View Full Version : Food grade residue

12-22-2016, 11:22 AM
What in everyone's experience does the residue clean out of the barrels or totes best? Which ones to stay away from? Thanks

12-25-2016, 07:08 PM
Hit or miss with all liquids. I've had some clean out well with a pressure washer and bleach and some with water and baking soda. Never feel 100% sure about them though. I have 2 x 275 gallons cage totes that I use for permeate only , and I bought 2 brand new 275 gallon cage tanks that were never used for sap storage. Use a poly tank from TSC for my head tank.
I do like the cage tanks because I can easily move them around by myself. I get them for $200 brand new so it makes sense to me.

01-19-2017, 08:14 PM
I use 55 gallon food grade blue plastic barrels that contained fruit juice concentrate. Rinse out with water and vinegar and rinse. No issues. Check Craig's list or find a juice bottler nearby.