View Full Version : Ditch the Solder

03-23-2007, 03:54 AM
With the year off to a somewhat slow start , you would assume the repairs would follow that trend,but that hasn't been the case, in fact the solder flowing into the fireboxs this year(many being veteran sugarmakers on their first or secound boil) or float box seams just 'busting loose' seems to be up. I wonder sometimes if in fact I'm doing a service to the customer or just delaying them from ordering that welded pan they should of bought to begin with. Spring is a time for a new start, most companys offer a good discount during their open houses,Please, take advantage of that and ditch the solder.

Fred Henderson
03-23-2007, 05:52 AM
Bill do think that everyone is just too anxious. As for me the vent it doing what it is supposed to and I did not have any vapor locking last nigh. I still am not getting the float responds that I think that I should. It seems to be too slow. The wife kept her eyes on the flost box level until we we done boiling.Still learning.

03-23-2007, 11:09 AM
I'm not sure the reason Fred , but soldering after 9 or 10 pm is way down on my favorite list ,like after the denist or the colon scope. I'm looking for spring.

Fred Henderson
03-23-2007, 05:25 PM
The people that come to you for repairs are lucky to have some one like you around.Not everyone can solder that stuff.