View Full Version : Small Bros. 3 x 10 wood fired

04-26-2016, 10:17 AM
I have the opp. to purchase a 25 year old small bros. 3x10 wood fired evap with stainless pans. Looks in great condition with 2 seasons of use in its life. Does anyone know a good value for this arch and it a good worker. Thanks in advance

Bucket Head
04-26-2016, 11:44 AM
It sounds like its a nice rig. I'm sure it'll work fine and have a decent evaporation rate. The problem with determining a value for it is the probability of leaded solder. Any decals on it saying "lead-free solder"?
Bruce Bascom himself told me its getting harder to move the older equipment with the concerns about lead. Are you making syrup for just yourself or are you planning on selling it? If long range syrup making and sales is the plan you might want to politely pass on it, as hard as that might be to do considering the nice condition of it.


04-26-2016, 12:29 PM
I have a small brothers 3x12 evaporator on the syrup pan it says small brothers lightning evaporator lead free solder. We bought it used in 2012 for 7k. They work great i think anything post 1993 small brother pans were lead free solder

04-26-2016, 05:41 PM
I would test the solder. And walk away from lead solder. I would not pay much for lead free soldered pans. Can you get pictures of arch?