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View Full Version : Organic "mir-acid" for sugarmakers.

05-20-2016, 07:44 PM
We have calcium rich soil which our maple trees love and the blueberries do not. On a whim we saved about 800 gallons of sap at the end of the season and let it ferment. Right now the mix is at a pH of about 4.5. We have been using it extensively in this dry spell to water our blueberries and they seem to be doing really well. It will have no long term affect on soil pH, but seems to be a very effective short term boost. We have also been using it in the greenhouse for tomato and pepper seedlings, where the results are noticeable much more quickly. Hopefully this idea can benefit someone else as well.

05-20-2016, 07:51 PM
A guy we know uses sap and sometimes even syrup to aid in growing his medicinal marijuana plants. So I've heard of it, first time by someone else. Thanks for sharing.

05-20-2016, 09:38 PM
I had to dump 10 gallons of my buddies syrup inthe garden when it went ropey, hope it helps.