View Full Version : Dose'nt get any worse than this!

03-21-2016, 03:18 PM
My new ro I bought from Ray this fall,worked great. I managed to have some health issues for the past 5 days and was to sick to go cheek it in the heated building that I made for it. so today I went up and found it frozen. My son went up Friday and it was going and I just couldn't make it myself until today. I called ray but had to leave a message. Don't know when he will call me. Need a new low preasure pump and membraines. I think that's all.:cry:

maple flats
03-21-2016, 06:17 PM
Ouch, did it burst the canisters or just ruin the membranes? That pump is easy, It's available from Northern Equipment, but Ray sells it cheaper even though he buys them from Northern. Did it trash the whole pump or just split the face housing? You can get just the housing if that's all you need. What about the high pressure pump, any indication there?

03-21-2016, 06:39 PM
No flats, it didn't hurt the high preasure pump. just the feed pump housing. Ray called me back and he is on his way to Vermont tomorrow and he goes right threw Malone so hes bringing me 2 membrains and a pump housingand a check valve. And the pre filter cover burst. Other than that, I don't know.

03-21-2016, 11:48 PM
that sucks....good to hear you are feeling better though

04-01-2016, 01:28 PM
Well,been using the RO and nothing is wrong. Flats was right I will never boil raw sap again.Sunday we got 1200 gal of sap and we were home at 7 pm enjoying Easter dinner. ya got to love that. It was bad but could have been worse.