View Full Version : Watch your wood!

03-15-2007, 04:31 PM
I just talked to a neighbor of mine who lives just to the East of me here in NE Ohio and when he went in to the back of his sugarhouse he found half of his wood had been stolen over the winter. With fuel oil prices up I guess we all need to be more alert. We had a big run on Mon. I never have had the seperator release every 4 minutes. I figure that is 80 gal/hr. for 400 taps and it kept up all day. We boiled four days straight and made over 50 gal. on just that run. Hope all is going well in other areas!

03-15-2007, 05:03 PM
Many years ago I had a situation where a truck backed up to my sugarhouse door during the night. My father heard the truck, woke up and turned the lights on in the house and the truck took off.
My sugarhouse is accross the road from my parents house about 250 feet away. Nothing was taken but I started locking it up ever since then. I know that if someone wants to get in they will find a way but atleast in my case they can't just walk in and look like they are suppose to be there.

03-15-2007, 05:56 PM
You had a good run on Monday? Wow, I'm in central OH and it was terrible. Sat was good and Sunday was just ok. By Monday the trees had mostly shutdown. Glad the weather was working for you up there. Hopefully it will start working in our favor again this weekend down here.


03-15-2007, 07:44 PM
Are you running vacuum? I know it made the differance for me the past couple of days when it got real warm.

You had a good run on Monday? Wow, I'm in central OH and it was terrible. Sat was good and Sunday was just ok. By Monday the trees had mostly shutdown. Glad the weather was working for you up there. Hopefully it will start working in our favor again this weekend down here.


03-15-2007, 07:49 PM
Nope, no vacuum. The trees didn't even drip after noon on Monday. Maybe they would have it we had vacuum :)
