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View Full Version : 55gal drums on the side?

09-15-2016, 05:58 PM
I saw some posts of people using 55gal drums on their side with a 5gal bucket cut into the side.

I was wondering what if anything is used to seal around the bucket to seal it to the drum?

I am thinking of using this idea for collection tanks for tubing in the woods. and trying to figure out what I need

maple maniac65
09-15-2016, 07:28 PM
Cut it close enough and it won't slope enough to matter

09-15-2016, 07:28 PM
If you cut a 5 gallon bucket on the side, I'm not really sure you need anything. Sloshing is very minimal.

I have a couple 55's in the back of my pickup and I didn't do the 5 gallon bucket though. Rather I cut a rough 8" hole on top, used a "reminant" piece to make a lid with a hinge and clasp. I then just used window "tape" foam (sticky on one side, foam on the other). Have to remember to crack open the top when emptying out, because it does create a little suction on the lid.

But then again, I should have read your post in its entirety. Cut a hole and plop her in.

09-15-2016, 07:47 PM
Also the bucket hole makes it easier to clean.

Zucker Lager
09-16-2016, 11:15 AM
Hey Seandicare:
I welded mine make sure that you have the same plastic for the drum and bucket cut the hole as close as possible then using a air torch for plastic welding (amazon.com) and the same plastic rod you heat both bucket and drum at the joint where they meet and apply the rod. The rod doesn't so much melt as it fuses to the other two surfaces. You'll need a hammer to knock that loose. Jay


David in MI
09-16-2016, 01:08 PM
Our setup is similar to Zucker Lager's but our buckets just sit in the holes. Each bucket is a pretty tight fit into the hole so we only get a little leakage. I wouldn't want them sealed to the barrels as it would make them much more difficult to clean.