View Full Version : We're attracting attention

03-30-2016, 09:31 AM
It looks like the growing number of backyard producers is getting some attention:


I'm actually glad that more people are getting into it. I think it's a natural extension to gardening or other outdoor activities that people do. I also think the availability of equipment at places like local hardware stores helps. What interesting is that the U.S. produces less syrup now than we did in the 1800s when equipment and collection practices were a lot harder and less efficient than we have now. Canada produces way more now but it wasn't always like that.

03-30-2016, 09:42 AM
Americans, as a whole, used to do a lot more for themselves! It is a good thing to see the increase in home syrup makers, canners, gardeners, and bee keepers! That is where real food security is!

Russell Lampron
03-30-2016, 06:48 PM
Back in the 1800's there were a lot more farmers and farms in the US. The first crop of the year for those farmers was maple syrup. When the US became industrialized most of those farmers went to work for someone else and the maple production suffered because of it.