View Full Version : new line;new trees. 3/16th??

Bentley Wood Maple
04-17-2016, 12:19 PM
Adding taps next year. About900 ft 3/4 black mainline to pick up about 200 taps. Is this the place to try the new3/16th lines and fittings? Or is more trouble than benifit having to deal with2 sizes off fittings and lines? Probably have enough materials on hand to run all new stuff w/ 5/16th fittings

04-17-2016, 03:19 PM
If you have the slope, nothing beats free vac.

maple flats
04-17-2016, 03:35 PM
What is the elevation drop from the highest trees to where you would run the main line? Realize that 3/16 can go several hundred feet, as long as there is slope, while 5/16 should be 100' or less. Gravity works for free and it never breaks down, it never needs to be repaired.

04-17-2016, 04:44 PM
If you have the slope I would go with the 3/16.I would price the difference between black mainline and the blue.Black stuff heats up quicker and doesn't stay as straight when the sun hits it,we used both and don't care for it.I think with the blue mainline you get better quality sap and it stays cooler.