View Full Version : Sap or water to thin overly dense syrup

03-25-2016, 01:45 PM
Hey all - Long story short: The stuff I bottled last night was way too dense.

I need to thin and re-bottle it.

I've searched and read threads here - and most folks seem to advocate for using hot sap to thin.

Is there a specific advantage to this over using water?

Also - if anyone has any guidance or pointers I would appreciate it, it's the first time I have had to try to do this


03-25-2016, 02:03 PM
I do it regularly. it's nice to use fresh sap, however I don't always have fresh sap. I've used water and haven't had any issues... as long as you get it up to the right temp. one pointer... add just a little at a time... may take a few times to get it right, but it's better to be heavy, then light and need to boil it again, then filter, then etc...

03-25-2016, 02:13 PM
Water is fine. Don't quote me on this, but I believe I remember a ratio of 1/3 cup water per gallon per 1 brix.

maple flats
03-25-2016, 06:47 PM
If I have fresh sap I use that, if not I use permeate. If I don't have permeate I use Distilled water, but according to the North American Maple Producer's Manual you can simply use potable water. I thinned a batch tonight and used permeate. I never measured how much, I just add some, stir well and retest. Then based on how much that changed it I add more accordingly until it is right. As I get close I use less and less, and when I get to within .2% I quit. If I add even .1 too much, I add heat to get rid of the extra.
I need to get better used to my auto draw off so I have less or better no adjusting necessary.

03-30-2016, 03:51 PM
Thanks everyone- the stuff i poured out of bottles and back on the stove was 69-70 brix cold by hydrometer Would you guys have thinned that? Im worried about it crystallizing easily down the road.

Thanks- Jim

03-30-2016, 04:35 PM
Thanks everyone- the stuff i poured out of bottles and back on the stove was 69-70 brix cold by hydrometer Would you guys have thinned that? Im worried about it crystallizing easily down the road.

Thanks- Jim
69 to 70 on a cold test is very heavy, yes you did right to thin it. 69-70 on a hot test is right where I like mine.

03-30-2016, 05:51 PM
If you have access to the tables in the Maple Producers Manual that is your best bet. I have found those to be incredibly accurate. I do the math on how many ounces of water to add and it's right on every time.


03-30-2016, 06:20 PM
thanks all- what a resource this site is for a novice!

I added exactly 1/3 of a cup per gallon (per brix that I was heavy) of fresh sap brought to a boil to the syrup that i poured back from the bottles all in one pot

Brought that up to 184 degrees and re- bottled it running it through just some paper filters.

Density was just 1 -1.5 brix heavy of the hot syrup line at 184.... so I'm imagining it diluted out just about perfectly!

03-30-2016, 08:24 PM
update- tested it cooled to 60.2 degrees - dead on the red line wow

RC Maple
03-31-2016, 07:52 AM
I do like to use the tables in the manual too. My syrup though is in a big pot and I don't know for sure how much is in it so the tables are just a guide. I do use sap sometimes when I have it close and don't have to run outside to get it. Otherwise, I use tap water. I always draw off a little heavy and thin after the syrup sits overnight and gets to 60-65 degrees. I may do it several times, but I add just a little at a time - don't want to have to boil again. I then stir and recheck until it is where it should be for syrup.