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03-23-2007, 09:27 AM
All right as the season will be over today I plan to boil the last bit of sap and pull taps tonight. (is the season really ever over?) we don't have day in the long range forecast below 45 in the next 10 days this was a very short season in mid Michigan. Any way to the question. We have been using a leader half pint for the last 3 or 4 years on about 45-50 taps, 48 this year, when we boil it is an all day process getting rid of the sap on good days we might go through 80-100 gallons of sap. my question is what should be the next size up of evaporators. I could probably double the number of taps is a drop or raised flue possible with that number of taps 100 or so, I would just like to speed the process up a bit. What is the smallest drop or raised flue rig. I have seen 2x6 do they go smaller and our they faster than a half pint? I would also like to boil and finish on the same unit. I can't do that on the half pint, currently I draw off and when I have enough I finish on a steam pan over a gas burner.



03-23-2007, 12:57 PM
I have a 2 x 4 Waterloo Small

Here is a shot of it!



03-23-2007, 06:07 PM
I would recommend a 2X6 because they are rated for 50 to 250 taps and you are already on the low side of the recomendation so if you add some taps you should still be in the range, whereas the half pint is recomended for up to 50 taps

03-23-2007, 08:56 PM
Don't be so quick to pull the taps, the forecast changes hourly and who knows what it will be like the middle of next week. Too much work to throw in the towel already. Might have to pray a little harder.

03-24-2007, 01:28 AM
Lapierre makes an 18" x 66" I think, but I think you would be wishing for a 2 x 6 in a short while, and not all that big a difference in price.

Russell Lampron
03-24-2007, 06:13 AM
I think you would like a 2x6 better than something smaller. That 100 taps can turn into 300 real quick if the maple bug bites a little harder. People that I know of that have had the 18x66 rigs have found short comings in the designs because the manufacturers scimp a little on some of the fringes that a 2x6 has. Raised or drop flue would be your choice but I think raised flue evaporators are a little easier to operate.


3% Solution
03-24-2007, 07:55 AM
Hi Greenthumb,
Big is good, as long as you have the time.
I have that 2x5, I had made.
Now here's the deal; I can finish off with it, I can handle 130 taps no problem (so far!!), and it is big enough to give us a fair amount of syrup.
I can keep up with the flow because I am semi-retired, I work in Concord two days a week, so the rest of the time is "BOIL TIME".
The Maple Bug keeps trying to bite me, I could have 200+ taps, but at that point it's a job, not a hobby!
So think of everything possible before you buy.
I think a couple of guys on here are right on for you ...... 2x6, bet you'd love it!! They are expensive, but hell what hobby isn't!!!
Just a couple of pennies from me.
You have fun boiling!
