View Full Version : Our city experiment failed

10-31-2016, 05:30 AM
Made a big mistake. After Ron and I both living in the great out there most of our lives.... Can't do the city. There are people here! Ugh! Not nice ones either. We love the convenience, but it doesn't outweigh the strangeness. The house is up for sale. We didn't finish unpacking. Now,purging everything not needed and going back to the country. House is real nice and it should sell soon. Getting an Amish cabin and living small and cozy. The cats and dog and us are miserable. We'll be living in a tiny cabin while the larger one is built. Ron has a big garage in the works and I'll get chickens again. We'll keep you posted. Wish us luck on selling and getting out of here.

10-31-2016, 05:44 AM
No such thing as failure if you learn something from it! Hope you find some maples.........GOOD LUCK

10-31-2016, 08:03 AM
At least you have lived to tell about it. Congrats on leaving the city!

10-31-2016, 08:54 AM
Enjoy the new cabin. Maple trees close by?

10-31-2016, 04:55 PM
Good decision, best of luck on your return trip to paradise

10-31-2016, 04:59 PM
Good decision, Welcome back to paradise.

10-31-2016, 06:14 PM
My wife once told me she would like to move to a more sub area. I told her i would help her pack. Jeff

Bucket Head
10-31-2016, 08:32 PM
I forget the exact wording at the moment, but Thomas Edison said, basically, that there are no failed experiments.
We all try different things. If we don't like something, we don't do it anymore. Its that simple!
Good luck with the cabin!

Moser's Maple
11-01-2016, 05:32 AM
I forget the exact wording at the moment, but Thomas Edison said, basically, that there are no failed experiments.
We all try different things. If we don't like something, we don't do it anymore. Its that simple!
Good luck with the cabin!

Here's what your looking for Steve

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Thomas Edison

Hope you guy enjoy the country living again.

11-01-2016, 07:22 AM
Good luck with your house sale and upcoming move back out to the wild.

My wife and I moved (nearer, but not quite in) to "the city" in July 2015. Weren't really planning on selling, but the neighbor asked if sell them our house. At first we said no, but then figured, "why not?" Neither of us had a clue on price, so we had it appraised. Offered it to them at the lowest end, but they couldn't swing it. Since we'd already cleaned and spiffed up the place, we put it on Zillow at the top end of the range plus a little buffer to see what would happen. Got calls immediately, showed it 4 hrs later, and had a full-price offer the next morning (and several other calls besides). Because of the speed of the transaction, we rented an apartment about 10 min closer to town figuring we'd take a little time to figure out where to go. Two months later my wife's office moved....to a spot about 250 years away. She now walks to work, which is a very nice benefit. So we're pretty much stuck there until we decide to retire. Fortunately we have our camp in the Northeast Kingdom (Vermont) to retreat to every weekend.

Bucket Head
11-01-2016, 09:43 PM
Yes, that's the quote. Wise words from a very wise man.
Like Edison, I'm certain everyone here on the forum has had an experiment, or two..., not go exactly the way they thought it would.
But we all keep trying!

maple flats
11-02-2016, 04:56 PM
I wondered how long you'd last in the "city", after that beautiful piece of heaven you left. Best of luck on your new path. At least it didn't take you a real long time to realize where you want to be.

12-23-2016, 05:14 AM
Thank you to everyone. It's a good thing we like the little house we're in while we wait to sell. We're buying 9 acres from a friend that adjoins his 100 acre place. A beaver pond below where the house and barn will be. Yes, maple trees. Planning on a small sugaring set up with our friend who we began with years ago. Found an Amish crew to build a small pole barn and little cabin. Spending the winter getting everything in order. Spring will find us back there. The guys will do firewood together and the syrup. All packed and ready to go! I told the cats and my little dog freedom is real close. Plan on getting my chickens again and raising pheasant (did that long ago) so this is keeping us going. Getting a 2x3 from Bill Mason again. Hoping everyone has a great holiday!

12-23-2016, 06:20 AM
Happy Holidays to you and glad you are able to come up with a great plan to get back to a property that you will enjoy.

Bucket Head
12-24-2016, 03:38 PM
Sounds like a great plan! You guy's will be as excited come springtime as all the kids are right now with Christmas coming!
Enjoy the planning!

10-24-2017, 11:15 AM
Update. The land real fell through. It was for the best. Some things are meant to be. We are in Fort Plain. Found a nice little ranch in a quiet area of the village. Across the road are farm fields. The first week here a deer walked across the neighbors lawn. We've settled in. Still can't get used to neighbors. Real quiet here. 4 big silver maples in our yard shedding leaves. We're on the look out for some nearby land. Just seeing how things will work out...

maple flats
10-24-2017, 06:11 PM
Our only experience in Fort Plain was on Christmas 1968. We were driving on the thruway, returning to my job in Nanuet NY and on Christmas nite, the engine threw a rod. The temperature was real cold and we had our 6 week old son with us. I found enough oil to get us to the Canajoharie exit and we limped the 10 miles needed. At the toll booth we told the attendent what had happened and asked if there was anyplace open on Christmas Eve to look at the engine. We were sent to Fort Plain and a garage that was open. We went in and the owner checked the car and told us we needed a rebuilt engine. The only heat in the place was a well fired pot belly stove and we stayed close to it to stay warm until help from Oneida came to pick us up and take us back to Oneida. Then I had to call the boss where I worked to tell him I wouldn't be there to open in the morning, which I had been scheduled to do. The next day we had to go to the bank to take out a loan for $200 to pay for the rebuilt engine and have it installed. We then borrowed my mother in law's car and drove to Nanuet to be at work a day late. About 8-10 days later we got the call that our car was ready and we drove up on my next day off (a 5 hr. drive) to get the car, return our MIL's car and drive back to work for the following day. The rebuilt engine ran perfectly for the following 3 years , when we sold that car and bought a new Chevelle.