View Full Version : Electric hot water heater used for preheat?

11-20-2016, 07:49 AM
My 2/4 pan doesnt quite keep up without some kind of preheater so im wondering of anyone has ever used an electric hot water heater for preheating. I think it would raise 50 galss worth of sap 100 deg for me for about $1.50. I can probably find one used for pretty cheap. What do people think? Im worried mostly about imparting a flavor. A new elment is also very cheap and probably i could rig up something ina stainless steel container.

maple flats
11-20-2016, 09:35 AM
I don't think that's a good idea. You'd have no way to clean it, and if a used one, you'd be dealing with all sorts of unknowns. Hot water harbors bacteria, thus you'd be putting bacteria into the product. Legionellae live in them: Bacteria that causes legionnaires disease can grow in a water heater at a temperature between 68 and 122F. Inhaling the bacteria laden hot water steam in a shower is the worst thing you can do with it. Bathing and hand washing dishes is less of a hazard. Very hot water will kill this bacteria. The length of time it takes depends on the temperature of the water in the water heater.

* 70 to 80 °C (158 to 176 °F): Disinfection range
* At 66 °C (151 °F): Legionellae die within 2 minutes
* At 60 °C (140 °F): Legionellae die within 32 minutes
* At 55 °C (131 °F): Legionellae die within 5 to 6 hours
* Above 50 °C (122 °F): They can survive but do not multiply
* 35 to 46 °C (95 to 115 °F): Ideal growth range
* 20 to 50 °C (68 to 122 °F): Legionellae growth range
* Below 20 °C (68 °F): Legionellae can survive but are dormant
You will do better making a preheater that can be drained when not in use. Copper pipe works great. Look on this site for various designs.

11-20-2016, 11:43 AM
When I had a 2/4 I used an old pot on a scavenged BBQ grill burner. Run a bulk head fitting g through the pot and put it a little higher than your pan. You can put a valve on it to trickle into the pan as needed. When the pot gets low you can simple dump more sap in. Jeff

Super Sapper
11-20-2016, 05:07 PM
Why not use an electric element in the preheater pan?

11-20-2016, 11:53 PM
Now that sounds workable! Here is a rheem table of recovery rates http://www.rheem.com/docs/FetchDocument.aspx?ID=6e52d38f-9680-44dc-90af-dd6984c8a7d6
Which indicates I can get 19 gals per hour into the evaporator with 100 deg rise in temp. I'm currently boiling around 12 with cold sap. That rise would cost me 75cents an hour.

01-07-2017, 08:09 PM
Electric is a poor choice financially for heating in comparison to gas or wood. Perhaps an lp turkey fryer feeding your pan or a preheat pan over your 2x4 to capture some residual heat.