View Full Version : Membrane storage vessel

07-31-2016, 01:23 PM
I've got 2 spare membrane vessels. Could I use one for storing membrane. I was thinking of just putting a plug in the top and a ball valve on the inlet and ball valves on the concentrate and permeate outlets. That way I can circulate some storage fluid through it then close off ball valves and store it for the off season full.
Any body else do it this way?

07-31-2016, 08:33 PM
Should work. I don't remove mine from the ro. I mix the storage solution in the was tank and circulate for a few minutes then turn it off.

08-01-2016, 08:46 AM
Wiam- curious, do you drain you pump or leave that full of liquid also?


08-01-2016, 02:11 PM
I do not drain anything. I figure it is better for seals to be set. My RO shed is built into a bank and does not freeze.

08-01-2016, 03:34 PM
I'm kinda leaning toward just leaving it in the RO like Wiam said. Makes sense to keep everything wet. Then in August when the solution has to be changed I can just fire the RO up and flush it out and put new solution in it.
I noticed that CDL sells food grade RO glycol. What's the deal on that? Is that to put in the RO so it dosnt freeze? Is it ok for the membrane ?

01-08-2017, 08:49 AM
I bought a 4" storage vessel from CDL. Noticed when I put membrane in it has a little play. So I'm assuming that it's ok for the outside of the membrane to get wet and sit in the storage fluid? In the actual pressure vessel on the RO it seals against the side wall with the oring and stays pretty much dry. Just want to make sure before I use it.

Sugarbush Ridge
01-08-2017, 10:26 AM
I bought a 4" storage vessel from CDL. Noticed when I put membrane in it has a little play. So I'm assuming that it's ok for the outside of the membrane to get wet and sit in the storage fluid? In the actual pressure vessel on the RO it seals against the side wall with the oring and stays pretty much dry. Just want to make sure before I use it.
The membrane has to be kept completely wet (after use) ,,,, storage,,, and when in RO. The membrane in RO actual pressure vessel is flooded with sap,, liquid,,, all around. After you use your RO you will see that the membrane is completely flooded in vessel

01-08-2017, 10:31 AM
perfect thanks.

01-08-2017, 10:50 AM
You can save yourself some money by buying 4" or 8" pvc and end caps and making your own vessels. I glued the bottom cap on and left the top loose. They don't stand on their own but I just lean them up in the corner. It would be simple to make a stand for them out of wood or steel if you wanted.

01-08-2017, 11:06 AM
Was only 40$ for the vessel. Not to bad. I was going to make one but i wasn't sure about the free play around the sides, that's why I bought the CDL one. Should of waited untill I asked the question here.

01-08-2017, 11:12 AM
The membrane needs to stay moist, but not necessarily submerged as it will wick moisture. I built 8" ones from 10" PVC with fernco end caps. I had to buy a 20' stick of pipe unfortunately but was way cheaper than going with name brand vessels. They do stand on their own.

01-08-2017, 02:26 PM
Was only 40$ for the vessel. Not to bad. I was going to make one but i wasn't sure about the free play around the sides, that's why I bought the CDL one. Should of waited untill I asked the question here. That's a lot cheaper than the 8" ones I looked at. They were around $350 a piece. $40 is good

Dennis H.
01-08-2017, 06:37 PM
Made my storage vessels out of 4" pvc pipe a end cap glued to one end and an oatley pressure test plug on the other end. It is the one that is plastic and red in color.

01-09-2017, 05:14 AM
To store the membrane I rinse it in RO then place it in the storage canister then mix up storage fluid and pour it into canister until it's full to the top? Do you guys check on it from time to time and add fluid or once it's in it's good?

01-09-2017, 06:09 AM
I was told by a rep one time to change the solution say in October because it loses its effectiveness at preservation after 6 months or so. Most people give you a deer in the headlights look when you tell them, but thats what I was told one time.

01-17-2017, 04:39 AM
Found some schedule 4" schedule 40 PVC at work and actually had some white PVC sewer pipe left over from when I built my house. So I figured I'd build a vessel for my other membrane. My 4" membrane won't fit in either of them. Is there a thinner wall PVC? The sewer pipe seems to have thinner walls on it but it still dosnt fit the membrane.

01-17-2017, 04:58 AM
I made storage vessels out of both schedule 40 and the thinner wall green. I did have to take off the U gasket but the membranes fit in the pipe. First membranes were nf-270. Then I went to xle. Both fit.

01-17-2017, 05:20 AM
it is the gasket that won't let it slide in. I can take that off? Does it go back on easy or do I need to order a new one?

01-17-2017, 07:09 AM
The gasket will go off/on. Use something that is not sharp to get behind it to remove. Do not stretch anymore than you have to. I usually coat it from a tube of food grade grease when reinstalling. Make sure
It is oriented the same when you put it back.

maple flats
01-17-2017, 07:29 AM
I have a spare set of 4" membranes and they are stored in vessels I made out of 4" schedule 40 PVC. I store them wet, in preservative. My other set stay in the RO and they also stay in preservative. I do not drain the system.

01-18-2017, 05:22 PM
What do you use for storage solution/preservative? This is my 1st year with new-built RO. Still trying to learn details.

Dennis H.
01-19-2017, 12:19 AM
You have to watch with the brand of pvc pipe. I got one length of 4" sch 40 from one place and the membrane would not fit in. I got another length of pvc from another place it it fit just fine.
With pvc the standard is the OD not the ID.

I beveled the top inner edge of the pvc to ease the inserting and removal of the membrane.

maple flats
01-19-2017, 04:27 PM
I use Leader's preservative.
On the PVC I must have been lucky, mine fit fine. I glued a flat cap on one end and on the other end I glued a 4" female adapter and use a screw plug when filled.

01-19-2017, 06:11 PM
I was thinking of just getting a 4" to 5" threaded one end slip other end and get a 5" threaded plug. Costed me nothing so far for pipe so if I gotta buy one fitting no the end of the world.

01-20-2017, 05:35 PM
ill throw in my .02...

For a temporary holder i used a 4' long strip from my 8" wide vaccum sealer bag roll. worked great, i just sealed the bottom like 4 times and it held fine.
But then i built a 6" pvc permanent holder. pipe was $15, and bottom flat cap was about $12. i glued on the cap and then got creative for the top.... parts for a cleanout were like $25 which is crazy (female end and male cap) and might leak unless i cranked on it.

i found these on amazon and they work great. since theyre galvanized, i wanted to prevent corrosion on the inside so i just laid a piece of saran wrap over the opening before placing this into the pipe to act as a barrier. seals and holds fine...even laid down.


Dennis H.
01-20-2017, 07:02 PM
I like the vacuum bagging idea. Could use that to hold my filters between washes.

I agree about the cost for the fittings, that is why I too went with the test plugs.