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View Full Version : How long to draw off?

03-15-2007, 02:11 PM
I'm still learning.

In the past I have drawn of early and finished to syrup on a propane stove. This year I want to bring it closer to syrup in the evaporator. What temperature to you draw off at and what is the temp. when you stop the draw.

Last night I was drawing off at 119 and stopping the draw at 117. Hydrometer was a couple lines short of syrup. I did notice that after the draw the sap by the drawoff valve would drop to 115 or 116 before it began to go back up.

I was drawing off about a gallon on a 30x8. Do you draw off smaller amounts more frequently? Is one way more efficient?

03-15-2007, 02:21 PM
try to get an idea each day at what temp. you reach syrup according to your hydrometer. Also a good way to determine the syrup temp. is to first boil water and check the temp. and then go about 7 deg above that for syrup.
When you draw off try not to start your draw 1 deg over syrup and then draw to 1 deg under, or just try 1/2 over and 1/2 deg under. If you where using an automatic it would only draw for 1 or 2 tenths of a deg. but that isn't possible to do manually. Just remember a couple deg over isn 't any real problem you can always thin it out with water or thinner syrup.

03-15-2007, 04:29 PM
I agree with maplehoundjust play with it and will become easier with time.

03-15-2007, 08:57 PM
I have drawn off twice so far with my new flue pan and both times where a very stressfull time for me. That being said the second was much better than the first.

03-16-2007, 04:06 AM
I have learned to watch my bubbles in the rig.You will notice that the bubbles are nice and tight when its syrup, I check my apron and thermometer, as I drawoff you can watch the bubbles that are tight move torward your drawoff valve, You can tell that the syrup is out when they are almost gone from your draw off box. Thats just my way and its always been within a point or two.