View Full Version : Can anyone suggest a simple way to jump a trail with a single 3/16 tubing run?

03-15-2016, 08:50 AM
Here is my situation. I ran an experimental 3/16 line in 2015 and it was awesome. The collection location was a bit remote so I want to relocate it next year but I would need to go over a trail that is ˝ way down the slope with plenty of trees on both sides to tap. Ideally I would be jumping the trail with one lateral line, continuing the lateral line down the other side. Can anyone suggest something simple for jumping a trail with a single 3/16 tubing run? I am thinking that a sap ladder would probably be overkill, though on the upside of the trail I could feed 2 or more 3/16 tubing lines in a short mainline that a ladder could then “restrict”. I did a search on the subject of 3/16 sap ladders and concluded that as of this year the topic is still in the “pioneering” stage, some saying “good luck” but don’t expect good results, some saying go for it.

Cedar Eater
03-15-2016, 10:17 AM
I have no experience with 5/16" laterals and this is my first year using 3/16" natural vacuum, but it seems to me that the 3/16 can tolerate significant sag and easily overcome the subsequent climb as long as there is enough drop prior to and after the peak, so I would just route it with no taps initially and test it with a bucket of water at the top and some suction at the bottom until it starts to siphon.

03-15-2016, 10:53 AM
What travels on the trail and how frequently? We have multiple 5/16" lines that cross logging trails that we travel on with the ATV every once in a while. We just slow down and lift the line over our head as we pass through. We also have about 100 taps that we lift with a sap ladder because we need to get through there with the tractor multiple times a day.

Cedar Eater
03-15-2016, 11:03 AM
What travels on the trail and how frequently? We have multiple 5/16" lines that cross logging trails that we travel on with the ATV every once in a while. We just slow down and lift the line over our head as we pass through. We also have about 100 taps that we lift with a sap ladder because we need to get through there with the tractor multiple times a day.

I keep a forked stick on my tractor that I use to reach out and lift my 3/16 lines over the exhaust stack. I can then use my hand to lift the line over the ROPS. It would be more difficult if I had a FOPS, but I think I could still make it work. The other alternative would be to route the tubing down and through some 1/2" pvc pipe. Then you can just run over it. It can take some pretty heavy traffic.

03-15-2016, 12:01 PM
We have 5/16 lines that we just lift up with a forked stick when we go under with the 4wheeler. On one of my experimental 3/16", I just ran it up a tree, over a branch, and then down a tree on the other side of our logging road because there's enough drop after it. That line runs great - sap flows up and over without issue.

03-15-2016, 12:13 PM
In my old sugar Bush I had before the parting of ways me crossed a trail the cut down a hill side the trail had to stay open it was path to gathering tank we went on the low side of the trail found a tree close to trail put a main line 8 feet high in that tree an ran it flat to over trail into the high side of the hill side and tied the branch lines into that but there was a few trees on the high side of trail that where below the mainline we just hung buckets on them this hard describe hope you get what I talking about

03-15-2016, 12:17 PM
Good suggestions so far. It is a cross country ski trail that sees a fair amount of use (though not this year!). Would have to be quick with the ski pole to lift the tubing skiing down the trail! It is good to see confirmation that draping a 3/16 can work. So maybe drape it up and over the trail or run it through some plastic piping at ground level as suggested and then drape it up to the first tap on the other side. good thoughts and appreciated. I hope someone reads this and can chime in with some recent 3/16 sap ladder stories (good or bad!)

03-15-2016, 03:08 PM
I have a 3/4 main line on slope and it cross 's a private trail gator traffic and skidsteer drive right over top

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maple flats
03-15-2016, 08:05 PM
After watching the sap flow on a 3/16 line a week ago, where a tree had fallen onto it, I say, just let it climb up and over (no need for a ladder, just slope it up, across and then down). As long as you have decent fall after the up and over you will still be good.
On my line where a tree brought a line to the ground, I watched the flow, it wend down under the log and climbed back up to the next tap. It still had great flow since it had good drop after that.
Unlike 5/16, the 3/16 doesn't seem to care if there is a constant slope, as long as you have good drop at the end. It is amazing to watch.