View Full Version : Pan Manufacturers

03-19-2016, 09:13 PM
Im looking for someone to make me a new 2x4 continuous flow pan with a float box/float. Any ideas of who manufacturers them or if there are any good Amish manufacturers that are cheap? Im a college student that runs a sugar making club in Maine and we have a very small budget. Follow the link to see what I want.


03-20-2016, 05:24 AM
Get the smoky lake pan. With the float box option. I just got a Patrick Phaneuf 2x5 this year. It works real good but I had to jimmy rig a couple things on it to get it going. Thermometer probe was way to high and not on angle, and float box inlet to pan is sloped back to float box. So I had to bend the mounts and fab a bracket to weld to arch to hold it. I'm sure the smoky lake pans don't have that problem. But if you want a good deal and bang for your buck and can wait till next February to get your pan call Patrick. His prices are in Canadian $$.

maple flats
03-20-2016, 06:20 AM
Smokey Lake or Thor (Quebec) are good. Right now with the weak Canadian dollar, thor may be cheaper. Buy it in Canadian dollars and then send a money order or charge it with the exchange rate. Don't let them take the same price in US dollars. A few days ago, a Canadian $ was only worth $.76 US.

03-20-2016, 09:48 AM
... if there are any good Amish manufacturers that are cheap?
I got my evaporator from an Amish company called Sunrise Metal Shop. They do top-notch work and may be a little cheaper than your link. Another Amish company people mention are A&A, I recall that they solder pans instead of tig weld so they may be even cheaper still (but I don't know their stuff).

03-20-2016, 10:55 AM
Check www.wfmasonwelding.com He is in Maine and makes maple equipment. Does good work and very reasonably priced.

03-20-2016, 02:23 PM
We went to Bill Mason in. Maine to pick up our 2x4 xl. Very good price and excellent workmanship. Made 50 gallons on it this year. Check his website