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01-06-2017, 02:42 PM
I've a5500 watt generator and I was wondering if any one had run a delaval 76 pump with one, or if any has had a similar set up and ideas ? Thanks

Jim Brown
01-06-2017, 03:54 PM
I ran 2 gast 2565 v2v with 1 1/2 hp dayton motors on 220 volts , My gen was also 5500 watt Pramac They would both run but the gen was not big enough to start them both

Had to start one then the other


Bruce L
01-06-2017, 04:51 PM
Depends on how big your motor is. I have a 3 hp motor on mine,I run it on a 12000 watt Winco generator with a 20 hp Honda engine. I had a 7500 watt generator from Sam's Club,would run the pump,but wouldn't start the pump,especially on cold days

01-07-2017, 03:28 PM
when a motor starts you need more amps than when it is running. Things that will affect this are and not limited to the gauge of the wire feeding the motor, the length of the run of wire, type of motor.

The shorter the run the better.
To small of a gauge of wire feeding the motor will make it hard to start if it will start at all.

To a point over sizing the wire will act as a reservoir of power for the inrush at start. Then you reach a point that no additional advantage is gained.

When starting multiply motors start the largest to the smallest.

Be certain to use the proper oil for the pump at the temp. Thick oil will be hard to start in cold weather. Think of your car on a 10 below morning vs a 30 degree morning.

the largest motor a D-76 is in need of is 3hp. 1hp run is = 750 watts, so 3 hp will take 2250 to run. Start up can be as much as a factor of 3 on a 30 degree morning.

To reduce the tension of startup install a tee with a ball valve to dump the vac the pump makes. She will start much easier this way. After she is running close the dump valve or you will have n vac on the system. Ya you laugh, but I had friend tell me his pump was toast...no vac. He forgot the dump valve. We all make mistakes...it is just a matter if we are able to admit them or not.

01-09-2017, 11:46 AM
We run a Delaval 76 pump with a three HP motor on it. We are using the harbor freight 6500 peak 5500 continuous generator. We have not had any issues with it at all. It will run for about six hours on a tank of gas. works great for our needs.