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View Full Version : Could this frame work?

red dorakeen
05-01-2016, 08:10 AM
So, my last trip to the dump netted me this angle iron frame. I think 3/16 2inch welded. 18 inches wide 4 feet long and 2 feet tall. Of course I had to to grab it. I can easily add enough of an extension for a stack and end up with 1.5’ by 4’ arch. I would have to build up some towards the back to get a true arch and firebrick it.


My questions.

Is this frame suitable for an arch? Any way of telling if it would hold up?

What gauge sheet metal would I need? I would have to bolt or screw it together.

My goals require at least 10 to 12 GPH evaporation. Will I possibly be able to achieve that from this starting point?

Maple Monk
05-18-2016, 09:32 PM

I'm new to this too and just built an evaporator using 5 steam table pans in a line, essentially a 20"x68" assembly, held in with an angle iron frame. It worked, but I had issues with warping; however my metal was directly exposed to the flame in places. If you brick and insulate, I think you'd be fine, but I'm not sure about the topside. Also looks a bit small at 18" wide...if you figure 2 1/4" thickness for full size brick, with an inch of archboard behind that, that's 6 1/2 inches in making your firebox less than a foot wide. You might have better luck if you turn it on its side and use the 2x4 as your topside. Then bolt or have welded a 12" tall frame beneath for the ash-box and put legs on back.

My noobie 2 cents.

-Maple Monk

31 taps
Homemade "buffet table" evaporator.
Made 6 gallons this season.

maple maniac65
05-19-2016, 05:55 AM
I would beef up the rails that support your pan with 1/4.

05-19-2016, 06:21 PM
Yea I would make it the 2x 4 way. I don't know where you are in the Hudson Valley but there is a place in Port Jervis that sells the high temp blanket at a good price and you can get the fire brick at the block place in Wappingers Falls Momfort block ? maybe that's not the name. But it's right in town . I also got plate steel for the front and for my door from Newburgh Steel on 9W in Middlehope ask for "drops" scrap ends its cheaper. Search the web for Davie Jones home made arch plans that's what I went by. It started with a frame like you have. let me know if you want the name of the place in Port and I will get it for you.

05-20-2016, 06:46 AM
search the web for " davy jones arch on sketch up". all the plans are there easy to follow.

red dorakeen
05-20-2016, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the input everyone.

Thank you George for the great info for supplies. They're not too far from my neck of the woods.

05-24-2016, 09:43 AM
I would make it a true 2x4. 2' pans are lil easier to come by. When I purchased my first pan it was a continuous from smoky lake. Since I've put a flue pan behind that.

red dorakeen
01-23-2017, 04:28 AM
Sooooo... I finally finished modifying that frame.

I cut it in half to widen it. Bolted on additional rails and structure for the firebox and ramp.

I don't own welding equipment so I had to do a lot of drilling and bolting. The local metal supplier treated me real well for scrap so the investment was mostly time until it came to insulation and firebrick.


Everything below the grates is concrete block.

The really big investment was a 2x4 divided pan from Smokey Lake.

I bolted an old two drawer file cabinet to the back for the stovepipe and to have a place to set a steam table pan on for a feeder. I added a valve to the feeder pan. I hope the file cabinet makes it thru the season. I'll make something better for the backend next year.

Tried the new rig out yesterday and it worked fine. I'm anxious to see how it holds up.

Haynes Forest Products
01-23-2017, 08:47 AM
How will you regulate air into the combustion chamber? Having the fire door open will cause cool air to blow the hot gasses away from the finish pan area. Nice looking build gives it that steam Locomotive look.

red dorakeen
01-23-2017, 09:04 AM
Block surrounds the ash pit area. The steel at the back and sides of the firebox sits on the block. The only open area to the firebox is the front below the grate. I adjust the draft there with bricks.

(The picture isn't of the actual installation.)