View Full Version : You know you're a Maple Zombie when....

03-31-2016, 06:53 PM
That's right, though now a Maple Addict here I don't think - or used to not think - that there could possibly be ANYTHING more maple-obsessed than an addict, right?

Wrong. I've now decided to come up with an uber-Addict category....hopefully site admin will humour me...Maple Zombie! And it does make sense cause in Haiti, a lot of zombies were used to work the sugarcane fields. Lots of hard backbreaking work with mind-numbing hours, yet each year we look forward to doing it yet ago...

So to start things off, you know you're a Maple Zombie when:

1) This is the first and probably only site you check first during the season;
2) For the last two years you cursed the polar vortex cause it was holding up the run. This year, you're begging it to come and freeze up the sap tsunami;
3) You stay up til 2:30 am finishing off a batch of syrup, fall asleep around 3 am, wake up at 7, put in a full day at work, come home to overflowing buckets, fire up the burners and stay up til 2:30 again. And again. And again. Cause someone has to make a dent in the vast amounts you collected two days ago, not to mention what you collected yesterday and today. And finally:
4) Despite the sap tsunami, aching back etc you still visit your local maple syrup supply store to get more supplies.

Ok everyone, go for it!

Cedar Eater
03-31-2016, 07:23 PM
You've passed your primary goal and your "No way I'll ever make this much goal" all with low sugar sap and you're still boiling because the sap is still coming and you don't even have time to pull taps.

Michael Greer
03-31-2016, 07:54 PM
After five, thirteen-hour days in a row I finally caught up with the sap, and had time today to think about where the next 50 or 100 taps will go next year. I showed my son a place just a block away that might have trees for 150 more!!