View Full Version : 84 drops per minute

03-22-2007, 01:21 PM
I have a sap bucket outside my office window-just counted 84 drops per minute in Colchester.
Funny-I have a bucket with a tap and also a drop line coming around the tree for a second tap dripping into the same bucket. This is suspended slightly over the bucket so I can watch the drip...tap is outperforming the tubing almost 2 to 1 like clockwork.
Awful season so far-burned back pan-steam ventilation problems with new sugarhouse...etc. I think problems worked out now though.

03-22-2007, 01:44 PM
now if you have more time at work to use:

try to replicate the drop size, repeat the 84 drops per min, then determine the volume. Take that and multiple by 60, divide in to gallons, and give us the approx gallons per hour per tap.

Sounds like a job for the mythbusters!! although would be fun to try.

Please report back with your findings

03-22-2007, 07:28 PM
I hope you were on your lunch break mister! We are losing enough productivity in this country now due to the NCAA playoffs....Awe heck, my is on sugaring all too. You want to talk about unproductive, I am the poster child this time of year.

03-23-2007, 10:02 AM
Yeah-I guess it's not real productive in terms of work-frustrating too-the GD tree is only producing 14 drops per minute now-I feel like going out to kick it-
I am almost afraid to calculate out the gallons per hour as I fear becoming obsessed with recording the sap flow info and really procrastinating with real work-but I will probably do it anyway as I get a little bit into this type of thing-not to mention doing it on some of the other trees-some of which I really like-the one outside my window is not one I am especially attached too yet-not a long enough relationship I guess.
Thanks for the replys, I will keep all posted.
I know at Rroctor Research they have webcams where you can with this with all kinds of information, etc. Maybe there will be some grant money in it for me if I perfect it somehow :)