View Full Version : can I take maple syrup across from Canada to USA or do I need a special permit

04-29-2016, 07:21 PM
I want to take some of my syrup across the border. Maybe 10 gallons or so and wonder if that is breaking any laws or do I need permit or something?
I have lots of friend over there ;)

Cedar Eater
04-29-2016, 09:10 PM
I want to take some of my syrup across the border. Maybe 10 gallons or so and wonder if that is breaking any laws or do I need permit or something?
I have lots of friend over there ;)

With a quantity that large, they may think you are trying to sell it and that might cause some kind of paperwork or licensing to be invoked. But there is an exemption for personal use for syrup that is commercially packed. Giving it to friends may qualify as a personal use. "As a general rule, condiments, vinegars, oils, packaged spices, honey, maple syrup, coffee, fish, tea, and baby formula are admissible." (https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers/detail/a_id/1273/~/food--bring-personal-use-food-into-the-u.s.-from-canada)

Cedar Eater
04-29-2016, 09:34 PM
If they think it is being imported for commercial purposes, there is paperwork that could make it importable. The FDA has a prior notification system for registered food producers. You would have to register with the FDA and then notify them of the day and port of entry in advance.

05-03-2016, 08:41 AM
"That'd bootlegging son!" From the infamous Jerry Reed....
Sorry I had to..