View Full Version : Vacuum system diagram? No clue please help!

09-17-2016, 06:16 PM
Ok so I've decided I'm no longer going to be able to collect as many buckets as needed. It's only me in the bush. Here's my problem I've never seen a complete vacuum system and can't find a diagram. I have many questions like how does vacuum and SAP stay separated? What is a releaser and why do I need one? I'd love a list of all components and even more so a diagram of complete system from tap to tank. Thanks you!

Thompson's Tree Farm
09-17-2016, 06:50 PM
Sent you a PM

10-27-2016, 04:42 PM
Thanks for all your help!!

10-27-2016, 06:31 PM
For that amount of taps I'd consider a diaphragm pump like a guzzler. You won't need a releaser.

11-02-2016, 05:26 PM
Thank you so much for a reply I've gotten no help with this post. It's irritating. I have 2000 or so trees. Growing each year. Couple questions on the guzzler. Can I still run 1" main? How will it do with a sap ladder? How much do they cost and do they hold their value? Thank you so much for your input I really appreciate it!

11-02-2016, 08:49 PM
Just my .02 but with 2000 trees available I wouldn't waste my time with a guzzler...I would go straight to a vac system with a releaser...you will grow into it in a couple years versus growing out of the guzzler..also you can pull much higher vacuum with the releaser...as for immediate help..bascoms is having a tubing seminar Friday..they will walk you through everything step by step...not to mention that it will be a great day with other addicts and all the toys there....good luck

Moser's Maple
11-03-2016, 04:09 AM
agreed. 2000 taps, don't waste time on the guzzler if everything can come to 1 spot. Get yourself the NYS vacuum notebook. available at cornells website, at verona, your local extension office.
mean while here's a few links to tubing system installations.


11-03-2016, 04:48 AM
agreed. 2000 taps, don't waste time on the guzzler if everything can come to 1 spot. Get yourself the NYS vacuum notebook. available at cornells website, at verona, your local extension office.
mean while here's a few links to tubing system installations.


I believe bascoms has that vacuum handbook also.

11-03-2016, 06:24 AM
I agree with the others. I was looking at the 150 taps you had listed beneath your post. The vacuum notebook will give you most of the info you need. Every system is different just as every woods is different but the book will help you get things figured out. Another thing I find useful is going on Google earth and using the elevation and distance tools. I've found them to be plenty accurate for estimating and laying out my main lines. If you run into snags, don't hesitate to post your questions. Another thing that threw me was the fact that you built a relatively small sugarhouse with a tiny evaporator if you're having that kind of expansion in mind.

11-03-2016, 07:02 AM
I just spent some time looking at parts of the videos that Jake posted. I would say that there are, in my opinion, some glaring mistakes in the videos if a new sugar maker is looking for new set up information. Such as, 12" to 24" drop lines (should be 40" IMO). Fixed spouts on drop lines which should be a stubby and replaceable spout or a single season cut off acrylic spout. Some of the other information is pretty good, but in the Leader mainline video, I do not like putting threaded anchors into maple trees or for that matter any other tree.

If Mikemartin has the sugar bug as bad as the rest of us on this site, I too would suggest good vacuum pump and releaser.

12-24-2016, 01:11 PM
Mad mapler,
I love the idea of elevation tools on Google Earth I came up with the idea on my own before you suggested. However originally I tried as well as after you suggested I tried and I cant find the elevation tools. Please guide me. Unfortunately I'm not rich nor was I sure this was a hobby for me or I would have built the biggest sugar shack on the continent. No building permit or codes needed for a yard barn.

12-25-2016, 07:39 AM
It's not a tool with an icon. Look at the lower right corner of the screen while you scroll around the map and you'll see the elevation numbers changing. It's pretty darned accurate. The icon at the top of the screen that resembles an upright ruler is the distance measure.

12-26-2016, 08:54 AM
This is what I used to map out my woods. Mapped out two different locations and ran lines for 1050 taps expanding to 3000 some day.
I liked it for figuring out how many feet of mainline I needed to buy.


Type your zip in find your sugar bush.
Set it to satellite view.
Turn the elevation graph on.
Play around for a couple hrs/days.

12-27-2016, 07:24 AM
I'm no dummy and I have the latest version so disappointed. Here's a pic of what I see

12-27-2016, 07:41 AM
Is that a IPhone screen? Mine is loaded into my computer. Pretty sure that's the difference. I have the latest version as well however, it's been the way I described it for years. There's no room for all the tools on that screen.

12-28-2016, 08:53 PM
There is no elevation reading on the mobile version, that I can find