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View Full Version : Orangish Boil

03-28-2016, 11:35 AM
I boil on a 2' x 5' flat pan and made about 10 gallons of syrup the other night. As I started to get real close to syrup I had a hard rolling foamy boil in one small part of the pan - the rest was bubbling hard and boiling. The foamy boil was very orange in color. I've never seen that before. The syrup tasted fine - just not sure about the color. It's a new woods that has never been tapped.

Any ideas? Should I be concerned?

03-29-2016, 06:57 PM
Has no one seen this before?

03-29-2016, 07:14 PM
Sounds like maybe you have a spot where the niter/sugar sand is building up on the bottom of your pan. That can give you a foamy boil, perhaps colorful even.

03-29-2016, 07:31 PM
I boil on a 2' x 5' flat pan and made about 10 gallons of syrup the other night. As I started to get real close to syrup I had a hard rolling foamy boil in one small part of the pan - the rest was bubbling hard and boiling. The foamy boil was very orange in color. I've never seen that before. The syrup tasted fine - just not sure about the color. It's a new woods that has never been tapped.

Any ideas? Should I be concerned?

couple things come to mind so I will ask.
You made 10 gallons of syrup at one time on a 2 x 5 flat pan? Thats 430 gallons of good sap needed to make that at 2% sugar content right?
Ok I have no idea why the boil was orange? Maybe the pan was scorching as mentioned? But I doubt that because to make 10 gallons in that pan it would have had to be a least a couple inches deep? I have been making syrup 50 years and I guess I have never seen orange syrup boiling. Did you get a picture? What did the sap look like like that you started with?
How long did it take you to make the 10 gallons? My guess is you evaporation rate is about 10 GPH That would mean 43 hours of boiling??
Maybe I am missing something? Or maybe we need some more information?
Have fun. The hobby can be addicting. Lots of folks on here maybe someone will come along and solve your mystery of the orange boil?
Now I have seen orange colored sap directly at the tree (bucket) due to warm weather.