View Full Version : Storing RO Membrane

03-23-2016, 08:49 AM
The best way to store the membrane is to remove it from the unit after it has been washed and rinsed and put it in a membrane holder in preservative solution. You can make a good holder out of pvc pipe with an end cap and a screw out clean out on the other end. The preservative is a 1% solution of water and sodium metabisulfite. This is a preservative used in the wine making process. A 1% solution is 6.6 ounces of sodium metabisulfite in 5 gallons of water. Just use the same ratio to make more or less so 10 gallons of solution would use 13.2 ounces. You can purchase sodium metabisulfite from Duda Diesel. http://www.dudadiesel.com/ . I also purchase Red Devil Lye and citric acid for cleaning membranes from them.

Urban Sugarmaker
03-23-2016, 09:05 AM
Thank you for this helpful post.

01-11-2017, 11:43 PM
Glad I found this thread! I am fixing up an older RO unit and have been looking for the chemicals to use because i am too cheap to buy from dealers. Thanks for sharing the info. Do you ever put Glycerin in your storage solution? What about buffers in the sodium hydroxide and the citric acid or HCl? I found the following helpful info about concentrations for desired solutions with buffers http://delloyd.50megs.com/moreinfo/buffers2.html. My concern was what about any side reactions with the buffers and the membrane. Being that you are in the chemical industry thought you might have some insight.

Nice to see you are from Marysville! I am from Bellefontaine. You may have bought produce from my farm. We set up a trailer at the burgerking on 36. Thanks