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View Full Version : SS vs galvanized smokestack

Bentley Wood Maple
10-26-2016, 09:10 AM
10 inch stack on new evaporator with forced air. 22Ga ss is 90 bucks per 30 inch section. Black finished galvanized is 14 bucks per 24 inch section. Need 8ft. Spend the money for ss? And travel to vt get it or go with the black stuff available local???
Usually get2 years of use on black 8 inch stack on old rig before it gets scary

10-26-2016, 09:12 AM
What is your evaporator? Do you plan on keeping it for a long time? Stainless Steel will last a long time.

10-26-2016, 09:27 AM
Look for a local metal shop that can make the pipe for you. Or amish if they are in your area. This will get you the life of stainless without the $$$ of big industry.

Maple Man 85
10-26-2016, 09:55 AM
Definitely go stainless, I use to run black stack and could make the stack glow a couple feet above the arch. Also if you reuse a black stack from year to year if you run it hot the rust flecks pop off and may fall in the sap/syrup of you are running a pan without steam hoods.

maple maniac65
10-27-2016, 06:23 AM
My galvanized stack from the manufacturer latest 3 years before it rusted out. The SS stack I bought has been in place 10 years. Although it has turned purplish brown color I would not ever buy a new set up without a ss stack.

11-08-2016, 09:26 AM
Travel to Broadway in Menands and the name of the place Shilby Smith. They have been making transitions and stacks pipe for maple guys down here for years. Very reasonable prices and quick if the shop is slow. Few days if the shop is busy. I only have the cell for the boss so do a 411 search. Pretty sure it is on Broadway but not 100%. I dropped off my old transition and the next day for under $100 was transition and pipe. Steel price is different now but I trust they will treat you fairly.

PM for the cell#