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View Full Version : Converting Cholette Valve

03-28-2016, 02:55 AM
Been having lots of problem with scale coming out of the pan at startup and jamming my marcland valve. I have an old Cholette valve sitting here that never did this back in the day. There are two sets of wires coming out of the cholette. I know I need a 12 volt to DC/AC converter, but which set of wires would I put it on? Or would you need two converter cords, one to plug into the marcland controller and one to a wall outlet? Any help would be appreciated.

03-28-2016, 07:03 AM
The Marcland unit uses 120 volt AC to control the valve.
If your other valve is 12 volt, you would need to plug the converter into the 120 output of the Marcland. Then when the Marcland control box switches ON to draw, it will power up the converter, which will activate your valve.
About the 2 pair of wires....I'm guessing you might have a power open and a power closed valve. If that is the case, you will need to get creative with a relay, because you'll need power both ways, unlike the Marcland valve, which simply drops closed from gravity when power is removed.
Theres probably hundreds of folks on here that are smarter with electricity than me. If any fail to chime in, PM me and maybe? I can help.

03-28-2016, 09:31 AM
The old cholette valve was powered from a 12 volt battery, (that is one set of wires). The other set of wires went to the terminals of a control knob (box) which sat on top of the pan with a temp probe sitting in the pan. Both sets of wires led to the top of the solenoid valve. The old valve had a toggle switch for open/close, in case you wanted to manually draw.