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09-23-2016, 05:36 AM
I am getting very excited for bow season to start. I have two food plots this year and the deer are in them both everyday. My cross bow is dead on and I feel my chances of getting a few deer this year are very good. I have three tree stands and one ground blind. Good luck everyone.


maple maniac65
09-23-2016, 06:24 AM
If you built a fence around those food plots and then shut the gate your chances greatly increase . I have often pondered the thought of just sitting in my easy chair watching TV and then move the molasses corn block closer to the sliding doors.

Happy hunting spud

09-23-2016, 07:40 AM
good luck to you too Spud. we rejuvenated a food plot up at my camp this year and we've had some awfully impressive bucks coming in. couple beautiful 8's and one very impressive 10 that'll go over 200! The boys are still traveling together up in my parts. often seeing three of them following each other into the plot and on a few other trails I have cameras on. they should start splitting up with the cool weather coming. the soft winter we had seems like it favored the herd pretty well in my neck of the woods!

09-23-2016, 10:05 AM
What are you guys planting? Would it be too late to start something for November season?

David in MI
09-23-2016, 10:19 AM
I think buckwheat will come in at around 35 days or so but I don't think it likes frost. May be a bit late at this point?

Zucker Lager
09-23-2016, 11:19 AM
The wolves ate all our deer here in northern Wisconsin. Jay

09-23-2016, 12:17 PM
I planted a veggie mix with clover and a few other grasses. I put some extra turnip in this year as they seem to really like that for our muzzleloader season in early December! there probably are a few grasses that you could plant now that would come up in time. not too sure what they are, but most grasses grow fairly quickly!

09-23-2016, 06:04 PM
I planted a veggie mix with clover and a few other grasses. I put some extra turnip in this year as they seem to really like that for our muzzleloader season in early December! there probably are a few grasses that you could plant now that would come up in time. not too sure what they are, but most grasses grow fairly quickly!

I planted clover and radish in both plots. The deer are all over the clover. They are bedding in the clover in one plot. Getting a lot of doe and two buck right now on camera. My neighbor on the other side of the hill is getting all buck and very few doe. This happens every year and then the buck all come to my side to meet up with the girls. I want the buck to keep eating at his plots till next friday and then come on over.:lol:


09-23-2016, 07:46 PM
I think buckwheat will come in at around 35 days or so but I don't think it likes frost. May be a bit late at this point? You could try some Oats or Winter Rye I'm not sure how well they attract Deer but it will grow for some time now. Should be up and Green in 2 weeks. Won't be mature but it will be Green

09-27-2016, 01:12 PM
I plant soybeans and they destroy it. You would not believe it unless you saw it. I have to stagger when I plant so there is some left when the season starts!!!

09-27-2016, 08:42 PM
Is it legal to hunt over a food plot ithat is specifically planted for deer in New York?

09-28-2016, 07:18 AM
Yes it is. But let one kernel of corn or an apple fall in it and you will have crossed the line.

09-28-2016, 08:40 PM
Yep, Ready to go here in Michigan. Good Luck to all !

Maple Man 85
09-29-2016, 04:11 PM
Grandma cashed in last night on a spiker, 78 years young and still shooting deer like a boss! Spent the morning skinning and quartering.

Maple Man 85

09-30-2016, 04:46 AM
Grandma cashed in last night on a spiker, 78 years young and still shooting deer like a boss! Spent the morning skinning and quartering.

Maple Man 85

Congratulations to Grandma for a job well done. Our bow season starts Saturday and I'm getting excited. I bought another game camera the other day just to try. It is a Stealth and it only cost me $90.00. I set it up about three days ago and just checked the chip yesterday. I only got a few photos of some doe and a photo of me on my 4-wheeler. The thing that amazed me was this camera triggers off at over 150 feet. I have several other cameras and they all trigger off at 50-70 feet. The quality of the photos both day and night are very good also. Has anyone else noticed this with their cameras?


09-30-2016, 06:58 AM
I've had good and bad luck with game cameras. my best/nicest one bit the dust two weekends ago. I was a dummy and put it on the tree upside down. apparently the there aren't any gaskets on the bottom of the battery holder cuz the **** thing was full of water! oops. I bought a spypoint camera to replace it. works great! got good clear shots to 90 feet! certainly not 150, but i'll take 90' with good crisp pictures for $90! I've heard good reviews of the new browning camera. I've learned to steer clear of wildgame innovation cameras!