View Full Version : Journey's end maple farm

03-24-2007, 07:44 PM
Finally found some time to sit down and post a new thread. I have found out this year that 600+ taps is a bit much for one person to handle alone. Finished out 20 gallons of syrup today on the old 2x6. Took only about 4 1/2 hours of boiling. Gotta love the RO!. My new found love and future wife had a grand time canning syrup and talking to all the visitors we had today. I had to pinch myself a couple of times to make sure I was not dreaming! I thought for sure all the "stress" and freaking out I have been going thru the last month with this strange season would have made her run the other way, but it has brought us closer. Life is good! Hopefully by tommorow we should be hitting the 50 gallon mark. Still a lot of catching up to do.


03-24-2007, 07:50 PM
Sounds like things are going well for you!

03-28-2007, 06:49 PM
Finally hit the 75 gallon mark with 15 gallons of dark last night. The forcast looks good for the next couple of nights. I am hoping to hit at least the big 100. I went around and patted the trees and gave them a little pep talk. My neighbor showed up with 3 empty beer kegs today. Great timing! Now if I only can get them filled......


Russell Lampron
03-28-2007, 07:48 PM
That was fast Marty. The last time I talked to you you didn't even have a girl friend. Now you are getting married! I wish you the best of luck.

Even with the problems I have had with my RO this season I still love it.

I just passed 50 gallons for the season. I know that the syrup that I have in bulk is heavy and could pick up a gallon or so there when I correct the density. The temps look good for a run tomorrow. I hope it is a good one, the trees at my parents house aren't doing anything.


03-29-2007, 07:52 AM

I know exactly what you mean, and you have an RO. Come up here for a day. Hey did you ever get your boards for the Sugar House? I can get ahold of the guy down the road if you need me to.

This can't be the same girl you were dating that didn't want you splitting wood one day, since you said she was in the sugar house. Unless you converted her. Good for you. I know where you can get some syrup for wedding favors at a good price.... :-)

03-29-2007, 10:47 PM
No, Anne is difinitly not the same girl. She stayed in the sugarhouse tonight with me till we emptyed the tank. Boiled in over 500 gallons in a little over 4 hours I think. She got all the syrup I bottled up the last time graded and labeled. It sure is a great feeling to be working side by side late into the night together. We should be at or over the 84 gallon mark. The sap looked kinda nasty and smelled funny, but tasted great and looked like a light dark amber after it was all said and done.
Matt, I have not got the siding done on the sugarhouse yet. It is on the really must to do list. I will be heading your way with a trailer when the season gets over and I have the time. I am getting real tired of looking at that housewarp!


04-16-2007, 09:29 PM
I think we ended the year around 140 gallons of syrup. Still have some in the finisher to process when I get the extra energy. This year everything was a struggle. Had 25 gallons of the nastyest tasting syrup I have ever made, then it went to a light tasting med color to end the season. The real surprise and blessing in my life is that I finally found the Love of my life and now I just need to "pop" the big question! Such a sweet ending!!!


04-17-2007, 07:24 AM

Good for you, Now just get creative for the big day.

04-17-2007, 09:00 PM
Good luck with the sweet thing! No not the maple! Wishing you two the best!


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
04-17-2007, 10:19 PM
Drop the ring in the front pan and have her clean that while you clean the back pan. Let her find it and say well this sugaring brought us so close together that Bla bla bla and i wanted to know if you'll be my assistant sugarmaker for life.

04-18-2007, 04:36 AM
Well, my birthday was yesterday and got down on my knee and now I am engaged to a wonderful lady. I am still on cloud nine. I figured that this way I will not forget the day I proposed to her!


Russell Lampron
04-18-2007, 05:22 AM
That is a good way to remember the date. Now you have to pick a date for the big day that you won't forget either. It's more important to remember that one.

Best of luck to you and Anne, I hope you have many happy years together.


04-18-2007, 05:36 AM
Since you got engaged on your birthday get married on her birthday that way you won't forget her birthday or your aniversary. And you can save on gifts with a two for one.

04-18-2007, 08:35 AM

I was thinking the same thing as kevin, but my luck she'd open the valve and run the syrup into a jug and miss the ring, then it would be a mad dash to open all the bulk jugs to find the sucker.

Glad it all worked out. You'll have to bring Mrs. along with you when you come over later.

I did it on my wife's birthday, just happened to be the right time. Now you need to go out and ream some holes to hang more buckets to pay for the sucker. Still got another run in them.

I'm going till this weekend. We got two more freezes, tonight and tomorrow night.

04-18-2007, 10:45 AM
Congratulations gearpump! I wish you all the best.

maple flats
04-18-2007, 08:15 PM
May you two make it as long as my wife and I have and it keeps getting better. We will celibrate #40 this October. We were married on Friday the 13th. How's that for superstition and proving it is not bad luck?