View Full Version : We're settled in the new house

09-14-2016, 03:52 PM
Thought I'd take a minute and let you all know how things are going. We moved from the farm end of July. No time for long or even short good byes. Things happened real fast. Loaded up and drove down the mountain,across the river and back up the mountain on the other side. Where to begin? The shock of having a paved driveway... People. People real close. Everyone watched us move in. No one came over to say hi,welcome,blah blah. Unpacking in this horrible heat. Ron got heat stroke in the first few minutes. Our daughter found the central air( yes,really) and turned it on. Cold drinks and a cold wash cloth and he was OK until we got unloaded. 32 acres,no one around,total privacy. 1/2 acre and too many houses. Except for everyone doing constant yard work and walking their dogs,its real real quiet. The house is a little cape cod. We fit nicely. I've met people walking Emma. She's doing better about this. She would go outside the first few days ,look around and be so confused. My poor girl can't run around anymore. Yard isn't fenced. We go for walks though and she's met other little dogs. Has learned to climb the stairs to go in and put. Had to have back steps rebuilt as we all had a hard time. She enjoys sitting and watching the occassioal car go by or better yet someone walking. The cats are situated downstairs. They have a big play area,cat towers,beds,eating stations, etc. Can look out the windows. I make a trail of goodies so the squirrel s are entertainment. Ron critiques their looks by calling them full bushy tails or rat tails. Says obviously city swuirells are lacking something compared to country ones. We're feeding them. Now that they don't chew his sap lines. He has 2 garages and is spending time sorting and organizing like I am. Getting rid of a lot of stuff. Amazing what you don't need. Lots of the neighbors came from farming families, so no nasty remarks about country hicks. This has been a huge adjustment. He's got his riding mower and what used to be days of cutting is now 1/2 hour. The drs. And shops are right nearby. Do we miss the farm? You better believe it. Both of us,OK all of us have had a hard time with this change. The thought of another winter being alone out there was just not going to work. We had to face up to the fact we're not getting younger and better to make a change while we were able. So we'll be checking in once and awhile to see what's going on and still go to events and open houses. Lots of places here. So for now,that's about it. Take care everyone.

09-15-2016, 06:19 AM
Adjusting from active farm life to city living definitely is an adjustment for anyone. No one likes to have to make the change, but it sounds like your decision was a good one. As we get older we realize the importance of being closer to medical services should the need arise for them. Now you will have more time to enjoy each others company and hopefully that of your family. Take care of each other and enjoy your time together.

09-15-2016, 12:40 PM
Glad to hear you are doing well in the big city.