View Full Version : Ro sizes

04-15-2016, 07:41 PM
What's the average cost of both a 300gph and 600gph ro?

04-15-2016, 10:22 PM
Way too many options. Tell us more about what you're looking for. About your operation and what sugar content you want to go to.

04-16-2016, 07:54 AM
Right now im about 1,100 taps with a 3x10 grimm lighting arch with preheater. I would like to be 5-6,000 in 5 years

04-16-2016, 07:58 AM
I would suggest going to the MES site and read up on system information that they have there. Very good info.

What waim said is right you can run a system in series, parallel, or both, are you batching or looking for a one pass system.
Do you want a system that is simple or design for maximum cleaning efficiency to have your membranes last longer.
Auto run or are you going to babysit it while it is running.

The options are truly endless if you figure in wash tanks and valve options.


04-16-2016, 09:47 AM
In my opinion you need at least a 600. I have an older machine that is rated 900 and boil 18% on a 3x12 with preheater. 1850 taps. I have not boiled over 3 hours on my best day this year. I need short boils times to make everything work. So another thing you need to consider is how long you have to boil each day. Depending on how soon/fast you e land I would think about a 2 post expandable.

04-18-2016, 01:24 PM
I totally agree with wiam! If you size your unit right you make high sugar and boil less hours. Let the RO be the work horse.

I blew a end cap and it took all day to boil off the sap. Where usually it is only 4-5 hours.

Next season will be more membranes for our Memtek to get higher capacity and higher sugar levels from each pass. I currently batch off enough to get the rig running for an hour and try to do a batch an hour. If I am on the road then the RO batches the collection tank until I get back or somebody sends enough to the batch tank to fire the rig. Next season all the boys will be at college and I need more RO capacity...thus the change.