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View Full Version : Smelly sap

03-23-2016, 09:04 AM
We got almost 500 gallons of sap between yesterday and overnight. As we were boiling last night I noticed that the incoming sap into the flue pan float box had an almost alcohol fermented smell to it. The steam from the boiling sap smells fine but I'm concerned that the sap is bad. Should I quit boiling or will it be okay?

Burnt sap
03-23-2016, 10:07 AM
Try and boil it down to syrup and taste it. If it tastes good nothing lost if it's bad only thing lost is time. I have boiled down sap I thought was bad only to make really nice medium syrup.

03-24-2016, 09:02 AM
yarr thats a rough description.... I agree with burt sap, its probably fine. I too have boiled questionable sap to make great syrup.