View Full Version : Got Sap!

3% Solution
03-22-2007, 10:50 PM
Who else has got sap now!!
Not just dribbling sap, but running sap!
I picked up 67 gallons tonight and boiled it off, got 2 gallons of syrup.
I only picked up about half of what is out there.
I'll pick up the remainder in the morning and boil in the afternoon.
Got help Saturday, the daughter, son-in-law and grandson.
Good luck and happy boiling.


03-22-2007, 11:57 PM
Well i collected tuesday from my 40 taps got 100 gallons, i have collected those same taps today and got almost 180 gallons. i went to the farm (200 taps)and took home 245 from there on wed. and i have to pick up 300 gallons tomorrow. So this season wen't from crap to great all in a few days. However looks like its gonna shut down for a couple days here as its not gonna get cold enough at night for the next two nights. It will probably run just not nearly as much.

Good thing my RO line cracked, i got the part but can't figure out how to put it on but i found a guy who works on them said he'd fix it so i'll be up and running with it on saturday, it worked like a charm for the first 200 gallons of sap until i pressurized it again and it had a hairline crack in shipping i never noticed, when i pressurized it, it just blew right open.

03-23-2007, 06:47 AM
I collected 145 from 140 taps yesturday. I should have collected maybe 25 more one of my totes was overflowing hard so I am guessing it dumped 25. I dont know what I was thinking using a 18 gal tote on a line with 23 taps. I put a 55 gal drum on that line lat night.

03-23-2007, 08:24 AM
I'm still waiting for things to "let go" here in Sunapee. All my taps are in the woods where there is still a foot of snow. The 5 day forecast is scaring me because nights are only projected to be in the low 30's. I guess there is no point in fretting. It will be what it will be.

Gary in NH
03-23-2007, 09:37 AM
I got 50 gallons yesterday from 35 taps with 3 not producing anything. I ran it through the RO last night and now have about 8 1/2 gallons of 7 3/4% on ice to boil down tonight. Nothing flowing this AM but yesterday was good.

03-23-2007, 05:30 PM
Gary... I am interested to know more about your RO unit. You appear to be feeding it with just 35 taps....is it an especially small RO designed for this kind of set up, or are you purposely underutilizing a RO that is designed to handle significantly more taps? What is the manufacturer?

I have a small operation here too, and that's why I'm interested.

3% Solution
03-23-2007, 07:32 PM
Your trees should have been running today!!
It was running good on my buckets, the lines were running a bit, but not hard. Course they never do when the temp gets above 55.
Where are you in Sunapee?


Gary in NH
03-23-2007, 07:52 PM

It would be considered a very small RO compared to everyone elses. I can do between 6 and 7 gallons of sap per hour. I work in water treatment and I had some used components available to work with. It is a two membrane system with TFC elements. I bought two new 300 GPD tap water membranes and membrane housings. I'm only running at 150 psi now because I need a new concentrate and waste valve, should have those this week. Design pressure would be around 225 psi where I will get higher output. I'm getting 7.5 to 8% concentrate. I'll post pics soon.

Gary in NH
03-23-2007, 08:00 PM
Your trees should have been running today!!
It was running good on my buckets, the lines were running a bit, but not hard. Course they never do when the temp gets above 55.
Where are you in Sunapee?



I am in Bedford. It was still 50 degrees last night around midnight. Only enough sap today to keep the bugs happy.

3% Solution
03-23-2007, 08:24 PM
Hey Gary in NH,
I was looking for Mark-NH location, he's close to me.
Anyway, while I have you on the hook, what's the max. GPH do you figure you can get out of that RO?
I am thinking about making a steam-away for my home-made rig.
Oh well keep working on the RO, you may have a small business going for you !!


03-23-2007, 10:02 PM
Gary, Did a lot of work in Bedord for the RJ Monrore company a couple of years back. Do you know them?

03-24-2007, 07:26 AM
Not much of anything in the buckets yesturday but it froze good last night so today should be a flood

3% Solution
03-24-2007, 07:48 PM
Picked up another 68 -70 gallons this morning.
2 Gallons of medium.
Hopefully the same tomorrow.
How's everybody doing out there?


03-24-2007, 09:34 PM
Gathered 150 today from 140 taps. Drew off about 4 Gallons.

Crapy results from my rig I am going to pull the pan in the AM and increase my baffleing (is that a word?). Barely getting 14 Gal/HR.