View Full Version : head tank height and feed line size for 2.5x8

11-17-2016, 05:20 AM
Hi guys , just setting up for upcoming season. how high should head tank be above float box. I read this somewhere but can not find it again.

Chicopee Sap Shack
11-17-2016, 05:36 AM
Depends on what your end goal is. If there is a chance of a pre heater or steam away you are going to want it higher. 6" to 12" above your float box will work. If you are thinking steam a way at some point you will want your tank about 8' off the ground

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11-17-2016, 05:52 AM
I have a steam hood preheater above flue pan. but only 4 feet between bottom of head tank (275 gal) and inlet of steam hood. at set right now ,but sap house is still under construction.

11-17-2016, 06:58 AM
That sounds fine. I would use 1" for feed pipe. Probably bigger than needed but better than not getting enough sap.

11-17-2016, 01:50 PM
I agree on 1". we used copper for thawing and have a ss union on one end by the valve on the feed tank

11-18-2016, 04:49 AM
thanks for the replies.