View Full Version : Want to run blue lines

10-11-2016, 06:19 AM
We have over 100 taps on the bag system. This year we want to install the blue lines. We have two hills that have beautiful maples on them but because the snow gets really deep on those side hills we do not tap them. We thought we could install the lines and let gravity pull the sap out, will this work? I also read we are suppose to start at the bottom of a hill and work our way up. Would n't we do it opposite so that gravity pulls the sap down hill to a collection system? We have no clue on what to do or where to start.

Thank you for any suggestions.

10-11-2016, 07:02 AM
We have over 100 taps on the bag system. This year we want to install the blue lines. We have two hills that have beautiful maples on them but because the snow gets really deep on those side hills we do not tap them. We thought we could install the lines and let gravity pull the sap out, will this work? I also read we are suppose to start at the bottom of a hill and work our way up. Would n't we do it opposite so that gravity pulls the sap down hill to a collection system? We have no clue on what to do or where to start.

You might want to use 3/16 tubing so you will have tons of natural vacuum. When you install your tubing you can start from the bottom if you would like. There are lots of people here on Trader that are very experienced with the natural vacuum set ups. PMRC is also a great site to visit.


10-11-2016, 07:05 AM
The "blue" lines are called "lateral lines" and are a diameter of either 3/16" or 5/16". Often these are combined with larger tubing (3/4" and up, typically black water pipe or blue pipe) called mainlines. Together these are referred to as pipeline systems. Depending upon your installation you may need either a full pipeline system, or just lateral lines.

A 5/16" or 3/16" tubing system would likely work well in that setting, but without more details (number of taps, slope, distance), it is impossible to advise which way to go.

Your best bet might be to find a nearby sugarmaker using tubing and go meet with them and visit their site to see how to set up and operate a proper tubing installation. Alternatively, you could talk to a maple equipment dealer, attend a tubing seminar, or read about tubing installations. Do your homework first....a good system will work great. A bad system will just make you frustrated and produce poorly.

10-11-2016, 09:56 AM
Agree with Dr. Tim. Do your homework fist.

The starting from the bottom of the hill thing is just when your laying out the tubing, not that the collection point is at the top of the hill. But if you figure out how to do that, let me know. It would sure come in handy.