View Full Version : Timber frame help

12-12-2016, 05:27 PM
14827I'm having trouble figuring how to enclose and finish my new timber frame. Could those of you with timber frame please post some pics to help me out?

Brian Ryther
12-12-2016, 08:47 PM
You need a "nailer" board 1/2 way up the wall and a Sill beam on the bottom to nail the boards to .

12-13-2016, 06:58 AM
What Brian describes is the easiest and fastest way to do it. You should consider your window and door placements as you will have to conventionally frame those, but a nailer or "girt" horizontally halfway up the opening between posts and a sill is the best way to start. If you do plan on finishing the interior walls that is something to consider as well though many just frame those walls off the existing girt and posts once it is time.

12-13-2016, 08:32 AM
My posts were anchored to a sill plate and then use 2X6 girt or nailer mounted flush

12-13-2016, 08:35 AM
I toed structural screws top and bottom on the nailer or girt

12-13-2016, 08:38 AM
The nailer board 1/2 way up should be as wide as possible, as these can also serve as very practical shelving all around the house

12-13-2016, 06:17 PM
As for the materials to use, not sure if Precision Lumber in Rumney or Madison Lumber Co. does this, but at Durgin & Crowell lumber you can buy 1100 lf bundles of the "seconds" of shiplap white pine boards for cheap.... and the cutoff scraps burn like rocket fuel.

or White Mountain might have some hemlock or Milan has spruce/fir boards - if you need any contacts at these sawmills, let me know ... local wood, local good

12-13-2016, 08:30 PM
Thanks for the ideas. As far as materials, 99 percent of the lumber was cut and milled by myself my brother in law and my cousin. As my cousins milling business logo says , trees to dreams. I'll try to post pics of the progress.

sap retreiver
12-14-2016, 05:13 AM
I'll try to find some of my pics at that stage but basically board it in then trim it out how you wish. My metal roof trim covered a lot of it.

12-14-2016, 03:48 PM
Might I say , you're building a mighty fine looking sugar house. Have fun !

sap retreiver
12-14-2016, 05:41 PM
Not the easiest to see but I don't have an overhang on the gables but I used my top plate beam to hang out and make an eyebrow. After you board it in you can make the trim fit around your pearlings and leave the overhang the way it is or put your trim right on the ends of yur pearlings

12-15-2016, 05:28 PM
sap retriever - that is a fine looking sugarhouse - what town are you in?

sap retreiver
12-15-2016, 09:13 PM
Chichester. Your all welcome any time, everyone on here has helped me in one way or another. 6 plus years of planning and researching here and there and visiting your sap house a few years ago to get some maplehaulics apparel.
Thanks again guys and girls,
Brian at Mooncusser Maple

12-15-2016, 09:21 PM
I think I have a decent handle on it now. All I need now is some decent weather an some time. Thanks everyone , this is a great place for info.

12-22-2016, 09:20 PM

sap retreiver
12-22-2016, 09:39 PM
That's looking really nice! And you have the same kind of roof I had for a while. Perfection takes time. One board at a time