM
Just got word from a property owner that many of my sap bags are full, several half full, he is watching and maintaining...what a difference 12 hours makes? i'm boiling tonight boys! A Woodsrover has said, i can echo it, i have made 30% (6 gallons) of my entire production last year in just 10 days, well before i tapped last year. incredible start thus far.

01-30-2017, 08:51 AM
(mumbling about luck)

I did most of my tapping last week...forecast looked good, and the date on the calendar is just that...so for me, the weekend was disappointing. the nice forecast (for sap and related activities) became unseasonably nice weather for people that don't spend much time outdoors.

when I tapped, I knew I was doing it in hopes of the right conditions. You look at the forecast, and I spent the better part of one full evening checking and double checking and triple checking every long mid and long term forecast I could find or think of. I'm not used to this weather where January hardly ever gets down to freezing...oh well, haven't worn my heavy winter jacket since I left MN, kinda doubt it's in any kind of condition to wear by now.

I'm not the only one who got hopeful. There's a "farm" just down the road who last year, took a pass on the entire season. This year, they were tapping as well last week. Yeah, three weeks ahead of target, but what are you going to do? wait and take the risk of losing out on the entire year?

01-30-2017, 07:08 PM
I'm sitting here waiting for bascom to get off their *** and ship my order... my first order came in 2 days, now it's been 5 days and no movement. not a happy camper at the moment. can't run any lines without material!

01-30-2017, 07:34 PM
[QUOTE=BSD;318075]I'm sitting here waiting for bascom to get off their *** and ship my order... my first order came in 2 days, now it's been 5 days and no movement. not a happy camper at the moment. can't run any lines without material![/QUOTE
Easy on the badmouthing of a dealer as Chris who runs this forum just posted a few days ago that he doesn't want that sort of stuff. I am not sure what you expect, out of the 5 days, 2 have been the weekend and most maple equipment dealers and companies are running flat out this time of year filling orders. If you don't like their service you can order from The Maple Guys who own this site.

01-30-2017, 08:38 PM
You look at the forecast, and I spent the better part of one full evening checking and double checking and triple checking every long mid and long term forecast I could find or think of. I do the EXACT same thing...OBSESSIVE with the weather and what may or may not happen...todays run in Oxford, 55 gallons, off 53 taps was completely unexpected...I am expecting Wednesday to be great if the forecast is true. Hang in there, its coming!

01-30-2017, 08:57 PM
I'm sitting here waiting for bascom to get off their *** and ship my order... my first order came in 2 days, now it's been 5 days and no movement. not a happy camper at the moment. can't run any lines without material!

What do you need? I have lots of spare tubing, taps, Tees, etc. If you need something to get going let me know. Not that far from you.

01-31-2017, 06:57 AM
According to most people i know, i'm always obsessive with the weather. I guess when you grow up on a farm, it never really leaves you.

Of possible interest, I noticed this week that all the high pressure outdoor cookers have sold out in local stores, where as recently as saturday there were multiples on the shelf. Not sure what it means, just found it interesting.

Found a new level of tedious monotony...waiting for the grass to grow, water to boil, and sap to flow.

01-31-2017, 01:41 PM
(mumbling about luck)

I did most of my tapping last week...forecast looked good, and the date on the calendar is just that...so for me, the weekend was disappointing. the nice forecast (for sap and related activities) became unseasonably nice weather for people that don't spend much time outdoors.

when I tapped, I knew I was doing it in hopes of the right conditions. You look at the forecast, and I spent the better part of one full evening checking and double checking and triple checking every long mid and long term forecast I could find or think of. I'm not used to this weather where January hardly ever gets down to freezing...oh well, haven't worn my heavy winter jacket since I left MN, kinda doubt it's in any kind of condition to wear by now.

I'm not the only one who got hopeful. There's a "farm" just down the road who last year, took a pass on the entire season. This year, they were tapping as well last week. Yeah, three weeks ahead of target, but what are you going to do? wait and take the risk of losing out on the entire year?

Weather Obessor's Love Compay, right?!
Continues to look like a promising Feb-March!!

Mike Van
02-01-2017, 03:58 PM
Too bad that wind came up today, it really hurt. I picked up 20 some gals, that was it. From the look of the forecast that'll be it for me 'till next Tuesday. Well, always something else to do. If you go to weather.com, look at the surface map of the USA. Theres a storm bearing down on California that looks like the size of the one we had called Sandy a few years back. Bad news -

02-01-2017, 04:49 PM
What do you need? I have lots of spare tubing, taps, Tees, etc. If you need something to get going let me know. Not that far from you.
Thank you for the offer! I was just grumpy with a delayed shipment, it came in last night, i got 1000' strung up today which gave me a good idea of how much more tubing i need to get to finish my little sugarbush. I decided to wait on tapping because i'll be away this weekend and next and still waiting on my evaporator to be finished up too. Will make another order tonight and hopefully get it by monday when i get back from the ski weekend.

02-01-2017, 05:09 PM
Like Mike Van said, it looked promising today but the clouds and wind didn't help. I did collect 20 gallons and I'll be boiling the 65 I collected tomorrow to sweeten the pan. I'll pull the concentrate and keep safe till things warm up next week.

Sugar Bear
02-02-2017, 08:05 PM
Sap ran well today in central Fairfield County CT.

Ran OK in Hopewell Junction NY.

Due to the warm weather we had in January there is no frost in the ground.

I would say it's open season on sap.

Sap seems to be running well on sunny days in mid 30's or warmer.

I have a hunch it will even flow a bit tomorrow with a hi of 32 degrees and well on Saturday with a hi of 34.

Mike Van
02-04-2017, 04:36 AM
Just too cold up here, changes coming though - This Tue will thaw, not freeze Tue night, and soar up to 50 for the day on Wed. before freezing again Wed. PM. Be ready -

02-04-2017, 09:19 PM
Ready in Oxford, boiled off 63 gallons and finished this morning for a nice 1.25 gallons. tapped january 14th, and have been pretty busy totaling just about 400 gallons. looking forward to this week as they should run several days. I have been maintaining a tidy shack and constant replenishment of the wood pile, and have also started gathering logs to split for 2018. Setting about 25 more taps in the morning, getting close to 80, that is probably it for me this year. will build an oil tank evaporator this spring/summer and tap over 100 next year, (if i can find them!).

02-04-2017, 10:22 PM
I've been trying to hold out as late as possible since I'm on gravity/buckets, but I think it might be time to tap tomorrow. Anyone still holding out that can convince me to wait another week?

02-05-2017, 07:28 AM
I've been holding out for two weeks now, don't know if I can hold out for another. The weather looks like we will at least get a few days off runs this week. (Somers/Enfield) I'm sitting here looking out the window this morning much like you, trying to decide to hold out another week or just go for it today and get it started

02-05-2017, 09:23 AM
its like the market guys, just get in and enjoy the ride. being a week early, won't hurt in a season that is relatively short anyway. Heading out now to tap at least 20-25 more. Somers/Enfield is northeast of me (about an hr), so it might be colder, but Wednesday they will be really running...G/L, happy sugaring!

02-05-2017, 03:03 PM
Tapped this weekend but almost nothing flowing in New Milford

02-05-2017, 04:26 PM
I'm out in Ashford and will be holding off for atleast another week. It's cold here.

02-05-2017, 04:45 PM
I'm all in. Tapped yesterday and today. My earliest start yet. Only a few drops so far, but I'm in a cold valley that always starts latter than most of you guys. Now I just need to give my pans and tools another cleaning and wait. . .

02-05-2017, 05:12 PM
I tapped about 80 Red Maples on 5/16 tubing and hooked them up to my Lunchbox releaser/pump today. Getting between 14"-22" of vacuum depending on the line.

Sap is flowing quite well. I'm in Old Lyme, CT along the shoreline. Weather forecast over the next week or so looks promising for sap.




02-05-2017, 06:56 PM
I tapped about 80 Red Maples on 5/16 tubing and hooked them up to my Lunchbox releaser/pump today. Getting between 14"-22" of vacuum depending on the line.

Sap is flowing quite well. I'm in Old Lyme, CT along the shoreline. Weather forecast over the next week or so looks promising for sap.



Markcould this released/ pump be used with 3/16 tubing?

02-05-2017, 08:01 PM
Not sure. This is the first time I've used it. I have only used it on 5/16.

You can check out their website:



02-05-2017, 08:09 PM
Thanks. I,m really curious about this. I think it would be the perfect solution for a small flat wood lot, at a reasonable price. I'll check the website.

02-06-2017, 01:15 PM
Tapped this weekend but almost nothing flowing in New Milford

I have some tapped in Norwalk near my workplace. I was away from 2/2-2/5. This morning all but one sap sack were literally over flowing. (The one sprung a leak at the seam half way up)

So I can say southern Ct is just about in full gear. Good luck to all.

Mike Van
02-06-2017, 06:18 PM
I had to pick up this afternoon too - 60+ gal to go with the 20+ from a few days back. Lots of ice from the last few nights in the teens. Good sap coming in the next few days -

02-06-2017, 07:08 PM
Got about 3/4 of the taps in, and most were immediately flowing. Glad I tapped today and didn't hold off any longer.

Pauly V
02-07-2017, 05:37 AM
i am tapping another 70 this am. pjcked them up from the neighbor of a neighbor im tapping. 1 quart of syrup for the trees. i am up to 135 taps from 80 last season. im ready for Wendesday. And this weekend looks great.
ive got 55 gallons to sweeten the pan this afternoon. 6.5 gallons so far.

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02-07-2017, 05:46 PM
I was going to hold off but changed my mind after seeing latest forecast. Raced home early and got 57 taps in before dark. All on 3/16. If everything goes to plan I'll take a snow day Thursday and sweeten the pan.

Pauly V
02-08-2017, 05:10 PM
nice run today.

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Pauly V
02-08-2017, 05:11 PM

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02-08-2017, 07:19 PM
Update from Bethel
We tapped our trees 1/13/17 this year earliest I've ever done. So far finished about 5 gallons and have had on and off sap flow days. We collected approx 300 gallons over the past couple of days. So far the season has been good with breaks in between flows.

02-08-2017, 10:13 PM
tapped this past weekend. ~125 taps. ~300 gal to boil. giddy up, it's on!

02-09-2017, 01:15 AM
Who in CT isn't smiling after Wednesday's run? its what we've been waiting for! good luck ot all of you post pix of this years bottling process when you ave some time

Mike Van
02-09-2017, 01:56 AM
3 AM, heading up to light the fire -

02-09-2017, 04:39 AM
Good run. Ran 200 gallons thru the RO last night and have another 100 to go. Boiled while I was at it. Up until 11:30.

Pauly V
02-09-2017, 11:47 AM

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02-09-2017, 11:58 AM
Monday through Wednesday night i collected 170 gallons, no RO (boooo), so i boiled it (took off from work at noon, and was reminded by another MT'er that this is a HOBBBY) until midnight, down to about 20 gallons, with 7 of that being great concentrate. This snow today is brutal, already went out and did the first pass removing about 10", and will be going our for round 2 around 3:30pm, its supposed to stop around 4pm...have to fire up the pit again tonight and get finishing this off. Its funny what the priorities are, sugar house, pathways, and wood piles FIRST, then, get to the family access, and driveway!

Pauly V
02-09-2017, 12:21 PM
hobby..lol..i know..
i made 2.25 gallons of Golden from this weeks runs. sap was very sweet coming out and the ice chunks i discarded even sweetened the.pot a bit more. it is absolutely amazing tbe flavor.of.this syrup . wicked sweet and buttery. i finished at 65 brix.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170209/7cb2a3ddf517f09738290ebe4c030cf1.jpg

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Maple Hill
02-09-2017, 05:39 PM
Looks good Pauly,I always liked the lighter syrup. good luck with your season,say hi to Dave.

Pauly V
02-09-2017, 06:03 PM
Looks good Pauly,I always liked the lighter syrup. good luck with your season,say hi to Dave.
Thank You! Good Luck toyou as well.

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Mike Van
02-10-2017, 05:00 PM
XX*/#*!!! Snow - dumping buckets just got 10x tougher. More snow tonight, more Sunday - I blame that groundhog......................

02-11-2017, 09:06 AM
Boiling today in Bethel, after digging out with the quad /plow. Nice to have.

02-11-2017, 01:10 PM
XX*/#*!!! Snow - dumping buckets just got 10x tougher. More snow tonight, more Sunday - I blame that groundhog......................

"The Groundhog"!!! hahaahahahahahahahah Love it!

02-12-2017, 10:59 AM
is anyone still untapped? or am i the only one really behind the 8 ball? I got 3 runs stretched on 3/16 a week ago before the snow, then got busy with snow-work. but now i'll have a hell of a time climbing my mountainside and actually get it tapped with the snow-cover.

02-13-2017, 10:15 AM
I tapped 15 nearby trees on Saturday which started to flow instantly. When I tried checked the buckets on Sunday but slipped on the ice tweaking my back ..... making my wife poke fun at my pain "that you got more pain coming if you think I am going to gather the sap for you"...and..."serves you right for tapping trees when you still had snow to clear in the driveway" ....

Based upon the weather forecast for the coming week I will put in another 10+ taps and will boiling this weekend.

02-13-2017, 12:02 PM
I started tapping Saturday, hope to get most of my taps in by early next week. Looks like it's time!

02-13-2017, 07:33 PM
Wow, I thought I was ahead of the game likely tapping this week. I guess I am alittle late.

02-13-2017, 07:44 PM
Wow, I thought I was ahead of the game likely tapping this week. I guess I am alittle late.

I'm already 20 gallons finishes! 4 more than I made all last year.

02-13-2017, 09:27 PM
I'm already 20 gallons finishes! 4 more than I made all last year.

Like Mike, i tapped on jan 14th and have done 12 gallons of finished syrup. ahead of last year, and looking for a very strong finish, late feb on the 10 day is looking very very good.

Mike Van
02-14-2017, 04:44 AM
I was surprised yesterday, as miserable as it was outside, some trees were actually running. Of course you had to dodge falling branches to check the pails - By this coming Sat, looks like big runs coming. BSD - get up that mountain & tap those trees!

02-14-2017, 09:07 PM
Just finished tapping and chasing leaks today

Helicopter Seeds
02-15-2017, 07:32 PM
Hello all.
I finally got tapped today. 44 taps this afternoon. So glad I cleaned them good in spring and put away.
I mortared my bricks and made a refractory concrete for in between my pans. That should be more efficient and less smokey in the shelter. I needed it to cure so delayed the first boil so we will see.
Forecast looks good next week. A lot were dripping mad as soon as I drilled. Even saw my friend Samuel Vw1 while out. (Nice Dodge Ram dude).
Last year I was earlier but after I pulled out others had another run a week later so not worried.

Here we go!!

02-15-2017, 10:08 PM
Here we go!!

Looking forward to a meet up Bert!

Mike Van
02-16-2017, 11:28 AM
Boiled off another hundred this morning, ton of ice again - Had steam going by 4 AM - I do like the early shift -

02-16-2017, 03:05 PM
well, i finally got time to finish up my 3/16 runs this afternoon since I think i've made a decision on a replacement evaporator. I still need to tap, but that'll come tomorrow.

Tank and my wire-spooler converted to 3/16 spooler via a road cone. it works awesome.
From the accessway looking down
3/16 Up and over the accessway
From the very top of the mountain, you can just make out the house at the bottom where the tank is.

02-16-2017, 04:29 PM
I'm jealous. My lines run the wrong way. Have to haul sap up the hill.

02-16-2017, 05:24 PM
I'm jealous. My lines run the wrong way. Have to haul sap up the hill.you just have to put the tank at the top then, sort of like putting the hole in the tire at the top to stop the air from leaking out of a tire... I got lucky gaining access to this property. it's almost perfect for 3/16

Helicopter Seeds
02-17-2017, 07:33 PM
Yesterday my first sap collection, about 30 gallons from 44 taps, on a day that was not above freezing very long. Suspect tonight's haul is bigger. Some cleanup and scrubbing to do tomorrow, but first boil should be late tomorrow or Sunday.

Helicopter Seeds
02-17-2017, 10:05 PM
Go figure. Much less sap today.
Here is hoping for more tomorrow

02-17-2017, 10:15 PM
looks like i had a decent run today after just getting tapped. had about 85-90 gallons in the tote and still flowing a few hours ago. have to see what it looks like in the morning.


02-18-2017, 11:23 PM
Just finished bottling my latest batch, yielded 2.75 gallons. Season totals thus far 746 gallons of sap, and 14.75 syrup. 62 taps (i recently pulled 5 from non producers). Trying to break last years total of 985, seems to be on track.15488
Also noticed a nice sun set shot after unloading my collection today (75 gallons)

Mike Van
02-19-2017, 04:52 PM
I boiled of 90 this AM & picked up another 150 for tomorrow - It was kind of too hot this afternoon -

02-19-2017, 08:07 PM
Finished 8 gallons today. Will bottle tomorrow. Tired tonight!!

02-19-2017, 09:36 PM
Found a couple buckets overflowing. Poured into my 55 gallon drum, which overflowed. Drove it on the back of the lawn tractor trailer, more overflowed. Found a slow leak on my buttress fitting. But will all the wasted sap, I still can't keep up!

Fired up my new homemade evaporator for the first time today. So far working great.

02-20-2017, 12:19 AM
The last few days have been awesome. first day on 3/16 I made 110 gallons on 84 taps, i averaged 1.3 gal per tap with no vacuum (had vents at the top of the lines by accident). Saturday I made 210 gallons (2 gallons per tap) after correcting my vacuum issue. Today didn't have much of a run at all, maybe 65/70 gallons? will know the total in the morning. Today i got a chance to setup my new rig, and do a little test boil with some water to make sure everything is almost kosher. Need to run to get firebrick in the morning because i have 300 gallons to process ASAP.


Mike Van
02-21-2017, 12:35 PM
No freeze now until Sunday night -

02-21-2017, 01:20 PM
No freeze now until Sunday night -
going to be a long week. my taps really slowed down. i was hoping for a hard run today but they're just so-so today. hopefully it runs long into the night to make up for it. i need something to boil!

02-21-2017, 05:26 PM
I was also underwhelmed with the sap flow today. I'm hoping I have some heavier buckets by tomorrow afternoon. The buds are already visible on the trees!

02-22-2017, 05:49 AM
Just finished my biggest batch to date...225 gallons of sap yielding just short of 5 gallons of syrup. It was quite a 3 day marathon. I am starting a new batch tonight with the 70 i collected yesterday, and whatever ran last night into today. I'm thinking of pulling taps March 1st, as i have already done over 1000 gallons of sap, and 20 gallons of syrup, incredible 2nd season for me. I'd like to take the time and tour around CT and meet as many MT members as possible. PM me if you are up for a visit in March with your address or contact number.

02-22-2017, 08:53 AM
Was home from work with my son yesterday and made another almost 4 gallons. Opened the holding tanks and will let the sap run on the ground for the next few days. This weather doesn't look good....

02-22-2017, 09:48 AM
Down to a trickle in Southern CT. : {

Down time for some cleaning and more wood splitting to ready for the March runs.
I have to say, the flow has been amazing from late January until now down here.

I want to be ready for Mid-January like Scott D and MikeV were for this season.

Pauly V
02-22-2017, 12:58 PM
busy. 3 batches Amber i batch Golden 9 gallons total. 300 gallons in tank.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170222/4a3f5ce49bda1ab4730bb018dc93c249.jpg

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Pauly V
02-22-2017, 01:14 PM
3 batches 2 amber 1 Golden 9.5 gallons. Boiled down 135 today. . collected 145 for tomorrow.


I started today, 2 weeks ahead of last year, look at the 10 day weather & go for it -

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02-22-2017, 01:55 PM
Nice looking stuff!

Crazy weather. So glad I tapped early!!

02-22-2017, 02:47 PM
I came home today and every one of my containers were overflowing with sap! boiled down to nothing last night and I collected 50 gallons of sap today. who knows how much spilled over....I'm going to boil that down tomorrow and then finish whats in the pan...

02-22-2017, 02:47 PM
That looks so good.its gonna be a busy week!!

02-22-2017, 05:57 PM
Tapped in around Valentines Day.

On Monday, my son made these from our first draw off:


Hope this warm weather doesn't spoil the 75 gallons of sap I have in the tank.

I'm trying to find a place that sells those big blocks of ice so I can cool down the sap with it.

I'm traveling on business and won't be home to boil it down until this weekend.


Mike Van
02-22-2017, 06:07 PM
Sap yesterday was pretty slow, but it was 18F in the morning - 30 gal pickup. Today was a lot better with 80 gal, checked the tank, it's 3%. Early start tomorrow -

02-22-2017, 06:15 PM
Sap yesterday was pretty slow, but it was 18F in the morning - 30 gal pickup. Today was a lot better with 80 gal, checked the tank, it's 3%. Early start tomorrow -i think i made 5 gallons from 122 taps today. nothing to do for a week now except scrub the pans and make a few little modifications.

I got my first draw off tonight and drew everything off the first two pans and going to save the sweet from the back three pans to start again next week.

Tree's are only running at a scooch over 2% today, they were up around 2.25% a few days ago.

02-22-2017, 08:50 PM
Been collecting since last weekend. I can't boil until Saturday, so I'm hoping it makes it through the next 3 days of warm weather. For personal use, I think it will be ok. We'll see...

Mike Van
02-23-2017, 04:08 PM
I picked up another 50 today - By Monday I expect to have a bunch of trees stop altogether. I have several that I didn't tap, too far out, etc. so I expect by Tuesday they'll have taps in them-

02-23-2017, 04:50 PM
Got a few sugar ants in my buckets yesterday

02-23-2017, 08:34 PM
I was amazed to find 75 gallons in the tank today. I wasn't expecting it at all, but mother nature throws another surprise my way. I'll have to get it into the pan tomorrow after work

I finished, filtered and bottled my first batch off the new machine. all in all 3.75 gallons (plus a quart i spilled on the kitchen floor :(). all bottled up and ready to go once i get some labels made up with my contact info.
My first batch off the new rig was as much as i did all last year.

02-23-2017, 09:21 PM
Fantastic to see and hear about everyones experiences this season. The finished bottle pictures are excellent, inspires me to keep going. Like Mike Van, I too have taps that have basically stopped (which for me at this point is ok). I am winding down my season after an incredible year! I'm currently at the back end of a 180 gallon batch, and look to finish that saturday. Tomorrow i am meeting with a beer brewer and a distiller, the plan is to get working on a Maple Porter, and a Cinnamon Maple Liquor by the end of March. So i'm shifting gears to products after making 23 gallons this season...mind blowing to me for my second year! Im looking forward to meeting some of you over the coming weeks, so hopefully the sap continues to run for us after these few warm days.

Pauly V
02-24-2017, 12:37 PM
Nice looking stuff!

Crazy weather. So glad I tapped early!!
Thanks. sorry for the double.post.
using phone.
im sitting outside after collscting anotber 205 gallons this am. its 75 in Bristol..wtf.

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Pauly V
02-24-2017, 12:46 PM
wow. im sitting by my brook in the backyard.watching my taps still trickle its 75 here in Bristol.
i collected 205 this am, as i did not get to empty yesterday.
I still have 35 trees I havent tapped. My plan was to tap them next week. I have 60 i tapped 4 weeks ago. they are becoming cloudy and ants and flies showing up. 2 weeks ago i tapped another 70. still flowing clear and high sugar. 3.75%.
So by staggering i may be able to stretch this I am hoping.
i have a nice rythym down with my 2nd year using the 2x6. its actually fun now.
thanks for all tbe helpfull tips and nice pics everyone.

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02-24-2017, 12:57 PM
Sap has been running strong since I tapped out Saturday the 18th (just over 700 gallons from 100 taps). Yesterday the sugar was down to 1.2 and today it was 1%. Hopefully it will bounce back next week after a good freeze?

02-24-2017, 01:03 PM
Paul V
Your right u get a good rythem and it's all good.been boiling since 7 am in my little two pan evaporater.got 28 gallons boiled and another 16-18 gallons to go.bucket had all sorts of critters in them.hopefulluy I will get this sap all done before 7pm. Couldn't ask for a nicer day out!!
It's 71 in Wolcott.piled a whole bunch up of snow to keep the sap cold
Keep it going!!

Mike Van
02-27-2017, 01:40 PM
I took about 30 taps out today, warm [hot] weather really killed them - I did tap some 2 dozen new ones though [lost count] It was 24 here this AM, and at 2 Pm the new trees were running sap onto the ground before I could get a tap in. Another warm spell coming, then cold by the weekend - I'm in it till the cows come home -

02-27-2017, 03:32 PM
trees here are running fair today, but definitely have some tap holes drying up. I'm tempted to run a new line on some new trees for the cold snap at the end of the week, that would mean setting up another tank though, which i don't have at the moment.

Pauly V
02-28-2017, 06:05 PM
Finishing up what I collected this week finishing up what I collected this week. Another 6 gallons bottled 21.5 so will pull taps this week. i have 35 to put in next week if weather warrants.

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02-28-2017, 06:12 PM
It ran today! My 700 worth of collection tanks are going to be overflowing by Friday. Guess I know what i'm doing this weekend!

BTW, bottled 3 gallons yesterday from Sunday's boil. Dark. Has it turned dark so soon?

02-28-2017, 07:04 PM
I only checked a few buckets this morning but I got near nothing on about 7 red maples. Not sure if they're dried up or just hasn't been cold enough. They've been tapped for 3.5 weeks. The two sugars I checked had a couple gallons. Between low yield and poor evaporation rates I'm getting a bit frustrated. We'll see what happens when temps get back to average next week.

Mike Van
03-01-2017, 02:48 AM
I picked up 70 some gals yesterday, mostly from the new ones I tapped. More of the old [Jan] ones dropping every day. Just over 2%, heading up now to light the fire -

03-01-2017, 07:38 AM
I picked up a hundred gallons from mondays and boiled it yesterday. I drew off a gallon and left the rest in the flues of one pan. I'm not expecting anything until the weekend now down here. it's definitely getting darker, still holding at 2% though. I really hope it recovers over the weekend and we can get a decent run in. these small batches are hardly worth firing up for. I'd really love to do a big 500 gallon run on my rig to really test it out.

03-01-2017, 02:34 PM
First post here - I'm a backyard boiler/neighborhood tapper. I have 9 trees on 5 properties in Norwalk that I tap, and then boil on weekend over a firepit (but just converted a file cabinet into a two bay evaporator. I tapped in mid January, and some of the lines are not producing anything anymore. If I pulled them and tapped new trees, would I render more sap? Could you ever re-tap the same tree the same year? Would you ever re-drill the same holes? I have been doing this for 4 years now, and in years past when the sap lines dried, I was done. But this year, I would like a like a bit longer of a season. Thanks in advance.

03-01-2017, 05:44 PM
If you re-tap a tree or try and re-drill the same holes you are causing more damage to the trees. If you have access to new trees go and tap those you will get more sap.

Mike Van
03-02-2017, 04:14 AM
If they were trees big enough 2 taps & you only had one you could drill a new hole on a different face & move the tap. That wouldn't hurt.

03-02-2017, 04:51 PM
Thanks guys! I will look at other trees in the neighborhood.

Mike Van
03-04-2017, 08:09 AM
No sap today, nothing running but my nose -