View Full Version : Maple Cream/Butter with medium syrup?

04-08-2016, 11:10 AM
I usually make our Maple Cream with the lightest syrup early in the season.

I did not make enough and want to make more. Can I use medium/amber syrup for Maple Cream ?

Is there anything different I need to do, cook temp, cooling method etc.?


04-08-2016, 01:18 PM
Check invert sugar and adjust the temperature accordingly. Invert can be tested with a glucose meter. We have done it before.

04-08-2016, 03:55 PM
Do as doocat said. So long as your inverts are low enough you can make cream out of dark syrup if you want. I have made cream out of dark syrup before and p
Sold it side by side with our normal cream made from light syrup. I would estimate that over half of my customers at that show actually preferred the cream made from dark.