View Full Version : July Journal
07-01-2016, 08:35 AM
Making some changes in the sugarhouse....more details to come.
Picking up several hundred new taps from ingrowth throughout the sugarbush. Hoping to break 5,000 taps for 2017.
Maple Man 85
07-01-2016, 04:59 PM
Started USDA loan paperwork for the building and equipment, WOW... Two hours with a person helping me from the USDA and we are still not done filing out paperwork!!! Also expanding before we even get started... The property owner adjacent to our current 80 is wanting to sell and although it isn't the best time we are in the beginning stages of acquiring another 80 acres of maple bringing our potential count up to 8,000ish.
Apparently when the maple bug bites it bites hard!!!
Maple Man 85
07-01-2016, 05:08 PM
14363Picked up my new pans from Thor yesterday
I'm super pleased so far
Everything looks top notch
Can't wait to test boil1436114361
Flat Lander Sugaring
07-01-2016, 05:26 PM
14363Picked up my new pans from Thor yesterday
I'm super pleased so far
Everything looks top notch
Can't wait to test boil1436114361
awesome they look just great, i really want t pull the trigger and do some just cant yet.
07-05-2016, 06:53 AM
nice looking pans! I almost pulled the trigger on a new 2.5x8 rig from them this year! another year or two and I will! The wife had this crazy idea to build a timber frame home this summer... guess who won that battle! needless to say, anything to do with sugaring has been put on hold for a while... including my giant pile of fire wood that needs to be stacked!
07-10-2016, 06:36 AM
Half heartedly kinda working on sugarwood,,,,the 300lbs of seed potatoes i planted are starting to yeild,,yum,,,logging,,,,going to truck home some hemlock pulp for the sugarwood mix this year....anyone want some spuds let me k ow,,i have plenty ;)
steam maker
07-28-2016, 03:57 PM
Things were going good today !!! Thinking i was doing big things !!!! Got the new maple syrup almanac in the mail and wow what a kick in the groin!!! Here i am thinking i was in the running to make the top 25 sugarmakers by tap count and wouldnt u know number 25 has 49200 taps !!! Only a mere 46000 more taps to go and ill have him beat .... Maybe if i just prebuy my new spouts for the next 15 yrs that will count !!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😢
07-29-2016, 09:43 AM
I got my sugarhouse site all cleared and to sub Grade. Hauled out 14 loads of stumps and hauled in 12 loads of fill.
Finished up my sugarhouse design so I have a materials list all made up for the sawyer who is supposed to be coming to mill out the Hemlock & Pine that I got off my sugarhouse site. Looks like it's going to take about 5500 board feet of lumber to do the job. 20x32 probably won't be big enough but I'm going to build it with 10' walls so I can put an addition on either side if need be.
Plan is to get my power and water run to the site and finish grade/ get the slab poured by Sept 1st. It's taking much longer than I hoped but time is at a premium
08-01-2016, 08:44 AM
Way behind on putting up wood, putting in new taps, changing drops and tubing repairs but oh well lots of time left right?
08-01-2016, 11:23 AM
Mike- you are behind enough that you posted in the July thread on August
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