View Full Version : Springtech 300 leak

village idiot
03-24-2016, 07:37 AM
Hi all,

My first season with a used Springtech 300. It has been wonderful (just like everyone said it makes boiling fun again). I've started spinning down a huge backlog of sap and I just noticed that the high pressure pump has developed a small leak. What tastes like sweet is slowly dripping from the flange where the motor is bolted to the pump housing. I am running at about 300 psi. I'm thinking (hoping really) it is just a cracked O-ring or something, but I've never had this thing apart so it could be anything. I'm sure if I call leader they will tell me to take it off and send it to them, but I was hoping I could do this myself. My questions are: 1) is this a big deal? Should I stop the process now and sort out, or can I just run it till the end of the season and sort it out then. 2) Is there anything special about taking the motor off of the pump to find out what is going on? 3) Any other advice????


03-24-2016, 11:32 AM
I have a springtech 300 as well. I have the same leak. I've run about 23000 gallons of sap through it this season and not seen to much of a increase in the leak. Some days its there some days its dry. Been like this for two years. Three years back we had the high pressure pump rebuilt because we had a bearing that was going on the machine. Ran fine for a year, then it started leaking. It probably is an O ring but I don't want to open the thing up and not have the right stuff or torque it back wrong and do more damage. Good luck hope you figure something easy out!