View Full Version : Selling in NY

03-23-2016, 06:34 PM
Hello all- I started by tapping one tree last year, and made about 12oz of syrup. This year I'm up to 8 taps and already have 20 gallons of sap, with a lot more coming in. My wife works in Vermont, and several of her coworkers are interested in buying some of my syrup (they think it's somehow more natural because I made it). I would like to start a business, so I can covert an unused room in my house and make it a tax deduction. I also want to sell taps/tubing kits online.

Grading- I have no clue how to grade. Is there a 'generic' grade? I combine all of my sap/syrup into one batch. This is a very very small operation so it wouldn't make any sense for me to buy a grading kit.

Rules- is there any other rules for selling besides name/address and grade? Do I need to register or get licensed? Is insurance needed?

Any help that can be provided is appreciated. Again, I'm making such a small amount that even a $40 fee would completely put me in the negative.

04-03-2016, 09:25 AM
Hope you found some answers to your questions. For grading, you really need to compare your syrup to a standard sample. Best bet is to find a local producer, take a sample to them, and ask them to check it for you. Parker's is a real big operation in your area.

I don't think you have to worry about rules outside of having your name, address, and grade on your container (along with the statement that it is pure maple syrup).

04-03-2016, 12:01 PM
You better check with the dept. Of ag. Things have really changed. Also. An accountant. You can't just get a deduction. Very complicated. You must also be able to make a profit. You need a business license. You need food grade equipment and you must grade your syrup. Better check all this first. Don't forget liability insurance as this is a food product.

04-03-2016, 04:49 PM
Matt, check with a local hardware store....alot of them like Aubuchons and Tractor Supply are selling sugaring equipment now and have the grading kits as well.....if not check around to the local producers around there, they might be able to tell you were to get one......

on taxes, you can take a deduction as a hobby, but only to the amount you braught in......so if you made $500 in sales, you can only deduct $500 on taxes......to go into full business and be able to deduct more, there are some forms to file with the county (DBA)

as for showing profit, you usually have 3-5 years before you have to show a profit and still claim deductions