View Full Version : Need pump seal

03-24-2016, 03:35 PM
I'm trying to find a replacement pump seal for the pump I use to get my sap to the sugar house. It is a modified vacuum tank washer (looks just like an electric dairy releaser pump) that has the name Universal on the unit. Don't know the name for the specific pump head but the local dairy dealers can't find a replacement for me. It looks like and is sized like the attached pic. Any suggestions on where to get one of these? 13977

maple flats
03-25-2016, 07:15 AM
Try Hamby Dairy Supply, does the pump look like the one in this link? http://hambydairysupply.com/xcart/product.php?productid=651&cat=363&page=1 Here's another possibility http://www.partsdeptonline.com/SURGE-MILK-PUMP-SEAL-OLD-STYLE/productinfo/62990-3/
If neither of those are right, just keep googling the part by using different wording. I have used Hamby several times, the other one came up when I Googled " "Universal Dairy Pump" and then I picked the partsonline choice and in that company I searched "seal for universal pump". Just keep trying til you find it. The seal may actually be used in other pumps too, so don't lock in on just Universal, but go for the looks and some measurements. You may need to contact the vendor for some of that info.